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EBERBACH&SOH, Dealera tn Drugs, Medicines And a fine tot oi French Hair Brushe AND Enelish Tooth Brushe. Vf oaU tpecial attention to our ■toek of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pura Chemicus of our own Importatlon. A f uil Une et TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At llat priee. STTXIDIEIISrT S Are eordiallj iuvited to examine our atock aC quabty and prlces. EBÜRBACH tSON. 1ACKSUN FIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe AND ZDIR-IlTSr TIX.3B I All our Tram Tile aromad of Flie C!ay, ar ot unuBual atrength and lij;ht weljht, which materlally reduces the briakage and exnen ol transportaron. The ditehinft of this clas of tilIng is less expenslTe. ft they do not require to be lald belun' (roat but onlj deep enougn to e eap the pluw. WUile this is more económica) íí also aids In obtalnicg a better fall or grade to Ihe drain. A full asortmeot of all slzea, for taleiusmall quantitlw, or car load loU, at th FERDON LÜMBEE YARD, James Tolbert, Agent. 1 THe, the Greatest Labor-Savlng Machine of tho Age." T Vhc Ktlitor of T)w Chieaao Trttnm. Dttiobt. 111 , Man-h 16.- On of the ttrongstt and mo.t coiivincing faets that I have yet seen wltb regard to tile drainage is brought ont la the December report of the Agricultural Depar ment of Illinois. It la tuis: ACRKAOC. Amea In corn in Livingston Conutjr, lbSl 8,597 Aureaice In corn In Logan County, 1SS1„ 140.SM Livingston over Logan 137.7M YIKLD. Tleld of corn In Livingston County, 1881. .6,983,521 Yield of corn in Logan County, 1882 6.0T0.M4 LlTingston over Logan 1,9Q!,5S In oiher words. I-ogan County has ralsed nar ly as imn-h corn on 140.809 acres as LIvingstM county has on S68.MT acres. Put it In auother fonn, th farmers in Livingston County haT been obüged to plow nearly doublé the acreag of land (8.97), and have ralsed but a Tery mail percentage of increase of corn OTer thcif brethern In Logan County, who only had to plow 140.&Í9 acres. Let us gire It another twittl A A. farmer whc han his land well tilled need only work eiehty acres of land and grow Just abou Uk""áíÍ?er'í-ioíaduYn ten o%iSSÍ It is not fair, then, to conclude that the graateat Inhor-r.arlrr n. achine to-day of th ace la the til drainf Fróni the same source of Information I Êalher the following ax regards th progresa erf Je-drainage in these two counties: i rut. Total numtaer of feet Uid in Iirlngsto Couuty upto 18É1 l,140,TM Total numoer of feet lald In Loga County up to 1881 889,4M Thls tab!e prnres beyond all theory that owlng to tb frea use of til that on county hu baem abletoprodui nea-lyas much corn on HO.000 icruoflnnd another county hai produced pon Í6,OOO Bcres.which is nearly doublé, aad he beauty of the hole is that it vrat don with kalf th work ! Mr. Editor, suppos a kind Proïiïenc should lengthen out the spin of our day BBtil we saw Illinois tboroughly tile-drainad, whre wou ld be put the corn that thil Stal irould produce, and what would we do with om 'JlTor dollarefSamukl T. K. Pain.-' RINSEY k SEABOLT. No. 0 & 8 Washington St. HTe on hand a completa stock of 0ferj thing in the Crocery Line. Teas, Cofl'ees and urir, In larg amounts. and at Caslti. IP3?cOs And can wil at Low Figura. Th larg invoice of tías thy Buy and 811, II good proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargaint. They Roast their own Coffees every week, an4 none but prime anieles are iiaed. neir Bakery turna out excellent Bread, Ckm nd Crackers. Cali and te them. PricesGone Down A lar ge btock of Wall Paper Bellingr at A CREAT REDUCTION! I claim to have the largeet and BEST SELECTED STOCK Of Wall Papar and Deoorations in thi oonnty, and oan give perfect satinfnotioii in Oooda or Work . Paiuts and Painten Snpplies a apecialty. .lTDexti Sorg, Snoce Hor to F. AA. Sorg, 86 tt VYabblnston tt. - Au Arbor rwLÁÑT&CÍo fjQiA BestüsthaVorlA


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