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COOK HOUSE, Ij H. HUDSON. Proprietor, J Ne vs FurnisW. 1 he leiding home la Ang AJbor. UÏÏION HOTEL. ' T?IRST-Cl.A88 in all respect. Erervthlng ■JT oew; fine rooms, well furniMhed. Tertnsi rl per dayand upvrards. Speolil rates to weekly board. Muis 35 ccnt. John Schneider Jr., Proprietor. Comer of Washington and SeO' ooi ureeU, Ann Arbor, Midi. NICHOLS BROS., SJ W. A A. C NIHUOLS, D. D S. Dontt OiEce Misonic Temp. e Kloek, over S.vinf Baak, An Arbor, Mich. WILLIAM CASPA RY, ■O AKBBY AND COMÍÍCrriONKKY, Cor. f'ourth and Aan Street. '■ EDWARD PATE, MACHINIST, nd rypafrer ef Surtfoal Inrtrg ments, Ixcs, Ümbreilas and JmM i-in. Maohíne and Bicycle Work a Special!. N IS North Main-sí., Aun Albor. Mich. JO8EPH CLINTON, ' VTerchantTailor. ihop or Wm . AUaby's boo) 31 and shoesioro. All work {uarauteed or u JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, N09. 3 UiU's Opera House, Aan Arbor, Mieh. E. B. NORRIS, A TTORNEY AT UW. Doe a reneral law, colleotion and BiiKlnesH, A Muc'rríite píirnats9 is reepocUvely olicitod. Drtlce in the ourt uouae, Anu Arbor. O C. JENKINS, SUBGKON HKNTI8T. Rins Ho. 1 South Main Street oppostt Ui flrst National Bank inn Arbor, Mich. ANTON EISELE, D KALER IN MONUM VÍTS and Gravcstonfi Dianufacturad f ram '1 tiaessee and ltulf nn ifarble and Sotou and Asaeria&n Qranlte Sliop 5or. Detroit ad Otherin sta., Aun Arbor., Ulch. 1 WILLIAM HERZ, HOUSE. SIGN, Ornamenta] and Fresco Td(n ter. Qildius, CalctmiHiug:, ülazin; and Paper tfanging All work doo in the best styio and rarrantsd to riretaciafaction. Bbop. No. 4 West rVa.vhiugion treet. Asa Arbor, Jdiclcifan. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. 1 PIANOS. ORQANS, 6HBET MUSIC, Instruction Books, Violins, Guitars, Flutes, &c. , c'eap at WUsey's Music Kooms. No. 15 Fourtli etreet, one block south of the Cook House. Aun Arbor, Michigan. The larpest and best Stock of Musical Gooda ever brought into Washteaaw County. Vlolin and Quitar Strlngs a speclalty. N. B.- It wlll bo to your interist to cali before purchasing auything in the Musía Une. Abstracts of Tilles on Real Estáte[HAVE a complete compilaron of tho OffloiaJ Record of Wiub.tan4w County to date. Inoluv ling all TaxTiil' Kxeontions, any incmuhruiice in Real Esiat, th&t l ol Record in the Reelsten Mee. Is showu by my booki. Office, in the ia oi tiie ecretary oí ttr Wathtenaw mutual i osurmee company, In the baaement of the courl loiue. C. H. MANLY. Aan Arbor. Mich. C. W, VOGEL, Propiuetor, Late of Chtlaea, at THOMAS JIATTHEWS' OLD STAND On Ana Street, rasan amd salt uxatb kept on hand Organized 1869, uader the Generl Banking Lo il tuis state has now, incluüing capital Stocks ite., etc., OTXIt $000,000 ASSET8. Euilnrss mn, Quardlans, Trusteea, Laáles and Uier persons will flnd this Bank a SAFE AND CONVENI1NT flace at whioh to mak? Deposiu and do businci, is Allowed on All Savings Dep&sltt Of $l.dOandupward, according to the rul-vs oj lh bank. and interest compounded seinl-annu illy. Money to Loan In Sums of $20 ut 3,OOO, ieoured by Cnlxrambered Real Ksuto aai oaec ÏOOd ■ecurltios. Dl RECTORS- Tbrlulan Mack, vr. xr. rnm W. I). Hiirrkuan, Vfillnio Do.iui, Dand Kiiiscy, Daniel lliiouok und W b. Smito Chrlun Mao. rreuldont; T. W Wine. Vlce Preiild. ut: CL I. Hlscock, ci.klor SHINGLES ! Wallers' Patent Metalto Shlnglea were an-aril pd the Brei premium and goUl medal nt tlin world'a Bzposltlon at ew Urleans. Theyaro manufacturad from the best grades of tin und and steel. THE STEEL SHINGLES, l'ainted on both sidea. can Ihi laiil on the root loraliout the same prlce aspine shingles. For particular and pricc cali o or adilress CEO. SCOTT Ann Arbor. Mieh. Get Your Property Insured Sy C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGKNT, Ro. 4 South Main etreet, Ann Albor. Th! o)det HKenoy in the city. Kutablished a quartf r el % century ago. Keprceentii.K the WlnwInK fiK clat conipanie, with over $30,000,000 i'iuu. Home Ids. Co., of N. T.; ConUrmitul Ins. Co., et N. ï.; Niayura Ins. Co., (4 Jf. Y.; Oirard Ins. Co., of Phik.; Onn Int. Co., o'. Hartford; Ooiirmercíal Cmm Of Londfi; Liverpool and LondonRnd Gleb. WlM low. Lmisea llberally adjustj i _rwnUy pald. Kil Mltl..Bt. Tïl AHUCDTICC aul1 meet wiih success re lU AUwCn J lOt qinrcs :i kliowlcdgc of ÜM Jluc of newspapers, and 3 correctty diwlayed advt To secure such informauon iinnifCI V aswilIcnableyoiiloadvsrtiseLjUUIUlUUOLI consult LORO áS5 THOMAS EWSPAPER ADVERTISINC, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Sunset Cox recommerids that the ralarr of "ie lurkisu minister le ucreaseil í rom ten to welve thouanl dol ars. It is posstUlc Iha W sultao is g skjliim pokcr-plajeri


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Ann Arbor Democrat