
Texas claims to have a goose 65 years old. Now, we are not goose enough to jelieve that, but we do kuow that Texas las 10,000 people who have been cured jy the use of Dr. Bull'a Cougi Syrup, a sure cure for cougha aud colds. The length of a saw-mill day in the Chippowa valley has been put at 10 hours. The time honored Nortre Dame, Baltimore, Md.: We have had ampie oppor;unity to convinoe ourselves of the eflicacy of Salvatien Oil. We cheerfully submit our nam es to the public as reference. Respectfully, Sisters of Notre Dame, Aisquith and Eager streets, Baltimore, Md. It is perfectly safe to have some men owe you a grudge, for they never pay anything. The great sources of the extensiva cunitive range of Dr, Jones' lted Olovea Tonic are its great blood purifyiug qual;ies and its gentle asperitive act ion, there[y removing all restraint from the secretive organs, curing promptly and thoroughly dyspepsia.costiveness.bad breath, piles, pimples, low spirits, sick and nerv3us headache, ague. malaria, and all stomach, liver and kidney troubles. The most delicate stomach accepts it with relish. PriceöO cents, of Eberbach & Son. VV hen good will goes out gadding he must not be surprised if ill will meets him on the way. Judge of a government by the men it produces. Judtre of a man by his deeds, a tree by lts fruits, a medicine by its resulta. Time tried and trae is Dt. Bigelow's Positivo Cure, which contains the good qualities of all the best cough remedies without the defects of any of them. A safe and speedy remedy for coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Sold by Eberbach & Sou in 50 cent and dollar bottles. Healing tothelungs. Safe and pleasant for cliildren. The man who mounts his high horBe is invariably the one who gets the least pity when he fulla. The best on earth, can truly be sald of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which is a sure, safe and speedy cure for cuts bruises, scalds, burns, wounds and aL pther sores. „Will Dositiyelv cure piles tetlër and all skin eruptions. iiy tuif wonder healer. Satisfaction guaran teet or money refunded. Only 25c. Sold b C. Eberbach & Son. It'is a good proverb which says thai every man hath a cricket in his head ant makes it sing ns he pleases.
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