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Arim. 21- Sexate - The session was i'.evoted mainly to the consideration of private pension bilis and bilis oí a local nature. House- Severa! billa were reported froin commlttees, and lome littlc time spent in ; iiissiiv the blll for the relief oí the Alabania Bood sufferers. In commlttca of the whole the rivet and harbor approprifttion blU (ras , cussed. Apkil 22.- Senate- Thfi blll to indemnity the Chinese who suffrred hy the reeent outbreaks at Kock Spring, W T., was reporte! favorably A bill to eslabhsh a light-uousc at Sault Croli, was passed, whi-n the bill to próvida íor taxation of railroud land ;rants was taken up, and discussed. This mcasure went over and the nter-state cornmerce bill ; was placed before the Seunte. During débale on tbis measure a message from the president conccrnlng the labor troubles, was lald before the Senate. Alter cxecutive tesslon tbc Benftte adjourned until Monuay, the 26. ilousi:- The bill to prevent the adulteration ! of lood, and the joint resolutio proposJng a eonstitutlonal amendinent giving the ; dent po er to veto specitic items in ■ ation bilis, were adversely reported. rhe blll intioduced by Mr. Adams of Nnw Vork, aiuending feetion :!Ü05, revised statutcs, was taken up and passed. It amends the secura so as to makc it mul as follows: Sec. ÏS05. , All oaths to be taken npon making of anj ol thi; ri'i'Orts or entries, or respectinje any of ita acts mentioned in this clmpter, wbether bj i ïr.aiter of any vessel orihe owner, or consignee of aüv mercbandlse, his tactor or agent, or by any other person,Bhali be administered bv the collector or otlieer to or with wbom the report or entry is made, or by any uotary public, and sha'l be reducid to writlng and subficribed by the person takinx and by tbe person administering the cath. An attempt was made io secure the adoption of a resolution deelaiinjt that tbo House sympathizes with Gladstone and his asseciates in their eftorts to secure a free parllament for Ireland, but the atUmpt was futile. In cornmittcc of the whole the House' discussed the river and harbor bill and adiourned. Apbil 28- Hoome- The President's message upon the labor troublc wai read and reierred to tbe conimittce on labor with insuuctions to report upon it by bill or otherwise on or bcfore May lst. A resolution was adoptid wliich has for' lts object the exterminiatiou of the lobby. The hou;e in committee of tlie wLole discussed the rlver and harbor bill and at the cveniug session paised (JO pension bilis. Apkil 54- House- The Judiciarv Committee bad posession of the Hoor of the House today. Ainoni llie bilis passed were the lollow:u: Providta'í that In all cases of disputed handwriting comparison oí the disputed writing with aiiy writlng proved to the satisfaction ol the judgo to be íLtuuiue shall be pennitted to be made by witnesses, and such wi-itm;; antf the evidence of the witnesses in regard to it tuay be submitted to the court and jury as evidence oí the genuineness or otherwise of the writtng. Providing that any judgment or dceree rendered in United States courts within any State, shall take effect (notwithstandiug it is not docketed) by way of Hen to the same exteut and in like manner as the judgment or decree of the State court. Aran, a- Sknatk- Aíter W. O. Whlttlhorne, apjiointei by the governor oí Tenncssee to !e Lnited States Senator, froin that state, i lili vaeancy cauaed by the resignation of Senator Jackson, had been sworn in, the House blll relating to the bonds of urewers was reported back from toe committee on tinance with an amendmeut. As the bill came from the House it requires new bonds to be iiled by brewers, uot on the first day of May, as herctolore, but whenever the collector öt internal rerenue sball require them to do so. The Senate committee ameiided the bill -o as to require, in addiüon, that at least once in four yeare the bonds shall be renewed, whether tbe collector requests it or uot. As amended by the Senate the bill was passed. Mr. Blair oï New liampshire addressed the Senate on hls proposed eonstitutlonal araendment prohibitiug the sale or manufacture of alcohollc liquors as a beverage. In his address bc pointed out the position of the Kcpublican party, and expressed bis opinión that a prohlbition amendment will pull them out ol tlieir preuieament. Tbc inter-state commeroe bill was taken ap,Mr. 'V'an Wyck of Nebrask i the Senate ou it. The postoffice nppropriation bill was reported with amendments, and aiter some other unimportant buslDCM the Senate adjourned. House- Koutlne matters iu the ilouíu were üuickly disposed of, and the House went into committee ot tiiu whole on the rlver ancl Jtarbor appropriation bill, and made fair nmgress with the bill.


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Ann Arbor Democrat