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rwjsuro iif icKT fbiday at ARN ARBOR; - MICHIGAN BY JOHN L. BDRLE1GIL THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. TERMSl (l.SO PEK ANNUBI If pald at the end of lx montba, er 8 I .OO IN ADVANCEi H. E. H. BOTTER, Editor. Office, Room 8 and 7, Opera House Blonk, coa ner Muin and Ann Stroct. COOK HOÜ3E, Ír H. HUDSON, Proprietor. J Newlj Furutohed. 1 h leadln hom a lo Am frfaor, __ UNION HOTEL. TTIRST-CLA8S H ': respecte. Jtyerythtnl ■JT tF' (■■ nu o-pll f'iniNhca. Term, f-ï . . . dpeeial rate to woelc... .j crt. John Schno'der . . i, : ,.. Corner of Washington and Beovod klréela, Ann Arbor, liich. NICHOLS BROS., T W. & A. C NIOHOLS, D. D. S.Drnta W O:lice M isonic Temp c Iilock, over Sivinjr Dank, An i A'bor, Mch. "" WILLIAM CASPARY, D AXKRY AND COKÏXCTIONKRY, Cor. Fourtt nfl Aantstreeta. EDWARD PATE, MACHINIST, and realrer o( Surglcal tont mrou. I-ock, UÉibryltai and PaM rine Machine and Blcycle Wort & hpeoialtj. M) 18 Korth Main at ., Ajin Albor. Mieh. JÖSEPH CLINTON, MercbantTallor. shop oter Tn, AUaby'j boo( and aboe stora. All work juaranteed or n cnarce. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Omee, No. S HWi Opera Houie, Ann Arbor, Mioh. E. B. NORRIS, TTORNET AT LAW. Does a eeneral law, J coüeotiou and con rennes Diuloew. A 3ioerat paLronage U rosNMCirely iollclt4. Dlïloe in thecourt hoiue. Aan Arbor. O. C. JENKINS, SUROXON PENTIST. Kaenu Ko. 19 South Main Strtel oypvilM U fint National Baak ■Inn Arbor, Mich. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN MONUMVrrSaod OraTestone mniiufacturod fnooa '1 innosseo aad Itoilan ïtarbl and Sootoh aad aoerüui Cüranlt Shop 5r. Detroit aad Otttoria sta., Ana Arborrflch. J WILLIAM HERZ, IT0U8E, SIOÍI, Ornamental and I'reneo Pain 11 ter. Gilding, CaloiminJas, Olaziug and Paper a&aging AU work done f the best atylo And rarranMd to friretacwfneUon. Shop. Nw. 4 Wert n'akhiagloD itreet. Aan Arbor, Micwgan. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. 1"IANOS. ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, Instruo tion Books, Violins, Guitars, Klutes. Ac, eap at Wilsey's Music Rooms, No. 15 Fourth Street, one block soutli of tlie Cook House. Aun Arbor, Michigan. The lurpest and best Stock of llusical Ooods ever brought Into Waslitenaw Cuuntv. Violiu and Quitar Strlns a speclalty. N. B.- It wfll bo to your to cali lefore purchasing anything In the Musio line. Abstracts of Titles on Real EstáteÍ II A VE a complete compllation of the Official Record! ef Wutuni Ceunt to dato, inota iling all Tai Tiü' KxceaUo, unj ineuiubranc m Real relato, tbat I of ñecord In the Hgfitr ifiice. i siten n br my booka. OBWe. in the Me ii the secreter? of w Washteuau luutualiasur anee coinpauy. in the b&eemest oí the courf .muse. 0. H. MANLT. Aan Arbor. Mich. lSO-cr :M.aa?Ils:e1j.. C. W. VOGEL, Propriktor, Late of Chelxea, at THOMAS MATTHEW8' OLD STAND On Aun Street. ntBSn AND SAIT USAT8 KXPT QK HAND The Ann Arbor Savings Bank urganizea i, unaer iu amiil unuini i . tí tuis state has now, incluuins capital StcKc ■te., etc., OTJElt (500,000 AUSCTB. ttuiinru men, Guardian, Trastee, Ladlu and i sther persons will flnd this Baak a SAFE AND C0NVENI1NT r lace at whioh to make Deposits and do bus!n-s#, n!est is Allowed on All Savings Depesitt Df %M and upward, occarding to the ruUs oi ihe bank, and interest compounded btmi-amyi lUy. Money to Loan In Sums of $25 t $9,OOO, jecured by Unlncuimberoí Real Satate and otr.ttr íood seeurílies. DIREÜTOK8- Cbrlstlan Mack, Vf. W. Tins VT. D. Uairiinan, ÍTIll'am Deuble, DiTid Kinscy. Daniel HUeook and W. B. Btulth Oi'í'ICEUS ChrliUiD Maov. rrealdent; VT. w VVin. Vlce-lreiaent: C. B. Illsoock. (uUler IIGLIS! Waltera' Patent Metalio. Shlngles wen nward t" the t'ü'st premium and gold medal at the WorWa BzpodHon at Kew Uricanl. Tliey arn manufacturtd from the best grades of tin und nnd steel. THE STEEL SHINGLES, l'aintfd on both sides. can bo laid on the roof foraboot tlio same price as pine shinglo:í. For particulars and prico cali on or address CEO. SCOTT Ann Arbor. Mlch. Get Your Properíy Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGKNT, SRo. 4 Houth Main street, Ann Arbor. Tna o)da( n% yin the city. Eetablkhed a quartrof ■eeiitiiry ogo. Kr.ri:;utiiig the folNurln); nrsí" i-lass coinpaniea, with ovr $SO,0Oí),(Xí aatttA. Iloma Ius. Co., of N. Y.; Continente] las. Co., cf N. Y.; Niágara Ina. Co., Jí. Y.; Oirard Ins. Oo., of TlaU.; Onil la. Co., o' Hartford; OoiincrciBl Cr.;na of LondC'i; Lirarpool ouú London .wj Globo. C3P Rti low. Les mrlly adiut4 %%i ncaptlr A. O. U UlULtX. vrt fiSIUCDTICC "d '""' wlth success i y Ntj VCn I IdC quire a knowlcdge ol ilx w.!uc of newspapers, and a correctly displnyed advt lo lecure such Information lltfk lOIflIltl V s,i,-:,!::i.;cy.nluaclvcrl,5iUM!WlUUOLI öPJÜMil LORD 5S5 THOMAS KEWSPAPER ADVERTIS1NC, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. t'unsei ('o-; rpcommends that thc snlary of .!.' 1 urkisn minister Le lncreMed from ten to iwclvj thouüau.l Uol :irs. I; ir. ] ossi'jle Uiat lic sultan is a Bkillíui poker-plajrerl


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Ann Arbor Democrat