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Eastern Echoes

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Foi.t ros are nrevuillng in thc. niountains ] m the vicmity oí Taniaqua, l'. G rcat dxroage lias been done. James Townsend of Corlutli, II ram Davis ' and a l oj oan ed Jones were drowncd while attemptim.' to croes thc river at lladley, aratoga connty, N. Y. Tlnir boat was caugbt by fioaung foses" añil i arried over a dam. New York servad glrUwlU organize a udIod. Strlklns lugv makers at CJreenpoint, L. I., assaulted tbe pólice on duty t the refinery, and the guardiaus of the pólice were severely beaten. Eefore the mol) was driven off, they emptled hundreds oí barrels oí eugai in the street. Edward Ï. Shaw. wlio for 12 years lias carried the mail betwéen the Beveriy, Mass., post ollice and llie railway station, bas been arrested. He coufessed to having systematlcally robbed the mail for scvcral years. taking between 3,000 and r,000 letters and obtainiDg upwards ot íl.ñOO. The work of recoverlnt .iic bodies of the 30 miners who were buried'near Nanticoko, l'a., several months ago. bas been abandoned. At Dciiance, O., Frcderlck HiTUrman, aged 80, went out in a l.'Oat wlth bis vife and two children to lisb in the Auglaize l'.ivcr. Thc boat capsized about thirty f eet ;rom the shore and all th occupants were drowncd beiore help cüiikl reacli them. The (jodies have been recoverd. Fred Hillman aud hls wlfo and two children were drowued in the Auglaisc river near ücfiance, ü. John McAndrowa, who was on trial at Seranton, Pa., for causing.the dcath of a little cirl by crnelty, has beca acquittcd. Jam - Sullivan of Danbury, Conn., is dylng ofdw i[ the spiue, vcaused by sittingona bent i . The last stone in the pedestal forBartholdi'a "Liberty,", ji New York, harbor, was laid April 98. A railroad i-hanty in Mt. Alton, Pa., about 16 milcsiroin Bradford, feil over ihiring awind storm the Other nis;ht. The wreek took lire lrom a lantern, and thc walls being oi tarred paper burned with terrible fury. Six Italian laboréis were burned to deatu. Mts. Smltb, an insano woman of Kevport, N. J., bralned her four-year old child, T.dna, and horribly cut three otner children, so that it is feared ibcy win die, Levl D. Jarrard of New Iirunswick, N. J., dled-ln state prison April 20. The daoeMed had been an alderman, postujaster, a6seinblyman and state senator. In ISSIJ, when (olleutor of Middlesex county, be took Í5O,OOO oí the countv'6 money and, íed to Canada. He was Lrought back, i.ied, couvicted and tcnteneed to ten years1 imi)ritumnent. Coal bas been discovercd In the salt territory of western New York. A two minimi dollar suit hos been brought againstlhe Western (Jnion teleííraph comiiaa in thc United bttes circuit court in New Vork. Buildliuc u New York and Boston is I ractreany suspenued on kaecount of the labor trouble. " Aune Oreen Phillips, widow of the late Wenduil Phillips, dicd iu Boston reeently. Mrs. Alvan Walker, mother of Dr. Mary Walker, died in OswejfO, N.Y. the other uigiit, aged tja ytars. She was a cousin of Col. Hobt. (j. Ingertoli. _


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