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ïü err is human, but vou make ro mistake if yon use Dr. JoneA' lied Clovor Tonlc, lor dyspepsia, costivencss, bad breath. piles, pimples, agüe und malaria, poor appetite, low spirits, or diseasesol' the tudneys, ttomach aud liver. 50 cent. The remark is tlmelv that there are froro two to three lauds m wa'ch everv lionr, nih' and day. II Ip-f ocketa for lap-dogs'are the latest lnuovatlon in ladlea' dressc?. Best, easieït to use and cueapest.u Plso's Rcineuy ior Catanh. By drujCK'st?. 50. Constipa! io:i is positlvoly cured by Carters Little Liver luis. f ot by purglng and weakenine; the bowels, but by regnlating and stn ngtbenln; tbcm. TbJa fi done by Improring dlgi stion and etlmulatin tne Uver to tlü' i ropet secret on of bile, when tb - b wil1 ] cr.iirm their customary functlon? in an ':isv aud natu al marnier. Purgativa pills must bc avolded. Ask ior Carter" s Little Liver Puls. Pr:.-'J.1cc:its. If afflicteJ H'ilb re Eyes, use Dr. Isaac Thomps u's I'.vc Water. Dfuists sell it. :J.V. BRO WnIT RON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTIÓN U1L1OUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATICN MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS riRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK & SIDF.S IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM -NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed Red lincs on wraporr. TAf NO OTWRR. MALT BITTERS, If you wish a certatn etire fnr all Blooa dlseases. Kothing was ever invented that wili cleanso the Blood and purify the System equal to Hops and 31 A. 1.1' Bitters. It tonen up the Syntem, puts new Blood in youi veins, restores yoiu' lot nppetlte oud ■leep, and brinjrs you perfect hoaltlt. It never faila to gïve relief in all cfises of Klilnej or Liver Troubles, Blüousncti, IndlCestïorij Constipation, Kick HeadachAS, Ily pepsla, Nervous disorders, and all fcmale ('iimpiaiiiU ; when properly taken it is a sur cure. % Thousands have Deen beneflted by it in th'.a and other Western States. It is tlie best Combination of Vegetablo remedien ar yet discovered for the restoration to health of the TVeak and Debllltated. Do ot get Eïopi and IflAIiX Bitters confoundeí with inferior preparations of similar name, I prescribí Hops & Halt Bitters regularly in my practica, Robert Turner, M. D., Flat Koek, Mich. For sal by all druggists. HOPS & MALT BITTERS CO, Detroit, Mica ELY'S CATABRH CREAHLBALM&SSh Clean. e. t h , WfijjttAM BWd Heals tho Sons.K.AYltVtH Restores the Ba '■v (Hl Senses of Tstl'BSiK' flKB Smell, Hearing Bi!! I'osltlvo Cure. HVl "Jr EV Ei R[ A partiële is npplied into each nostrll nnd Is aereo nble lo use. Prlce &0 ets. bv inail or at dmgKista, 8nd t"i' .ircular. ELY B'UOTIIERS, Truj,'gista. QwegO, N. '. MOPSY TREATED FEEE. DR. H. H, GREEN, A Specialist for Eleven Vears Fatt, Has treated Uropsy aatl lts eompllcttlona wirh tha most won'lcrful auccess; uies vfgetabla remejies. cmirtily harnilesi. Itemovos all symptoms of drop3j !ü elghttüiwe-ity (iay.H. Cure patíenti pronounccd hopelesa by the oestol phyali-Ia'ia. rrom iho first dosp th; ynipioms rapl'llr disap fiear. ntiinteo ilayi ti leasi tuu-thlrdaof &11 synijv oiiiö are renjoved. Borne majr cry hambug wlihout knowln? anvtnlni aboutft. Remembcr. Itdoca not co: you to ruuüzc thcmeiIU of mv treatmen; yourself I am constan: ly tur: tic tases oí l.n; s:RndIng. casei tbat hnvo ben.tapiel a nummer of il nes, fnd th Patiënt declarad nnablc to live a Glva faU litoryor case. Kame ex, huw lonfrartilcred, hou badly sw ilh-nand wrherft U ooyrel co-tflT. lmvc h'gi torg'ed an.l d'ipped water. B?nd for frei pamrlilat, contaiiifitg tcit'monials, quesrien?. ota 10 days troatmont furuUhedfroo by mail Epiieny rtt-i osltlvely onrd 1Í order trial, soud . cents In 8ta{{ti!jpr EjOit 55 Jones AveuiTe, Atlanta. Ga. a Gold 8c, Jewelled MEDAL Was awardcd by llie Nationnl .Mrdicnl TO THÉ AUTHOR OF THE SCIENGE OF LIFE (who ï thn clilrl"'oKllii!r Phywirinn of tlic l'eaoody rife d leal IñsfltateH Itbelne the bst Medical Tre:tlse on ManÖood, ExhAustcd Vltallty, Kcïtom aad Pioau-i Dcbiiity, Frematuro i:cclinc i;i Man. tl e Erro - of Vtuth, and the untold m series leanlting r : nd:c cttons or In c.irïy 1 fe, whlcli the nati or bas provea mny tip alierlari-t mp he y i ti cI. It li n pu-ndai-d Medical Work on tue a twasure to yuung nnd ir-ífítllc-agcd innii, Warrantcd ua ruiresenred or thf ninnf!. ro;undcit In every fnttince; 800 yaseft; emboasd mnsitn, fnll at 125 presclpttons for all diücasca, Prlci oiilv l (Xi hy Blftli. toalcq, postPftló, Illustral . f ree to nli, Sena now. Thla work ia unlvcfsfllly rocomnn n iod by tlie pres, clcrgy, parcüt8 nnd teachers, hm-i cvcryoiic ot lts more iban a milllon reader!. Every man, younfr or old, sliould rond (hjri book, nu i ■ icry suiTerer sïionld consult the author, "Therc la a i ■lm in Gllcnd; thare lKa_pliylcInn tlMrt'." Ad 1K. W.H.JAKKEIÍ,lIi:.::u-!i-t..Hu.-timlMnss.


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