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COOK HOUSB, Z.KÖwfr rmnkW. tht Imiibi kou la Aai LTÏÏÏON HOTEL. XTMiBT-CLAM If al) rwttcN. Rrerrttlnj X ; in# raou, U furninliod. Ttma, V fr ad op wf tl ktl rtkt ts woafe ypr4ra. IIhIi ( ccMi. John Scbiiaider l_ rncrluttr. Cerner of WMhingtea and SaèW nmii, An Arbor, Mlk. NICHOLS BROS., 1X7 W. & A. C. NIOHOLS. D. D S ,Dent TT Offic Masnic Tcmpie Block. oTer SvinrBaak, As i Arhor, Midi. m ' ■ - - WILLIAU CASPARY, QiXHlT AND OOKraOTIONKRY, Cct. Foivtk n AaattrMtc r EÖWABD PATE, WA.OHIHMT. ud HPirr of L!'2 Kw ttkdWu u Mucl Work a MpooUlqr. Si BTorS tfato s.. IS Arber. Mih. JOSEírít CLINTON, McrekaatTaUa. fco or Wm . Allabjr1 boot m4 to Mr AU wwt roarautoed er M JOHNf.LÁWR"ENCE, A TTOKNÏT AT UAW. AÖAm, Nm. I BUI1 Ojera Hout, Aan Arbor. Kok. E. B. NORRIS, A rrORNII AT LAW. Beat a genera] law V. eflotloa and arWM buniatos. A u(rt patrooM Is rneativelr olicit4. MkM In tu oo nrt Lotus, ASA Arbor. O O. JENKINS, LJÜOON fcHSTMT. ftoepu H. 1 Sou O lUlc Mrut etrorfu tte FYnt Nutiuaai laak Ut ArW, Mica. ANTON EISELE, PB IM MONÜMtMTB aa4 (raTrtea j facturé trvm 'tmame and ItalUa 1 Soowti ud ASertcn Uculta 8Up slt ui ÖAiilM ti., Ana ArbsrV WILLIAÍÍ EtERZ, [T0UM. OM, OmaJiwitel and frsco Pate tltw. ClldlBC, OklcimiHiiu;, Glxlog and Papafi liMlmt. aJI wori dog ik the baat stylo 4d4 fimnU t ri'tHcoo SKop, No. 4 vrêa Vaakiac . Aks Arbor, Xicbijfaa. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANOS. ORQANS, SHEET MUSIC, iDHtruc tion BookB, VioUoH, Quitare, Kluten, &c, chap at Wibey' Musie Uooms, No. 15 Fourth Btreet, one block sovith of tl ie Cook House. Aon Arbor, Michigan. The larpest and beec Stock of Musical Goode ever brourht into Waahtenaw Countv. Vlolin and Quitar strlugs a ipeolaRy. N. B.- It wdl be to your interest Ut ïall beiore purchaslug anything Id the MuU 3ne. Abitracts of Tit)s on Real Estáter HAYK a oompte umsUatk u( kb Offldai L lecord f T.'uitw.ié Couaty to datu. Ischf' Uu all Tajt TUI' BxMim. any iscumhTuu ilUoJ binU, Uat b A Eoor! Eb the Kagfiiteni i(m, la thown ijf my bak Of, o. in the O4 tt lk rtary oí thr Wa&liUai. mutual latttf. ! craa7, to (Ju kutmeui of Ute osurt mum. C. H. M4NLY. Aan Arbor. Mich. C W. VOGEL, PRorniKTOB, Late of fktlata, at rmOMA.9 MATTHBW8' OLD STAND On Aa Street. HMSH AD BüT 11 BA Ta KIPT UM HJJTD The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organizad II, uadar tk Qeacrjil Banking Law S ftt ku ui, thüluoúig capiui Svcifc rm $soo,oao jmsstm. Mua ■■. Uuarilnu, Trustcea, LidlM and rtCr P.roni win Had thi Baak a SAFE AND CONVENI1NT -U a wkih to make Dpoiiu and do bntlinwk nterwti Allowed tn All Savings Depsltt Of 1.( lund upward, acordlng U the ruUs of Mny to Loan In lumi of 120 t SB.OOO. MirW kj 0BlaMtKr4 Kaal IlUla Ml) HM IM0 rlUM. PIBUTOR8- (.'brutlaa Mack, vt. W. Wlna W. Harriaian, WUPaoi Bub!, DlYld RuMcy, a)ulal maman as TT fc. Smit OJ"FIOB113- Ckrlittia Mui. rraalilantt W. WUaaa. Tloa-PraaKeat: C. B. HtMonk. SUELES! Walton' Patent Metallc Shlneles ware ftwarri ed the first premium and gola medat at thiWorld's Eïpcwltion at New ürleans. They ar ïiiajiufttctured from the best grades of tin and and steel. THE STEEL SHINCLES, ValnUd on both aldea, can ti laid on the roof forabout the same price aspiue Rhinglea. For particular and price cali on or address CEO. 8COTT Ann Arbor. Mlch. Git Your Property Insyreá By C. H. MILLEft, INSURANCE AGJ01NT, ir, 4 South Mats ttrot, Asa Arbor. Tk cldari t(BCia th city. tíUbliíliíil ■ fiuf.rtm Mtui7 tfe. Kcyretsntiitg tha f iomoj; ftnv eau eorapwulai, ith ovr $8li.0i:;,00 imk. Hona Ins. Co., of N. Y.; Contintatt] Ins. &., of N. I.; Niágara Ins. O., o K. T.: Oirard Ta. Co., of Phil ■.; Oritat Ia. Co., o' Harttord; Ooii)!cri.-ial Uai I Lond(' i; LiTrjiool umi Londoii tati Olob. IVIUtea lw. L- uw llbrnlly Ktliimt4 %4 rn-f'r r" e " BlbTJW. TOAnlflCDTtCC""1 e' Miaf ADVCK I tdfc ui. p knowtedeo( ih. vatue of newtaptiti, aitl a correctïv displaycel aovt. To Kcurc Slich inforu,l:oii IM ft I 5 ft IICI V wwillcnablc yn t..alvcr:isröL& . ïiïW UOU I consult lOíiS íTííS THOMAS KEWSPAFER ADVERTIS1NG. CHiCAGO, ILLINOIS. Sunset Cox recoinmemls thnt the alary of th TwkUli minister i.e Increaswl Croin en to Lbouüan i dol are. lt . poaubU' ibt Uie iultau i a ekillíu. pokertlayurf


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