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Mrs. Kiitc Maloney spent Sunday with Mrs. Judge Hogers. P. Flemming of Dexter, qualilijd as justice of the peace, Wednesday. Mrs. Jno. Beahan and Miss Rosa Hammell, visited Ypsilanti last Saturday. The board of health are anxious to have the back alleys and cesspools cleaned. Mr. Georse Sudworth of the agricultnral college, Lansing, is home for the suiiimor. Jas. Smith of Scio, an old and highly respected citizen of tliat township for the past 35 years, died Suuday. There was a daneo at Chris. Cushman's in Webster, Friday night. A large gathering, and a huge time. The degree of Ph. D., bas been conferred by the university on Douglass H. Campbell of the Detroit high shool. Jas. Colgrove, carpenter, is building himself a neat little cottage on South University avenue, at a cost of $1,000. Dr. Smith has been making an extend Öd trip around Buffalo, Syraeuse, and Saratoga. He i expected home tomorrow. The patrons of Saxton & Cobb will find a toothsome tree lunch spread at their pluce every Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Ynm, yum. Wm. L. Atwood of Ypsilanti, an employé at Parsons Bros.' planing mili, was instantly killed Wednesday morning- a two-inchshaft falling on him, crushing bis sknll. Wm. H. Mclntyre and others on the east side of Spring streef, want a sidewalk. They should have it. For many years they have boen wearing out shoele ither on a sidewalk on th opposite side of the street. Mrs. Einily Conant, who had a stroke of paralysis ten days ago, quietly passed away last Saturday morning. Her remains were taken to Tecumseh for bur ial. Mrs. Couant was a sister-in-law of Mrs. Wm. Loomis. A long communication on the action of the board of reviow of Northfield is crowded out. Gentlemen, please get your items mto as brief a space as possible. We have no room for articles of the search warrant order. The following are the directora elected by the Saving bank : C. Mack, W. D. II arm ii, -in, D. Hisoock, Wm. Deubel, W. B. Smith, David Rinsey. As usual, this bank presents a niagnificent front. Another semi-anuual dividend has been declared. 'l'he Bible readiugs at the old Baptist church, at 9:15 Suniay mornings, are very interestiug. Subject nest Sunday morning: "The New Government, in New Testament." It makes a good opening for the week: go to the post-office at 9 o'clock, then to the old Baptist cliurch with your Bibles for a half hour's study of its most interesting lessons. The high school alumni association meets Friday eveuiug, June 25, at the high school building. The literary exercises will of an oration by Ken dall Kittredge, a poem by Nellie M. Garrigues, and aro to be followed by the usual refreshments. Any fnends of the school are invited to the supper as well as the literarv exercises. Good music will be furnished. Toledo races June 22-25. Premiums to the amouDt of $4.500 are offered. The association oflera. as an extra attraction, a special puree of $5(10, for the baating of the record of the Toledo track. (2.16), made by Kanis. Open to trottere and pacers. Horses competing to hare three trials, the horse making the fastest time to receive $500, provided 2.16 is beaten. Upen to all and no entrance fee charged. A surprise party was given the Rev. Fr. Fierle, Tuesduy evening. It was the lOth anniversary of his ordination as a priest. Three of his old class-mates were present - Kr. Bauragartner of Pontiac, Muir of Manchester, and MoMannus of Dexter. Rey. Fr. DeBever of Ypsilanti, was also an invited guest. A magniücent collation was eerved. Some 300 married people were present. Fr. Fierle was presented with a number of fine presenta. High school commencement June 25. t To-night is the regular meeting o : WelchPoat Dr. Ford can now be called by tele phoue, No. 84. ■ Mrs. Cöllins Stevens is viaiting a Whitmore Luke. Mis. George Loomis will take a tri to California in August. 1 Everything is progressing finely fo the 3d of July celebration. Prof. Wramplmier will visit Californi during the nummer vacation. Temporáneo meeting at the old Bap tist ohurch Sunday, at 3 p. m. James Howard, a tramp, is serving 30 days in jail sentence, for larceny. The seniors have decided not to pur chase a memorial for the university. It will pay y ou to give The Two Sams chango of ad. tliis week a good carefu perusal. Master Tommy Neat of Ypailanti, has been visiting relatives in this city durinj the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Galick wiil spenc the next three weeks with triends in Brad doek, Pa. Hn. A. J. Sawyer is expected to ar rive in the city to-morrow from his trip to New York city. Everything is working finely for Prof Granger's hop on the day and evening of the 3d of July. The tuition from foreign acholara in the high school foote up 35,776, or $300 more than ever before. Stephen A. Douglas, son of the " little giant," is to deliver the fourth of July oration at Three Rivers. Jas. M. Willcoxson was appointed school enumeratof by the board of educa tion, TuGsday evening. Miss Rose Cleveland's new novel, " The Long Row," is to be published by B. F. Dickerson of Detroit. Auditor-General Stevens and wife, are talking of taking in the G. A. R. excursión to California in August. Chas. Ward, an incorrigible, 10 yaars of age, has been sent to the Lansing reform school until 18 years old. Last evening President Angelí delivered an address to the graduating clnss of the Battle Creek high school. M. H. Goodrich attended the Michigan state pioneer society mreting at Lansing, Tuesday and Wednesday . Geo. Olp, who is at present temporarily stopping in Kalamazoo, spent the Sabbath with his family in tbis city. The graduating class of Orchard Lake military academy numbera 20. Commencement next Wednesday, June 16. Easlinger, the breeder of English game cocks, has received an order for four red brested games, to be sent to Toledo parties. Miss Flora M. Potter, of the graduating class of the university, has been appointed preceptress of the Jonesville high school. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Walker and Capt. C. EL Manly and wife, went to Detroit this morniug, and will spon d the day in sight-seeing. John Fox, tho oolored attorney of Ypsilanti, died Sunday, of coasumption. He was a gradúate of the law departnient of the universty. Services at the Unitarian church next Sunday morning, conducted by Rev. Jas. T. Bixby. The evening service will be omitted until further notice. At the prohibition convention in this city Monday, the sum of $66 was raised to be expended by the county executive in spreading.prohibition literature. J. E. Beal, who has been fitting up a pleasant sanctum on the south side of the Üourier building, will take possess ion of his new quarters sometime next week. Rich Johnson and Wm. Murphey, the Bohemian oat men arrested on the cbarge of obtaining money under falso pretensos, gave bail in the some of $300 for thcii appoaranoo for trial. Charles John Herman McDonaia, wlio burglarized Fred. Ivempf 'a residence in Northfield, is in jail waiting trial at the October term of court. Sheriff VValsh had a chaae after him of several miles throiigh a swatnp near Milan, in Monroe county. Forrest Cheney flddled in university hall, Monday evening, to defray the expenses in sending representativos to the inter-collegiate con tests. The young yioliniat created a very favorable impression with his audience. He ranks high as a musician. Dr. S. A. Jones' paper on " Carlisle," read before the Alpha Nu society last Saturday evening, was a masterly effort. Those who expected a rare treat were not disappointed and the doctor was listened to throughout his reading with rapt attention by his audience. Wm. J. Hay den is dressing up the atone for the new depot. Ten teams are at work drawing off dirt. A largo gang of hands are at work rushing things. The foot bridge between the traok and the iron bridge has beeu removed and no w pedestriaus tuke the centre of the roiid. During the past week a number of jidewalka have been put down in different portions of the city by Geo. Walker, who makes a apecialty of tar walka: One in front of Mrs. Cowles' place on Ann 3troet, Jno. Beahan's seven rods on Pontiao atreet, DeFrieze, seoond ward, Mrs. Penney on Ingalls street. The Farmers and Mechanica bank ílected the following board of directora Mouday: B, Kempf, E. Duffy, Ambroae Kearney, Wm. N. Stevens, W. A. Tolchrd, D. Mclntyre, W. F. Breakey, John Burg, and Fred. Schairer. The directbors are more than pleaaed with the ïmount of buaineas transaoted during tne past year. Argonaut editora elected Saturday aa rollows: R E. Park, Phi Cappa Psi; E. D. Adams, Pai Upsilou, and F. J. Baker, Ind., were elected from '87 to serve on year. M. Rosen t hul, Ind., '88, and J. E. lalley, Alpha Delta Phi, to serve one semester. At a meeting of the Ohronicle issociation, the same day, T. J. Ballinger i'f Zeta Paí; A. G. Newcomer of Phi Gamma Delta; Benno Rhonert and F. J. Woolley were elected editora to serve one year. Chas. Shetterly and NI as Charlotte A. CJardner, both of thia city, were married Tueaday oveuing. After the ceremouy bad beeu performed the happy youug couple repaired to tho residence of the (froom's father, Mr. Geo. W. Shetterly, where a pleaiant time was had. There wa music and dancing; the tront yard was brilliantly illuminated with Chinese lanterns, and more noise was made than usually occure at a Germán charivari. Band wagons and hucka kept guests coming and going until a late hour. The local paper is the best paper in the world. All papers can not supply the place of the home paper. No other contnins the marriages and deaths, to say nothing of the births and divorces. No other paper gives the time of holding the next ball, picnic, r political meeting; no other publinhes the roll of honor of tho public schools; no other discuases the atïairs of town and county, or gives the local news whioh can be obtained from no other source. Everybody reads it. Thia ia why the local paper is the best read paper in the world, and the best advertising medium for its circulation extant. - Dundee Reporter. One day last week George Gilbert exchanged his horse " Lightning Rod " with parties in Ionia for a horse called " Frank D.," a handsome brown gelding, llamlet-bred - being a half brotheï to the celebrated trotter, "A. V. Pautland." This deal makes Mr. Gilbert the possessor of three as fine young horses as there are in Michigan - "Lady H.," " Frank D." and " Lady G." All three are wlmt are termed "'green ones"- having no records against them - but eaoh of whom has given unmistakable evidence of their ability to go very fast, and in the handa of such an experienoed trainer as Mr. Frank Enos, they will undoubtedly prove veritable trotters. Will J. Plynn has göne to Wee Branch. Commencement three weeks from yes terday. Hiram Kittridge will sell peanats on the tbird. Ed. Morton has returned from hi California trip. Miss Zara Darrow of Ohio, is visiting Mra. J. Q. A. Sessons. Miss Maud Tozer has 'been pending a few days in Dexter. Walker Bros. have oontracted to raise the Walker house for $500. Mrs. Wirt Oornwell is vieiting rela tives and friends in Chicago. Miss Kattie Hartz of the fifth wan leaves for Colorado next week. Mrs. Royce of Ann street, is improv ing her house by a coat of paint. J. E. Beal has a capsule factory in the third story of the Courier building. The agricultaral works now employ 42 men and pay out $ 1,200 monthly. The pomological society meets tomorrow in the oourt house basement. Aids. Martin, Swift and Allmendinger, compose the street liguting committee. Only six arreste in May. If this is not a quiet city, where oan you find one? The "candy kitchen," in the Haven block, has closed out for the lack of business. Frank Banister of Owosso, spent Sunduy with his paren ts on West Twelfth street. The matter of furnishing 40 electnc lights was left in the hands of the mayor. The junior laws are being examined on "Anson on Contracta," by Prof. J. O. Knowlton. Mrs. Judge Kogers aftor an extended visit through the east and south has returned home. The Orohard Lake cadets were defeated by the college nine last Saturday by a score 13 to 7. Prof. Kirchner will give one or more leotures on " Logio of the Law," before commencement. Mrs. Esther Oraber is spending a few weeks with her párente, Air. and Mrs. Sarvey Cornwell. More gas or gasoline lamps are asked 'or on Pontiac street, between North Main and Detroit etreete. Mrs. Dr. Angelí and Mrs. D'Ooge atended the convention of the Congregationalists at Ypsilanti last week. Ooi. Dean, aocompanied by his daugher, Miss Lizzie, will go to California in August to attend the G. A. li., reunión. Sidney Eastman of Chicago, and Miss jottie Hall, daughter of Israel Hall of his city, were married Wednesday noon. Rev. Wm. Galpin of St. Clair, is uow ector of the Episcopal missions iii Livngston county. Mr. Galpin is a giacluate of the university. Mrs. Carrie Hill is oxpected here from Grand Forks, Dakota, this month, and rill spend the Bummer with her sister, Ira. Dudley Loomis. The exhibition of the art club 's work n oharooal, water colore and china paintng, is still on tap at Bandaü's. The work is, some of it, very meritorious. The T., A. A. & N. M., railroad comany have oontracted for 50,000 fenoe osts and 5,000 telegraph poles, for the xtention between Ht. Louis and Mt. 'leasant. "From Jeet to Earnest," by E. P. Boe s an excellent story. It is exceedingly nteresting, moral in its tone, and is fully qual to other novéis written by the ame author. Henry Bower, editor of the Ann Arbor )emoorat, was here looking after the nterests of his paper last Friday. The emocrat is a first-class local paper. - Ohelsea Echo. T'ie state horticultural society will ïold ite summer meeting iu North Laning next week, June 15-16. 'l'here will )e special exercises by the student of to OiirmnHural ooilege. Fifteen well-known oitizens have petioned the council for the soDtinuance t the eleotrio light on the corner of Washington and Fourth streete. Beerred to the general fund committee. Prof. McLaughhn of the homeopathie ollege has rented the house which is s now being erected on División street, ear Prof. Pettee's, and will take posession as soon as the building is comleted. The children of St. Andrew's Sunday hooi are to replace the windows in the lapel with handsome new stained glass nes. The young ladies of Mrs. Bathone's and Miss Sperry's classes are o turnish the first one. Thero was a reunión at the residence t Mr. Donatd Mclntyre last Saturday, ie occasion being the anniversary of [r. Mclntyre's birthday. His daughters, VIrs. Whetmore and Pomeroy and son, articipated in the festivities. Albert Sorg has given bands as city reasurer in the sum of $80,000, with the ollowing sureties: Wood & Son, Frank food, J. W. Hunt, Geo. F. ötein, O. insey, Geo. Olarken, J. M. Swift, Adam ). Seyler, Frank Vanderwacker. T. C. O wen of Ypsilanti, has reoeived n order from the Cuiiard steamship ompany for 35 barrels of mineral water a be used on board their vessels as a reventive of sea-Bickness. It is said o be a speciñe against that unpleasant isease. The Gladstone ratifleation meeting at nivemity hall, last Friday evening, tlled forth a large audience. Bev. Dr. iiirp offered a series of resolutions hich were unanimously adopted. Short jceches were made by Profs.Bogers and ayley of the university, Bev. Dr. Beil■ and Col. Atkinson of Detroit, and on. C. B. Whitman of Ypsilanti. Dr. . Jones read a poem prepared expressly or the occasion. The Chequamegons urnished the musio. The newspaper fraternity congratuate themselves over the new postal law ecently put in force by the postofiSce epartment. It raakes the taking of a ewspaper, and refusing to pay for the ame, thfft, anti any person guilty of uch actiou is Hable to criminal proceedngs the same as if he had stolen goods o the amount of tho subscription. Hererter it will be considered a very shrewd cheme to take a tiewspaper from the ostofBoe for a year and then inform the litor you never ordered it sent to you. - Dxchange. Next Sabbath being Whit Sunday ïere will be holy oommunion at St. .ndrew's at 7 a. m., divine services at ):30 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. On Whit uesday there will be a special children's ervioeat4 p.m., after which the chilren will congrégate oq the lawn at the ectory and amuse themselves in varins Hporto. Ioe-cream and cake will ïen be ierved tliotu. The rector, Dr. Sarp, has the happy faculty of knowing ow to make ohildren happy and having ïem feel that he can and will partioiate with them in tUeir pleasures as well s sympathize with them in their sorows. The entertainment will undoubtsdly be a success, weather permitting.


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