Instantly Killed

Mrs. Alice Key Pemlloton wife of Qeo. 3. Pendleton of Ohio, now Unitea istai., Vlinister to Germanv, was instantly killed in Central Park, New York, the other afternoon, and het daughter Jennia 'ranees Pondleton, was seriously injured. The ladies wero ridiiijV in an open Victoria ;o which was attacied a high spirited jorse. While on the Inain drive the horse aérame uumanageable and ran away,pulling Hugh Keilly, the driver, over the dashboard. Un Vímrtletnn jnmned from th carriage and struck on her head, while il ss Pendleton followed and was knocked unconsoions. A park policeman ran upan instant later, found Mr. Pendleton dead, and Miss Pendlton apparenty dying, but on hoiug removed to the hospital, the young lady revived and may recover, [drs. Pendleton was 61 years old and was married in 1846. She was Miss Alice Key, daughter of Francis Scott Key, autbor of 'The Star Spangled Banner," and a sister of Phillip Barton Key, who was killed by Gen. Sicklesr She was the niec of Chief Justice Roger B. Taney. The family have fine houses in Washington and Cincinnatl, and a cottage in Newport. Miss Pendleton is 22 yeais old, and Üioro ig aaother dauKbtar.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat