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Six gold mecíais have ! een given to St. Jaob's üii at World'B fairs and expositions, for beiner üe best pain cure. It 19, itself, better than lo'.d. lt cures rbeumatlfm and every other painful trouble. It never iails. who soas brambles must not go bareToot, The new national library, just onlered by Congrcss, fs to be eonstructed .after tbe stvle of the enpito'. They aru tryag J (minmv to timi &. uletitute íor Judia robber. .Nu one whohas used Dr. Bijjelow's l'qsitive Cure deslres a substitute, as it IseminenUy succesiul iu cougbs, colds aud all tbroat and lunï diseases. He wbo would catch fish must not raind gettins wet, The iicw South is pronounced by visitine tourists to be very difiereut from the old in almost every respect. An agent oí the goverumeut oí Newfoundlaud 1 as been buying 1 ve black game íor tLc purpose of stoekiug tbe Newioonaland woods with this gigantlc erouse. He basbaddiftculty in procnrinfc mauv. howevcr, and repons that tbe excesslve rigor of the past winter in Scandinavia has made uainc Bcarce. Three liundri'd ond seventy casél ofcauine rabies were reported in London aud ueii;nborhood during 1BS5, and its L'ii deatbs from hydrophobia. The greatest nuuiber ofcase oecurred between July sn.l December. "Music hath channs to tootlie a savage." This is why ;ve occaslona v nee ■ cro?s anl scappish car ith a l.rass band around its neck. - Gooduir.- Sun. A younger brother of the Marquil of Queensberry has just airive 1 in S?au Francisco from ibe Sandwich Islands. No depresssini: effect! fi om Red Star Cough Cure. Xo nausea, no danger of poison. Safe, soeedv. ure. Only tweiity-live cents. He wlo fpends all he gets is od the high road to beguary. Dr. Pierce' "Favorlte Prescrlption" perfectlv and permanentlr cures those d sease pecnliar to lemaicé. Jt is tcmic and nervino, effectually alhiying and curins those sk-keninu seusations that affict the stomach and heart. through reflex action. The backache am 11 dragiring down?' sensations all disappeai under the Etrengthenlng elïects of this great restorative. by (iriig;its. As If you could kill lime without injnrlnc éternity. "The leprous distilment, whose efTect Holds sueh anenmity wlth blood of man, That, switt as quicktilver it thnough The natural gates and allcys ot the body," and causes the skin to beconie ll barked aboul most lazar-like, wltb vile and louthsome crust.'1 Micli are the effect of diseased anú morbid bile, the ( nly antidote íor wliich s to cleanse und regúlate the livtr- an office adrhlrably performad by Ur. P.erce's "Golden Medical Discoveiy." Discourage cunniui; In ajrhild; cuuning is the ape oí wisdom. Young men'or middle-aeed ones, sufflering irom nervous debility and kiudred weaknesses should send 10 cents In stampa lor illustrated book suügestiii sure means of cure. Áddress, World's bispi'iisarv _N e lieal Assuciation, (Mu, Main Street. BiitTalo. N. Y. He is happy ;vho bas conquered laziness once and for ever. 1 1 is a pK'nsurc at:l satisiaction to many to learu that Alleu's Luns Balam, tbat Ktandard family njedic uu forcoughs, croup, and all lung diseases, can now l (rocured a25c., 50c., aud tl. UU a boulc at auy drug store. Lyox's Patent Heel StUTcncr !s the ouly invention that tnakes old büü[s as ttralgbt ns new. hEDTAR TRAD Ero( MARK. (OUGHÍURE Vree from. Opiata, Emèneê and JPoison. IurI: O Kets. '..'Hï CIUKLÏS A. 1UUELEK CO., UAL1I JIOKK, HD. ct jjeobs .pn P_ .R a Cures liheumaüsm, Neuralgia, L il r U f% i BK '""■ " l's IlradacLc, TiMjlbucli, FM lil Spr.Ins BralK. let. PltlCE, FlfTY EENT. ■ ■ %1IÍAT DKUQIiISTS AND DKALEB3 WE CUABI.ES A. VQCXLEtt C0.,liHi&0&E.U.


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