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THE COMINO FASHIONABLK TOTTK. The tour oí thi j;iv.ii iakes lius uot vet bo èomeso fashlonable 3 tiic tour of the Continent, but when Americana leira to appreciatt théir country beter tbe time may, pcrhaps, come wlion it w 11 hu ns "quite tbe tliin.ii' to makc a trip to Dulutli, MackinaW ov Sauri Saint Ma. i;, as it is now to take a run over to Varis, wbercall good Amerlcans ara supposed togowhenthey die. Duluth, to be sure, faaa DO' realized thöse Bplend:U dreams of commercial prosperlty tly prophesied ly Proctor Kuo.t In bis lumous rpeecb in congresa yeara ago, Imt it is still younr, and bas plenty of timo t: prow. Just as V. I). Bowell's "Wcddins Journey" bas marked out a beatèn track for young couples in tbelr booeymoon, down tKe tt. 'Lawrencc, op the Sajruenay, tbrouffb Montreal and Quebcc and home atiain, u novelist is wantod to palnt the glories oí the lakes. theii conneetine rivera and tbe many leautful cit es tliat look out upon the wftters; Büflalo, Cleveland and Detroit, and of these Detroit is tbe pretticst. It spléndld streci.s and man; handsome liomc-i niako it ;uc of the most attractive cities in the West, and the tourist will want to stop olí here for a little while. If he does, perbaps he may chance to stroll inio Franklin Btreet, wbere at No. L17, Mr. E. (. Hiihards has the office ol bis plttmng mili and box factorv, and the iicntle tourist may happen to meet Mr. Richards, and the coriverration. as it often does, may turn upon the manv cvlls and weaknosses tU flesb is heir to. "It all this comes to pass. -'r. Richards may teil him this story of liis vccovery from neiiralia as hc told il to a rec nt visitor: " I had It for severa! years, and the attacks were most violent. At last tbey bocame eo frequent tlint tney ere almost dally occurreuecs. All my efforta toobtain anything lUe a permanent iure were frnitles-. I would Bometlmes eet temporary relief by resorting to hot applicatlons, but "the neuraljrja would come ngbt back again. I bul nsed almost " every remedy I could hearof, and had also had phvsicians to prescribe íor me, but none of these did rac any good. I biive probably spent 1wo hundred dollars in various waya without any benefit whatrvcr. "Athlophoros took bold of the 'lisease qulckly, and I rot relief in the first two do-os. Thne'bottles olleeted a perleet cure. 1 bave BOme in the house now, and shall certainlv Bhvays keep some, as it is worth ts price. if it did rio more than rive me relief. Whether It has eured me permanently I cannot say. but t do know tbat at the time I began usiii}; it I H'a Buffering intensely, and that within ihree months (from the day I stopped tak ng il to this) I have not feit a partiële of Neuralgia. Il was Mr. jilair, the train dispateher at the Detroit, (jraud Haven & Milwaukee railroad, (rho recornmended me to aso Atulophoros ifter he had tr:ed it and cured hlmseli oí a Ferv severe case of !onti standiuur." If the gentle tourist. still doubts;the efficiency of Athlophorus to do bat is claimed for it. let him cali upon Mr. BJair, wbo will most nillinzly add bis testimouy to that of Mr. Richards in supDort ol tbe sovereijrn remcdy's ' ■nratlve powers. If you cannol pet ATHL0PH0UOS of your dmggiftt, Ne will send tt oxpress patd, on recept of recular ;rice- One dollar per bottle. We preler llint you uy It from yuur ilruggist, but if he nasn't it. do not ■ l'nrsuilded to try soluething else. but order at nc-( from in iliroclcd. ATULOPUOUOS Co., Ui rt'all Blreel. Now Vork.


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