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The lire iu the Austrian viüafce of Btry, las left 7,000 pcople bomeless. The first tbroagb train on the Canadlau Pacitlc rallway from Montreal to Vancouver City, Britisu Columbia, wlll leve Montreal on Muy 24, Queen Victoria will open tbe Indian and Colonial exhibition on May 4. A special pocin written hv Teunyson wlll oe recited and 8lr Arthur Sulllvan wlll conduet tlie musie, whicb bas been eoinposed for the occasion. The Londnn Lancet says that a íuaideu lady named Heathorn, who is known as "The IdMdOf Kent," bas just eomplcted ber HKid ycar, bav:n{{ been baptlzea at Maidetone in "April, lSit. Tlie venerable lady posfesses all ber faculties, nd is reported to'buvr Indi ttfid a cbeck without tbe aid ot her glasscs on lier birtbday, whicli oecnrred lasi montb. Mme. Albani will sing Tennyson's ode at the opening oL tbc Indias and colonial exl) ibitton, London, May 4. Fabulous prlces are Lcing ]aid ior seats, tbe applleaiions foi which have rcacbed an unprecedented uumber. A conference of the conservative association of Gieat mtain wlll be beid May 15 to consider tbc hcme-rule question anc to oraanizu tbe party. Lord Salisbury will address a meeting at 8t. Jamcs's hall in the evenmg. Tbe marquis of Salisbury, the leader of tbe conservativos, in a letter publisbeu, says that l.e is convinced tbat the tnglish natiou will indisnantly reject Mr. ülads'.one's -'desperate stbeme" ior the KOVeioment of ireland. James Hayware, emDloye of Patterson's rolling mili at. ÍV'allaceburg, "Ont, was drawn Into the gearina; and met wlth an instant and norriIjIk ueatli. Both arms were torn olí at tbc. clbows, the end of a bolt sbaft plurced bis brcast, and bis head was laierated.


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Ann Arbor Democrat