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The Oft To'd Story of the peculiar medicinal merite oí Hood's Sarsapariliu is i'uMy cfHillrm'-l by tb vninnlary trsiimony Of tbous&ndi wliu havo 1. ■ l ii. IVcnliar in the óombtnaUon, proportion :i ti il prepmtJoa of lts ingrediënt, peculiar In t'. e extreme care with wliicli it Is put up, Hoodl Baraaparllla nccomplisbes cures where otlnïr preparatlon ent i rel y f all. Iecu. liar in the DitoqualleO good aame it lias made at hi uur, which is "tiv t ut' .trctistU abroad," peculiar in the pbenomonal sales H has attained, Hood'sS;tis;iparülu Istbemost popular and succcss. ful medicine before the public to-day fur purifylng tbe blood, RlTinte strength and creating au appetite. Gíveit a trial. " I ■uiilercl fruiu wtikiitulnis and low spirits and also had eczema on tbe back of my hcnd and neck, which was very annoyinff. 1 took one bottle of llood's Sitrsaparilhi, and I have received so niuch benefit that I am vcry grasfol, and I am alwaya glad tn speak a Kood word for Hood'l Sarsaparllla." MHS..I. S. Sn vuKii, I'utt ovillo. Pa. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druKKlsts. $1; aix for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothocarles, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat