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April 27, - Senatb,- -The charges orfivud in the election of Senator Paync ot Oliio wer ulscusaed. lsills wen: paated approprlaUog 50:00,000 lor tbe extensión of the cxecutivc mansión, lor the a.lotmcnt of lands in ï:verultj to toe lndians ol the Pound Valley reservaron in Caniornia, ana severa lor ilu lonstruction of Iridgcs. The mter-statc loturuerre bill occupicd the attention f tliC tenate uurlng the remaindcr ol the j-ess.on. iioisr. - 'ibe bill to proliibit aliena irora acoulriog titles to or owuinj; lands within iluUnitcd Mates was reponed adversely. lu committe of the whole the river and harbor bilí was diacaued. Ai'Hii. 28.- M-xate- The time of the Senat i:is occupied with tbe diseuss.on Oi. ihe Chinese question and mail tubsidies, and ïuruishcii the opporlnnity for a war of wonU Letween Mr. JbecK of Keutucky and Frve o! Ma uc. Alter exeeutive session the tenate adiourned. Iiotsi;. - At the conclusión of the mornins; l.our and the transaction oi routine business tbe liouse went lato committce of the wLok on the river and harbor bill, the debate leinj; tontincd to the Missouri river appropriation. April Í9.- üenate - Tlie :ii!y bu bleet iini.e; discussion in tbe benate was thé postomce ajíLropriatlon bill. 'Ihe umenumeut proposed by ihe renate conimittec opproprlatiur tÖvX).OÜÜ lor carrvlnK tfouth and Ccnirai AiLeritan, Chinee and Australian mails, and auiborizinu the ijosiniuí-ter-t-iieral lu luake, alter iue aavert.&emtnt, contracta lor Uve jears witb Amer.ean BteamsfiiDfti at a vate no.t to exceed -"' ""ii outwiird inpxl uer nautí"í, '■"'■■ '■' i.eiwten terminal loiuts, was the BUbject mut.ter oi i.ebaie. tena tor eelt irom Kcutucwy, yicortmoij Oj u; lUt M)UH1 .1 ll.lT.i'.ln ,..ii subsidv, oeviarlng the obiecc of tue proponed uppropriatiun was to beuelit a lew pereons. Aiu-i a Lrci exeeutive sessiou tbe Eenate adjOurned. JlotaE- In the House the bill for the retirement and re-coiuagc ol trade dollars was placed on the house calendar. In cou.m.tte(; of tbc w hole on the river and barbot apiopriaüon bill tbe discussion was on tbejpeuulng aineucment irovidiug that tbe appropriatlon jvr the Missouri river bhall be expeudea Lnder the dircction oi tbe setretary ot war withoui the intervention of the .Vlssouri rlver coinmissiou. 'llie amendment was re.ected Imt n was afreed thal a votes-hou.d be ailowed on il m ihe the House. Motlons to strike out the approprlarlons lor conünuinj; wor.v on reser voirs at tbe head waters Oi tbe .Nnssibsippi and to increase tne appropriation lor tue iniirovemenL ol tbe nver froin the niotith oi Uk (Jbio to the mouth of the Illinois riyer wen lost. Aprii. - Senate - The Senate refused te pass over the fresldentfu veto the bill ' 'to pre vent the desecrallon of graves." The bill re -ates to tüe Diatriet (jI (.olumüia and thai the anelalined iodie oí teceased rei,uired by law to be burned at tLe pubiii expense, ma) ue turneU over to the meuicai .oileges. jviter the paauueoi anumüerol , in:ue bilis tbc tenate took up tbe j,ostoa cc uLproprlatlon bill. Mr. iialeoi Maine s.ok al lenjrth oi thu necessity ol' seeuring the trade ot Central and totitli America and the inportanue of liberal aubsiaies to American vosels as an important factor in ■ncrdlUUDjl cjiniin-rcial relations. At tue eiose of the debate tbc Benate aüjouined uuu) Moni.ay. House. - Tbe oleomarirarinu bill carne in foi a ol che attention ol the to-day, 1,11.1 tue House Went into committee of tlie whole ou tbe rlver and harbor bil!. May 1- Hocse- Á Lui amen.latory to the t. hiñese Immigration act Was reponed: also olie providniji Indemnlty u ceuain Chinese subjtcti lor lusses sustaiuud in the juriadlctioa of the L uilen states. botii mensures were lelerred to" the committee ol tbe wboie. 'Ihe Oklahuma bia was caiied up, and abated the rest of the sessuni.


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