
- - - ■ MA80NIC DIRECTORY. Tuesdav"' eacli month. W. w. Mchols, E. C. W . A. Tolchard, Recorder. Washtknaw Cbaptik, "a 6, K. A. Ji.-Meeta flrst Monday of each montii, C. E. Hiscock. H. I'. ; Z. Koath. 6m 'tary. MICHIoIïTcESTBAL. TRAINS EAST: M.n 4 33 p m and Limited Express in 09 p. m Atlantic Kzpress n " Nitilit Kxpress Vn . Grand Kapids aud Detroit Express . . 10 .8 a. m TKAINS WEST: jail o !t a. m PÖcwo Expresa ?Sp'm Grand Kapids and Kalamazoo Express 5 M p, m Evoning Express ,Jll m Pacific Exp-ess 10 38 p. m Tlw New York and Limited. Atlantic, and Night Express trains east, and the Chinafco. Evening, and PadflC Bxpnaa trains west, run every day in the week, Sundays included, 7thTeninsiilar amirfisiThe Seventh Peninsular SaonRerfest will be held in UNIVEBSITY HALL. ON AUGUST 16, 17 & 18, 1886. OVÏE 200 SINCERS ! From the Varlous GERMÁN SINGING SOCIETIES Of Michigan, and SPEIL'S OROHESTRA, Of Detroit. The CHORAL UNION, Will also take part in this Grand Festival. Seduced Ratcs on all the Rnilronds. JOHN WOTZKE, Secretary Peninsular Saengerbund L Ann Arbor, Mich. A. L. NOBLE, Always has his left eye on the weather and theother looking for the proper goods to niíike one comfortable. Now. SEER SUCKER COATS & VESTS, Light-Colored Derbys AND HATS MACKINAW HATS, Are the burdon of his sengSPRING 0VERC0ATS ! For cool raornings is the subject of his encoré. 39 South Main Street. SICN OF THE RED STAR.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat