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Crop Proapects

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The Farmer' Review prints Uie foUowliig erop review ascd upon lts returns 1 rom cori espondents up to April 26: The wcatber bas Leen exceptioually favorable during the past ten i gys mr t-prihg wheat BeeJing, aud has lowa, Nebraokt, iliunesotai and ' Daköta. J ully one-haif to two-thirda ol the entire tcreage in Lakota and Minnesota has airea. ly been seeded, and oauer cunditions wbleo could liardly have been excelied. t-eeding is jjrogresóiiiK favorably in Wiscousin and lowa, bui in .NebrasUa comulalnt of wet wen her stili continúes, aud considerable land which would nlbei wise have been öevotcdto wheat has gone to tlux and oats. }Vhile the reports are not jet C'jmpleie the indkations are for siightly dcereased acreage in WiseoDsin and Minnesota and a considerable inercase iu Liakota. The reports lrom the winter wheat states show littlc variation frora those of the precedlug iwo weeks. The Kansas üulleliusüouot indícate any improvcinent. The outlook at the best is tliat the yield will not ixcoed oue-third to oue-ualf of an average erop. In Dickinson and other couuties the ianure is alinost total, and the öelds Lave been p.owed under and uevoted to oat and other (traína, 'x'he reports írom Michigan aibo show very l.ttle or no improvemeiit. 'ihe prospecta are for iroui sixty-üve to lighty-iive I er cent. ol au averaje erop in the dillërent counties. Keport ot damage from the hessiau iiy come trom tbreu Michigan counties aud trom lioauokc county in Indiana, but the m.ur.v repostcd t.ius iar is not serious. The f;euera:iiy ol the reports lrom lml an;i ana ubiu are very favorable, wbile the repi rt lrom Missomi anü Tennesaee continuu very CatteriDg, the weathcr ol the past two weeks I rovmg extremely fayoraljle. VVlth the ixeeplii'U oL olie county iu Kentucky (Johnson i, ivhere tütre is Uie romise of not to exceed all a erop, the returns continue very favorable.


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