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Trnth is simple, requiring neither study nor art. Three members of my family, says Mr. James A. Sample. Cash Room office of the Treasurer, U. S., who were suffering from aggravating conghs, have beeu mueh beneflttel by taking Red Star Cough Cure. None of the ill effect so notieeableinother cough remedies, have followed the use o, this. The manly part is to do wit h might and mnln what yon can do. "A litlte tire is quickly trodden out Which, btúng suffered, rivers cannot quencli." Procrastination may rob you of time, but by inercased dilligence you can make up the loss; but if it rob you of life the loes is irremediable. If your health is delicate, your appetite fictie, your sleep broken, your mina depressod, your whole being out of sorts. depend on it you are seriously diseased. ín all such cases Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medica] Discoyery" will speedily effect a genuine, radical" cure- make a new man of you and save you froni the tortures of lingering disease. Self-love is inore cunning thun the most cunning man in the world. Throw Physic to the Doe" when it is the old-fashioned blue mus. blue pill Hort. and insist on using oDr. PÍAroa's "Pleasailt Pllí'ínti-p-c Pelleta." u modern medical luxury. heiug small, sugar coated granules, containinjí the aotiva principies of certain roots and herbs, and which will be found to contain as mucli cathartic ]ower as any of the old-fashioned, large pills. without the later"s violent, ilrastlc effeets. The pellets operata thoroughly but harmlessly, establishing a permanent 1 v bealthy action of the stomacu and bowels, and as an antibilious remedy are unequaled. There is a drain of 50,000,000 acres upon the forest of California every year. piles, fístula?, rupture and stricture radically cu red. Book of particular 10 cents Ín stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Association. Buffalo, N. Y. Let amusement fill up the chinks of your listeneO, but not the great space thereof. Itis so Evf.kywherk. - E. B. Rail, drugfrist kt Hiattsville, Kan., lias this to wrlte hout Allcu's l.ung Ëalsam: ''It is the best $ellinL throat and loujt ■ reraedv, and givee general satisfactioü. I eheeriulív ncommend It" Buy the large 1.00 bottle íor Lung ülseaites. Clergymen and physicians recoinmend Hall's Hair Renewer for diseases of the scalp and halr. Ayer's Agüe Cure neutralices the miasmatic poison which causes fever and agüe. When the state is most corrupt then the laws are most multiplied. Tby Dn. Wai.ker's California Vinegab Bittkrs for liver and kidney complaints, scrofula, rheumatism, worms, fever, skin eruptions, headaches, and all disorders arising from bad blood. That remarkable vegetable preparation has never failed to effect a speedy cure In any instance. Muny thousands of persons testify to its wonderful effects. Sensible men show their sense by sying much in a few words. "Athlophoros gives perfect satisfaction. 11 has helpe-d und cured some where all othor remedies have failed todo any good,' is the report of Dullam Bros., druggists, ( Flint, Mich., on the great rheuniatisni and neuralgia remedy's work. It doth not become a In w-maker to become a law-breaker. The Rev. Arthur Gray-Howe, an Englisb olergyman, died recently, lenving $20,000. 000 to two sons. Bowaie of worthless imitations of Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic. The genuine cures headache, piles, dvspeiisia. agtie, maltria, and is a perfect tonic and blood purifler. Price 50 cents. Madame Janauschek is to begin a serie of farewell tours of America in September. Silence is an ornament to the wise. So much the more so to fools. WOMEN Necdlng niiisd atroactk, or wk rer ft-om taflrmltl pnnllii to tklr mx, h.-U trj Ma H BITTER? ■ " BEST TONIC. Thi mdioin oombtnea Iroo with par Ttmbl lonic. ud ii loTaTamM for Dimw pwilUr tWomen. ud 11 who ld Mdantur Utm. IC Enrirhe tui Paria, ths Blood, stlinulatei ih Appetlte, Mtrenth-D tho Aluaclc ad Narre in fot. Uioroochb 1 nvlcoratn. Olwn th oumplrlon. nd Dlkallu ttin nnootb. It do nol bUokan th Uoth .uu bwlacba, or prodio oonltipation- all Mir ron wuiidntt do. 't J. W ( oi,T, St. OhulM. Mloh.. u;i : "I uied Browa'llroi liu for (ma) wukneu with gnH at,nd rfu)lxroomiiindittolikenufforr." KM 8, 'oït, Lamine. Mioh.. uu : " I h. SMntroubl. witb.WMknMM pMnlisr to fml lor roAT. bui luana no pormanatit reliof anti) I ur i Browm'flronBlttwt.whichhMoinnpUulraundnu.' QenaiB hu snftT Trmd Hark and oroiaod ra noel on wnppar. Tak DO othor. Mad odIj b; uuuw.v cumcuci)., iíltimokc. md Henry Ward Beecher will be unioug the speakers at tho Actors' Fund celebration at Wallack's Jume 8. Edgar Strakosch latoly sailed for Liver gooi on business connected with Sarah ernhardt'a coming tour. Rubinstein lias 1. appointed grand I master ofmuslc to the COUrt of Russia, Wlth the rank of conrt imirtial. T. W. Keene. wliosc liealth is cntirely reeetablished, and his iiuinager, W. R. Hayden will salo for Liverpool June 1. Henry Irving's receipts nee 1879 are said to have been nearif 2,"iK).(KXI, including the proceed8 of bis American tour. A Sioux Indian, a gradúate of thelíampton üchool, i i'rppiii-iiig forholyoi. . m the thcological geminary, AlcxamM Siguor Raveli has broken his eum . l with Colonel Mapleson in San Francisff., olaiining tliat the impressario owes hini 18,000 H. Grattan Donselly has written a j edy for Evuus and Hoey, enlitled "A Reign of Terror." It will lie brought out next season. The roof of the theater ut Huromal, ! .iMi;tn. %uyv wuy reeenuy anu leu upon the spectators, 15U of whom were seriOUftly injuied or killed. A Mrs. Haiijh, recently deceased, left by her wlll ÍHO.Om) to be e"qually divided betwecn twelve ehunlies in the west riding Yorkshire. Englmid. Miss Louis Sim, hm American, has been singing at Kavfima in -'D Ouarany" and bats taken the audience of that quiet but classic city by storm. The value of tbought cannot be told. Just so with tïie best of everything. Take Dr. Bigelow'ü Positivo ('uro for all throat and lung troubles, if you appreciate a speedy and thorough cure. Pleasant to take. 50 centa and il. Jealousy is always born with love - but loesnot ahvuvK die with it. Madame Valleria has pngaged with Cari Rosa for the season at Drury Lane to apSear in McKenzie's new operat "Ciuilleni e Cobestan,'" June 2. In every land and olime, the raerits of St. Jacob's üil as the only conquernp of pain, are being acknowledged by the press and people. How many mourners are necessary atthe wake of a ship; If your throat or limiis (]tsoiieicall or wrtte to Michlpa Umtltute. Tí JelT. Ae., Detroit, Mich. Best, ease;tto ose and c-lioapvst. hlso's Reinedy lor ('alanh. By drnirgisií. 30. WnXNKettlnffrour bool or stralgbtnrd use LyiMiV Heel StifieneT; the ve iimiuy. ylve com I furt nnd kt-t'o them '.r.iKtt'. The elmpleat and bert regulator f tbe ! ordeiwl L vr in tbc worlil, are ('aiter's Little Livcr l'llls. 'ihey give prompt rt-iicf in Sck I Headache, Dtazlness, NhUiea, i. ; prevert and ; cure CoDsUpatlon nnd Pilee; remore allowness and Pimples from the ( omplexfon, and ; are mild and gentie in tlcir operatlon ob the bowels Carter'! Little Livor Pilis are -n.all and as easy to take as t-ugar. One Pili a (tose. Price 5 cent 9. PATKIVTSolynineflbyTíOTjis Bagger Co., At torutys, WashlngtoD.D.C.Sal'iJ 1861. Advic fre. If afflicted with gore F.vcs. uw Dr. Isa.( Thimpsi n's Eye Water. Diupgists sell it. 25c j 1 ITCHINC ' irrümioim of the ikln ni tcalp, bnrnn, hí uUi?. pür r, ulce'H, poiBonB, bitei of Insecto and n skin diseases jmckly cnred bjr Cl' ar'iolltulr. L, & bu &-!, !t Won't Bake Bread In otber ironía we do not claim tbat Hood'ii Sursiiparilla wfll ei" lHiposiMHttos. We teil you plainly what rt 'Ioiip, and -nbmit proot'H froiu MHWMM ot nnqueMioned reliabillty, and ask yon fraiikly f you are rafferlng trom any di&ease or affect ion OftQB#d Or pronaotevl by :eopnre bUi or low state of the system, to iry Hooci 3artapRft..'a. Onr OZpertenoe wammts as in assuring you that you wtll not bc dlsappotntett in tho resul t. I havo taken Efootfa Soinpaiilla for dyapepaia, wliich I have tiH'l tot tbe la-t nine or ten years. Miflering turribly. It ha now enttrety cured me." Mus. a. Nditïü.v, Chlokopee,Matt. "After BiifferlriK many yea-ra wíth kldjiy com plttint. I wtt; recontmended by rny pahtor, Rev, J. 1. Stone, to try Hood's Saraprilla. It han done me inoro oorl than anythintr olse." Buwin1 C. ('i 'uuittit, Dnlton, N. 11. 'My w'ifi; there la DOtíüng like Hoodf8 SarsaiHirlIlu. anrt ira nre nevor withont it ta tbe house." F. H. i.atimek. Bynoaae, N. v. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all OroggUtB. il; U fr $5. l'repared by C. I. H(K)ü A ro.. Apothoftrleft. LoweU, Miat IOO Doses One Dollar MALT BITTERS, If you vrisk to be rellered of those terrible SlclC Headacbe and that miserable Sour Stmach. It wlll, when tak.'ü acoording to dlreotiODs, cure auf caá oí Etck Kcadaclie or Sour Stomach. It c:-ans the liuing of ■toiuacb and buvrel, promotes healthy ación and iwet secretioii it makes pure blood and glve it fn-o flow, Uris síüding ntttrlment to evory pait. It ia Ihe safct speedicMt and sureflt Vs;elaí;E' Rt'raedr ever lnvpiited tor all diseosss of Iho ttomach and 11 ut. J. M. Moore, of Farmine i. Mloh., says: My nuflVriua: fi'oiii slcic lioidavbo aud Sour Ktomach iran tertlhle. One bottle of Hops and Malt Bitters curcii Do not rtt Hopa Hud Malt Bitters confonnded vito nl'er.or j.n-j-ai utious of similar urne. For sule by all drut.-gi.iis. HOPS & MALT BITTERS CO., Detroit, Hich. DR. JOHN BÜLL'S SffllsTonicSjrnp FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CH1LLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. The propriotor of this celebra ted i mdicine j o stly olaims for it a snperiorlty over all remedies ever offered to the publio frr the SAFE, CERTAIM, SPEEDT and'PEKMAlfEllT cur of Agu9 and Fevor.or Chillsand Fever.whether of short or long standing He referr to the ; entire Western and Southern countiy to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no case whatevev will it fail to euro if thodirections ave strietly folio wedandcarried out. In a Lreat many cases a single dose has been aufficient for a enre, and whole families have been cnred by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It ia, however, prudent, and in ev ry case more eertain to onre, if its nse is continued in smaller doaes for a week or two after the diseaae has been cheolced, more especially in difficult and long-standing cases, üsnaüy this medicine will not reqmre any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patiënt, however, reqnire a ca thartic medicine, after having taken three or foor doses of the Tonic, a aingl doi of K 3NT' S VEGETABLE FAMIXY PILLS will be snfficient. Usa no other. DR. JOMW SUt.L-8 SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTRÓYER, Tho Popular Remedies of the Day. Principal Office, 831 Main St., LOVISTILLI, EI. m BiBVOL'hV HlHLEw. gWüiSKSS AüF wdbbiuttPfksal?íS decat. A Iilfe Kxperlfluoe. Romarbftble and qnlck cures. Trtal Farkages. ConMiltatlon and UooUs Uj Mail l'RKE. Atldres Dr. WARD & Co.. Louisian, Mo. JÊg FACE, HAA'DS, FEET, Wi TI llopfnu-iit, Snpertlunu Hir, Birús kisrkt. flft U .ÍÍ MoU, Wirts, Moth, Fm:hl, KH Nom. Am, tfïaKCw B1k ni!(. Si-mr., Plnliiv nd lhlr irimvai, jBjNf Or. JOHN H. WOODBURY, 0,m ■■iiiiimim m i- HST OV HSKASES AI.WAYS CTTRARLB BY U8IH MEXXCAltf MUSTANG LINIMENT. OP HTMi.V FLEST!. OP AXIMiia. nbriininll-m, Srratche, Uuriis and Kcalda, Sores and Galla, Sting and Uiten, Spnvin, Crack. Cnta and Bruiaes, Srrow Worm, Orak, Sprnln L. Slitrhr., l.'oot Rot, Hoof All, ('ontrartrd .Huer Ie, Lamentu, SlIB Joint, Swlnnj, Konsdara, Backarhc. Spraina, Slralna, Eruptiona, Sore Feet, Proat llii.-s, siiOncia, and all external ruteases, and overy lmrt oraceldeat for general uso In famlly, stablc and Koek la THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS lla. JAMES BAOLKT. asottoo loremaa C. M KR. Wintlf, Oblv, fcjj nol lept for over jer, bil sufferlog froro NVcriliwu u rrMt, Thjcv d,e. „f ATBLOPHOt OS "'"1 in. NiurUii 1B alwiys hequjcklj curcd Iry of Atblocboro Alk your intcnU' for Atluphoroj. If jou panr.o'. jet It of kim uo [mi trj somethine ctït. butorder . ootf l-oai ui WcvlO ■''"-' -!.! on rtc-.-i. tof prli- . ! 00 P" tollU. ATHLOPí-í. 'Oí CO. ! ! ■■ K7 Twk. RADWA.'S sabsapabulian resolvlnt The.Great Blood Purifier Tor the i urcot uil cfaronk il ww., Ohronic liheumstlsm, t-hron'r a a rh li tío ï e ui, Scrutui syp rlittt' on.plA'n.x etc, (;a:; ui: r twe . nu lirt i ;i kli ii ennffb, ancftwim ni, " e d'rjf ol the LmiL'-. D sj:-i ■ Water Brn-h. White S lllaM Tumor-, t'inr. . h Blotoheft, ' ruptions of He rct ülcerB. Hip DfMases, Dropsy, KickctR, Snit Rtjt-uil Broucli.t u, uousumui uu, i.dn.-it-s, Kiduvy. HUUaeii Livrr eomplftltftfV BÍC SCROFÚLA, hetht'i tnnflirlUed from p&renttor nulred U Win i i ïL.e u v.ivfi'.' o tli - ;,r;ipur ü.ac Re Síl 4 llt. r-nir.' i a ebeen made er;1 pibodi imvnibcea atHit'j w.ihacro ni i froni ih"ir_yomh up ?o 'o 3 and ,(iyc:ir oí v. y DR. KA! WAV AR APAR1L1 IAX B COLVE -ÍT, u reuea compui4 of lnpi-ct ie :- AL exiraordlnary iii((!i.--i proitertlejí, esen' al iu ft-If. h.a', repair and in I,..r.t'j tb brok ■: 'i twp n'l mtsted body, Quivlc, Piiusant. ! and peimanent In Iti ireatineut and run. Kor sale by all di u íísih. One üullnr bottle, RADWAY'S iSKS Fof tne relief nnl mire of all l'nint, coiixtlona aai} IiiflummntiotiH, DR. RADWAY'S PILLS Por Dtstxpsia and for the ture of all the disorders oí üití Ktüiuncli, Llver, Bowi li conatlpatj d, Blliuutaesfl, I3li8. Hca la?be, etc Prlcc 2T cents. DR. RADWAY, ,v 00., 32 Warren St, N. Y, "FREE HOMES FOR THE MILLIOr - IN - North-Western Nebraska. On thr line of the Fremont. Elkborn & Mo. Valley R. R A1IWII.I l'M.V THK ONLÏ KAII.UIIAÜ Tl) TUK BXli.C2L TTTT.T.B Wheri ia f o mul Grold, Silver, TIn, MICA. ud :i". i i'.iiimted HOT .-rKIlNCir- Take the Chicago A Xnrth-Weatern Noon Train lptvlii(i t'hicajio, aiK' ruako close ")nn(H'tlon at Mo# Vnlley wiih iur ' E klirn Vallei Llae" tot Norib-wvt Nebraafca :.ü.; the lilack IIIIK. I. It. B1ICHAKAN, (.1 n. Pl . Agt Mc. Valler, I. EXIi]mfVITlUTÏ.j ll.Llim.lTKU SlMl'LI FKEL KNOW'TflYSELF.jBHb A Great Medical ',Vi rk on Manhood, NrT0usaa4 Fbysical Debtttty, Premature Decnn in Man, Hïr naustnd Vitaüty. A . -.. and tli nntold mUerie H-'r-ull tiiu' frum i-di-( rt-tion or AXC#SHM 300 puge. Mihvtuntmliy btnind In gilt. muslin. Contalns morf tban lSBlDTtunable i-rexriptions, embraclny OTerf resetablfl remedy In the iiharmut'uepia tor all acut nnd i'hnmic dleaflcs. It is cmphtitlonlly a bouk foJ everymun. Prlceonly $1 bv mail postpaid, codck ed in plaln wrapper. 1M.USIKATIVK SAMl'LK I KKK TOALt young and middle-tiKt-'d nitn for the next BlneM days, Send now, or t ut thi uut. hs j-ou may dctJ It asaiu. Address Dit. V . H. Ki kkkh, 4 Bulllaci st., Boston. N. B.- Dr. Parker can be conOdentlally couiutte4 On all dUeaaea of mao, his njiecialties. FREEFMiflSiNsANÍüS. Tbú most Wort-Uritit Airirufturai Pti-A In Artob Surruundeil by in-o-noroi's minina and aianufnoturl ut crops i-h i : . 'd in WR. T !' O V SA V DA Of ACKKNyFOlJvkltVMKVi1 LAM), sukj to w" -mptiuü iin.i hu.T" ■ ;. : ..uil for ! t Mal setrlers at $5.(W per tor LONG TIMjL Park frriftted by )inin-ii nniU ('lifp rltroM rte) Kverv titten 1. n ] wn itlers Kor umM pamphleu, , addng. i 'i'l.oiï imi i.a.VD LOAS OO-, Opera Hous Block lu-n . ei " ol., Bx 9S. p1lRBRÖ0i(STpi LeadingNos. : 14. 048, 130, 135, 333, 16L For Sale by all Stationers. ■ THE ESTERBRÖOK STEEL PEN CO., I Works: Camdea, N. J. 26 John St., New Yofjú Yu are KïiowtM a frectritii of t)'irtydiaot ta ' iigoof Dr. Dve''HVltratC(l VültoieBr-ltwith leotit Suspensor; Aupli.iuces. (or tbo sppciy relief andpe uuuicDt cure AfJfernoiu Drbility, lofinot l"tíu4Uy,kL Manhuod. and uil kfudred treuDleti. Also for maay ther ülseaseu. Complet rMtoratlon to Hvolth, vtew tndManhoúdffuarüntued. Ko risk Is lncumxL IlTüétrated Danipnl : la 'lied enreloue malled free, b iddresslo;: ;'■;: Helt Co.. M.'imhall. Mlch. ÉHXèkJV ■"" :-" :■- ...lLli iVZl Bi: SEVV fj fvri:.-S If. Kor rT frte IUI Ptan'i Rímelr for Catarrte I ttM ■■■ I Bwt, Saoli-Jt to üs, and OhetpcM. Ê , fcs i iw'w üi jiitiji" " t? il iiiJM '" Ha iéIÉÉiV rÍHÍlfSifíMíi',-{?iwH I Also oort for i -.)!d in tbi Hna4, H J ■ Headacbe. Bay ivver. 4c. se t-eou. I ■ BUCKEYE FOLDING BINDER. Theltiflitwfr i aaninre'emlorMn'larlii th rri# lot stonif.' n 'i ■ ■ Kwver mliiej a bun lie. MtfXTio TBISPjUKK lifi, jrou ""■' :"' our C.itulog-U. Aultttian, Mlilfr Alo., AktoB, O... PONSiMrjïon tbonionds of csat of itm i..uJ i. .f Ion rt4ia# hftve i-ci riT' I -■■'■'' t'i l'l B-jh that 1 WIH MDd TWu ti - . i ■ it wth TAlí CAHI.K ; :r,i; bp tnffrrtr. Qlv M, preitaod P. O. -1ü:k:ii. DK.T. líl Prl8IL% A FKES SAW.PLE."" To Intro'iiif : h" i-cst hon-ehlti rfmndy, 0Ok DON'IS !]NTCi O ' I1 '. S In-oev-ryfa-nílj. I win ish sainIf fiec ut y s Menttaa (til ii,l :ld. .-.-. E. U. K.CH AKDS. l'lio. CE AnSBSni 1 H-i'-. Qnirk:rnl rlu lí II latí "liciten nl r aJufcuntinS QV1 Iiudcb! ::vr". Krurii. Ti lltrXAVV 11 IWICI I{miu:i lUwi'iHV, LÍJ eu, 1V ■KSfcaKSíí..-; ■■1ii;1s.irerilwimi KlUUtil O rhb i ÍC.C6.I.. mail. Mow,llC ' ■■■■EPSeK'??''.-' .UlJtOWIl.iUfc W. N. U. DI.-4- "3 j nniBIBS llahlí loral la f tfl IJ Hl ■- ■ -- "B"T . - --■. T'3Tl


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