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Bishop Paterson of tho Children of Zion church, Graud Rapids, has gono for his sixth annual trip to Glasgow, Scotlaud, where he has astablisbed a flourishing church of that faith. Frank Holland of Michigan, has been admitted to the military ooilege at AnuapoAnnualoJune meeting of the state horticultural society begins at North Lansing, on theevening of June 15, with three sessions on the 16th. Nearly 300 citizens, among them the best, are membcrs of JNegaunee's law and order league, of which Capt. Sam Mitchell, agent of the Saginaw mining company, is president. The league is making ït warm for saloon keepers, and it insists that they shall at least live BtrictJy within the letter of the law. James Hayes has been genteneed at Masón, to fiveyears at Jackson, for the lmrglary of M. P. Marvin's residence at I.ansing. wlien {375 in jewelry and cash was taken. Geo. Hurst sues the L. S. & M. S. railroad company at Grand Rapids for $25,(100 damuges for being thrown froin the train near there and totally disabled for lite. Tlie i uní] any claim he wai intoxicated and uot uarefuf. A Mt Pleawiut farmer of experience declares tliat there s more money in growing wool at 20 coatfl a pound than in loaning money at 1U per cent interest. A Jackson retail grocer, who has been in business for many years, claims to havo $80,000 o f unpaid accounts on his books, which he is willing to sell for $200. The Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan railroad company have entered into a contract tocarrv mail from Owosso to Mt. l'lt-asant on and after July 1. This wül caiiM; (lie discontinuance of the mail rnuto Lietween St. Louis and Mt. JPleasant. 'Work on tne excavation of the Sagiuaw, Tuscola & Hurón railroad to Bad Axe has been pushed so rapidly during the past week or two that it is quito probable the entire line will be completod oy June 15, nearly three weeks before the time anticipated. Work on the new prison in Jlarquette will be commenced about Juno 15. The commencèment st tho military acad emy at Oichard Lake takos place June16. The gritduating class numberstwenty. Gov. Alger will present the diplomas, and Rev. Theodore Nelson, superintendent of public instruction, will deliver the adilrcss. Another row oecurreda in Detroit on Sunday, May 23, in whlcfa John Kolonsky was fatally stabbed. liis alleged assailant bas been arrested. 'J'here never bas been greater promiss tnr an abuudant fruit erop on the lako shore than this season. One South ttuven fruit grower estimates that after thinning the peaehes he will have 15,000 baskets, as against 8,000 last year, and this is a fair average of other growers from South Haven to Saugatuck. The flrm of Fuller & Wheeler of Lansing has been awarded the contract for fitting up the buildings for the seiui-centennial celebration and building the roasting oven and carving tables. They will provide seats for 9,000 people and fit up three halls with tables. ín carriage hall 600 lineal feet of tables wil! be required and 1,200 feet of seats. The oven will be 12 feet in length and will be of brick and sheet iron. Two oxen, four 150 pouud hogs andsixöO-pound sheep will be roasted whole. The animáis will be furnished by a St. Johns man, who will kill them on the grounds. The roasting will begin on June 1 and tbe nulmals will be bui-led as soon as roasted to keep the flesh warm for the barbecue. AU that tbe visitors will bo required to furnish are plates, knives, and forks, and they will receive whatever sort of meat they desireat the carviug tables. The Detroit & Lake Superior öopper conipany will erect a new copper smelting Llant at Torch Lake, near the village of ako Linden. The smelting plant proper will consist of three stone buildings, each contnining four refining furuaces, with a (tuily oapacity of lfrti tona Thrn will also l)e buildings for blister-copper and blat turuusi, orneo, oto. The works will not be comuleted for 12 months. Perry, Shiawassee eounty, will have an ild-fasnioned cclebration July 8,andexteuds a special Uivitation to G. A. R. posts. Two prizes ol $15 and $10 respectively are o&ered for best drilled posts. Dr. 8. W. Sniith, C. S. Frazer, H. W. Sniith, Fred A. Fish aud H. Y. McNutt hnve organizad a stock corupany with $5,M0 capital for th establishment of a creumery at Fort Huron. The capacity will l3 1,1)00 pounds of butter daily. The Dflicers are C S. Kiuzer, president; Dr. Sniith, vice president; Kreu A. Fish secretary and treasurer. It will be ready for business in June. TUe uiilk will be received from the Grand Truuk, Chicago & Grand Trunk and the P. H. & N. W. railway lines, and by rond teams. Kx-Sheriff Winney of Jackson, has been appointed deputy United States marshal to succeed James H. Baker of Lansing. These gentlemen figured prominently on either side of the Crouch murder case for a long time, Winney for the peoplo and Baker iu the Crouch fainily interest. In the Lenawee circuit oourt the injunction in the case of the tax collector vs. the Lenawee eounty savings bank haa been dissolved. This will cause the bank to pay tax on large surplus funds, whicb it had claimed should be assesséa luJividually to sTockholders. Joseph St. Mary, for; the past fifteen years a resident of Carrolton, Saginaw county, while rowing in a small boat was capsized by swells from a steamer and drowned. He leaves a widow nd four children. At the trial of Perry Dunton of Saugatuck in the cXJnited States court at Grand Rapids the jury rendered a verdict of ruilty but recommended hiin to the mercy of the court. His offense was presenting a forged affldavit for pension, and he was sentenced to a fine of $100 together with an imprisonment of three months in tha eounty jail. The subject of consolidation is agitating Bay City and West Bay City. E. H. Rood of : Covert has a curiosity in the form of a whip with a stock of hippopotamus hide, which is fully an inch in thickness af ter being dried. The whip is a present from Mr. Rood's brothor, who ia a missionarv in South Áfrico Robert Walsh and G. E. Twiss, brotherin-law of Port Huron, had soms familT troubles which led to an open quarrel. They each used revolvers, ana Walsh wai wounded, notwithstanding which he has been arrested, Says an cichange: It is authentically stated by our largest potato buyers that the Rosse variety.both early and late.have passed their season of usef ulness, and have almost entirely run out. They cut red inside and are far from being the potato they were three years ago. Ihe general expression aniong dealers isthat tbe best variety for the farmers to raise ar Early Ohio, lor an early potato, and for late, the Burbanfc, Suowflake, White Star and Feerless. Rev. Porter B. Barry, for thirty years In the Congregational ministry in Michigan, (lied at Tnree Oaks recently, aged ?4 years. ïhe report of the normal scuool'8 removal from Fenton to Alma having gone abroad, and opinión being soniewhat nnxed on the question, the facts may be stated as follows : The principal oL the school at Fentou will start a normal at Ama; the one at Fenton will be continuad by Prof. Filo, who has purchased the school propertv, and retains all but three oL the corps oL ten teacher. The commencement at the military academy at Orchard Lake take place June 16. The graduating class numbers twenty. Gov. Alger will present the diplomas, and ' Rev. Tbeodore Nelson, superintendent of . public instruction, will deliver the address. A serious fire occurred in Jonesville on the 22d inst. It was discovered ín the rear of a building near Chicago street occupled by ïiffany Brothers and iilled with buggy bodies and other artielea prepared for shipnient to their new establishment in Newton, Ks. The fire is supposed to have been iucendiaiy. It spread rapidly and the planing mili next door owned by Baxter & Selfridge, and rented by Tiffanv Brothers, shareffthe fate of the tirst building in being eutirely consumed. The blacksmith shop by its side took fire but was saved by energetic efforts. The Grosvenor house and Gregory & Bevier's merble shop oppoKite ana tne stores beyond were in great danger, but were saved with only a scorching. The sparks flying. however, ignited the steeple of the Episcopal church, two blocks away, but the flames were extinguished with a loss of about $50, %)vered by insurance. Tiffany Bro's., los is about $12,000. Proseeutlng Attorney Rarden of Monfrcalmcounty, has preferred charges against Justice Carpen tor oí Howard City, and asks for nis i-emovaL Rarden appeared beíore Carpeuter to prosecute two raen charged with enticing a young girl from lier home. At the prosecutor's requost court was adjouraed one hoiir, and before that time elapsed the Justice dismissed tbe prisoner who quickly left for jparts unknown. Nora Ketters, who shot and killed Del Vliet in St. Louis, a few weeks aLO, has heen arrested, charga witu indulging in questiouable habits, and au ett'ort wlll be made to sund her to the girls' reform school. Ab assay of a specimen pouna ian (rom the two tons of rock got out of th quartz vein of the Lake Superior iron conipany, discovered last August, is said , to have shown a rate of over $9,000 to a ton, while another assay froin the lean rock of the mass gare over $62 per ton. H. H. Pierce, living near Climax, was attacked by a vicious nog, and had a hand badlj bitten and his clothos torn. He i would have been killed had not his wife and son carne to his rescue. Michigan'8 $918,500 slice is tle largest j amount which any state obtains under the ; river and harbor bill. Only one larger amount is appropriated, and that a $3,805,000 appropriation for Mississippi river impro vemen ts. The state Eclectric Medical and Surglcal Society held its anual meeting in Lansing on the 20ta and 21st inst. The followiug ollicers were elected for the ensuing year: President, W.B. Church of Marshall ; First Vice President WUliam Bell of Siiiyrua; Second V. P., John W. Cosford of Mancelona; Third V. P., John Babington of Corunna; Censors, for twoyears, l)rs. V. A. Baker, Adrián ; P. B. Wright, Corinth and E. Blackman, Quincy , for one year, Drs. L. A. Howard, LitchUeld: J. D. Peters, Orand Rapids and G. W. Whitford, Coldwater. A. L. Skinner of Orand Rapids has leas ed for a term of niuety-nine Veare au acre of land on the lake front at Grand Haven A company consisting of twenty families has filed articles of corporation and will improve the plant at once. líeoruo tlurst or tirana Kapids, is suln the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern rail road company for $25,000 damages for b ing thrown from a train and totally dis hliled for life. The company claim he wai intoxicated and not careful. An attempt was made the other night to blow up Uarris Bros., dam at Mt. Pleasanl witb dj-namite, which was partly successful. a portion of thedam beingblownaway and about $200 damage being done. Belva Lockwood, the want-to-be-prcsident female lawyer, lectures in Negauuee June 3. Jeremiah Gray was caught on a shaft in mangled, one arm being torn off. He is dead. Philo D. Clark, a pioneer of Sehooicraf t s dead. Tho body of a man frightfcJly malled was found on the Northwestern railrqad track, one mile north of Lothrop station ;he other raorning. He is supposed to have een killed by a train. His name was Wiliam F. Hill, an employ of Lothrop's saw mili, at Lothrop. He was 26 years old and unmarried. Whisky is said to have been ;he cause of his death. He and another man were walking on the track, both inder the influence of liquor. It is thought ;hat Hill went to sleep on the track and was struck by a passing train. Foul play is suspected and it is thought that Hill's :ompanion knows more about the matter than he will teil, and is therefore held by the authorities for an ezamination. C. O'Brien, was killed near Otsego lake y logs rolling upon him. He was brakeman on u log train and a single mau. The reraains were taken to Kast Saginaw, where his brother lives. W. H. Tilley, an ex-policeman of Battle Sreek, died from an overdose of morphine. Supposed to bc a case of suicide. Rev. John Doeffle, Germán Lutheran minister at Norvell, Jackson ccunty, lost lis life by being crushed betwcen the dcj'ot hnïratuK ii - - - - i - -Tt.i. timtier. Ho Hved 'M minutes alter tne acciilcnt. Mr. Doeflle preached on altérnate Sundays at Grass lake and Sharon. He :eaves a wife aad flve childreu. Three ehildren while playing in the barn of Station Agent Buell in Union City, set flre to it in the second story. The ehildren were from 5 to 7 years of age. Claude Cole, aged 6, was burneil to aeath. The [osa on the barn is $ÜUO, no insurance. Dr. 0. S. Bailey of Hoytville, who was arrested recently charged with conimitting an abortion ou Lillian Ludbrook, causing her death, was rearrested subsequently on a charge of murder. He u iailed at Charlotte, but released on $6,000 bail, his father and tour other gentlemen going on his bond. A preliminary examination is going on at V ermontTille to see whether he should be bound over for trial. S W. La Du, state inspector of iïiuminating oils, has issued a cii-nular tp kerosene dealers and consumers, calling their attention to the provisions of the law in reference to oils, etc. Those who have not received this circular will do well to write Mr. La Du at Coral. The case of Charlts Stand against the Chicago & West Michigan railway for l,üOOdamagesforthelossof a leg woile viding onsaid road near White Cloud in iia, .(a in a verdict of no cause for action.


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