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Im ortant1 When yon visit or loave New York City, save baggage, expressage, nnd $3 carriage hire, and stop at the Krand Union Hotel, opjrosite Grand Central Depot. t15 rooms, fltted up at the cost of one million dollars, $1 and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elovated railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at tho Brand Union Hotel than at any other flrst-class hotel in the city. IN THE COUNTRY ALL SUMMER. The man who takes his family into the country for tho sumnier should remember that he will save his children a gread deal of pain and himself a large amount of money in doctors' bilis, if he ia thoughtful enough to carry a supply of Pekky Davis' I'ain Ku.i.kk. The medicine is a standard specific for all cases of cramps, colic cholera morbus, diarrucea, or dysentery Any lady Bonding 'X rfnts for lllustrated CfttalOKue of Britrcs' Transfer PuUnrn aml mntiünÍTig thts napor wUl reoelve tree a viihmblo work on Em ; broidery. U. . Kox, Z W()oilwrd-Ave., Detroit. Do You Fee! All tircd out, almost pruntratcl, without appetlte, nervous, deprescd, and des pondent ? Hood's Saraaparilla will glve you strength and vljïor, restore and sharpcn your appotlte, build up your nervous ' syfltem and clear your mind. i Do you have pimples and boils breaking out on ■ your bj(ly, BOTOftllOIIS f-. ros or hnnches, or other indications of tmpure blond ? Hood's Sarsaparilla will remove every vestlgc of inipurHy and vitallze : and enrieh the btnod. Do you have hcnd'icho, Indigestión, hcartburn, I diftres.-i (ifier eutini.'. fiiintncss or other symp toras ofdyspepsla? Hood'a Banaparllla wil) tone up the digestivè organs, remove everv diagreeable symptom, and completely cure you. Do yon have pftJDfl in HM back and the dsagree ablc evldences of dlfïiciilties wlth the kldneys or ïlver? 1 (nula Siirsuj brilla rouaes these organs to , their proper du tien and emtbies thetn to reniat tb4 attacks of disease. Glve tt a trial. Hood's Sarsaparilla 8olJ by dmggin. 1; slx for IS. Propared only by C. I. HOOD & 00., Apothecarles, Lowell, Ma. 100 Doses One Dollar A man at his wit's end is not at his faith's end. - Jfatthew Jíenry. As a hair dressing, Hall's Hair Renewer has no equal. Ask your druggist for it. The only warranted cure for chills and fe ver is Ayer's Agüe Cure. Holiness. ns well as pardon, is to be had from the blood of the cross. - uerrtdgt. Dear reader, fend to O. L. Fox. Detroit, for a sample of Briaga' Transfer Patterns. You will not regret lt. _____ It is not others people's poultry that needs attent ion. ir is yonrg. A Sad Case of Po soning. is that of any man or woman afflicted with disenso or derangement of the liver, resulting in poisonous accumulations in the blood, Bcrofnlouí alfectlons, sick-headaches and diseases of the kidneys, lungs or heart. These troiibles cau be ciued only by going to the primary cause, and putting the liver in a healthy condition. To accomplish this result speedily and effectually nothing has proved itself so efficacious as Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery," which has never failed to do the work 'clnimed for it, and never will. What can ba more disagreeable, more disgusting than to sit in a room with a person who is troubled with catarrh, and has to keep coughing and clearing his or her throat of the mucus which drops into it. Such persons are to be pitied íf they try to cure theniselves and fail. But íf they get Dr. Knge's Gatarrh Remedy there need be no failure. # Rupture radically cured, also pile tumors and fistulse. Pamphlet of particulars 10 cents in stamps. World's Dlspensary Medical 4.ssociation, Buffalo, N. Y. Pioo'o Reniody for Catarrb is agreeablO to use. It is not aliquid or anuff. 50o Vermont has ten living ex-governors, of whom four are each over 80 years oíd. The habit of runnlnsr over boots or shoes corrected with Lyon'fl l'atent Heel Stiffenerg. Smallpox was Örst described A. D. 90C by Rhazes, an A rabian [ihysician. All ladies uto Briggs' Transfer Patterns. Sen I for ctrcuiar. (. . Fox. Detroit. If sick beadache is misery, what are Carter's Little Liver Pilis if they will positivecure it! People who have used them speak frankly of their worth. They are small and easy to take. A HOST LIBERAL OFFER! The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to send their Celebrated Voltaic Bei.tb and Electric appliances on thirty dayg' trial to any man afflicted with Nervoua Debility, Loss of Vitality, Manhood, &c. [Ilustra ted pauiphlet in seaitíí mvelope with full particulars, mailed fres. Write them at once. Brices1 Transfer Patterns are used by all ladies. Scnd for cm-ubir. (í. 1.. Fox. Detroit. Cutthis Ont and Save it Ladies, be your own dressmakers. Hanover's Merchant Tailor System of Dressmaking by the square is the only work that can be used successfully without a teacher, lt consists of squares, curva tures, book and atí diagrams ; instructs how to draft, cut, drape and finish ladies', men's and children's garments. Price (5. Address with stamp, Mme. Rockwood & Co., Room 77 Nee Ban Building, Chicago, Dl. Briggs1 Transfer Patterns. The universal favorito mikI Iïysin-psia Cured BjrCAHTi.ifs I.ITTI.E NKKVK Twenty-flye cents. Kough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mlce. löc Kough on Cornsv hard or soft corns, bunions. BOOüh on Toi'iliaclit. " 1 nstant relief. 15c. "ROUGH OÍS 1TCH." "Rough on. Etch" cures skin humors, eruptions ring worm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chilblains, itch, ivy poison, harber's iuh. 60c. Jars. "KOUGH ON IMLKS" Cures piles or hemerrholds. itcbing, protruding bleediiiR, intertiHl orotíier. I n i ti r:ul and externa: remedy in eiicb packüKt'. sure cure, ;"Uc. Druggists Wcahll WoiiK-ii uitli Pale. Colorless faces need Ca ktbu'8 Ikon Pills. .#8R0WN'S BITTERS Comblnlng IRON nlth PUBK TE0ETÁBLE TONUS, quirkly anti completoly CLEANSES and ENBICHES THE BLOOD. Qnlckens the action of the Liver and Kldnejrs. Clears the complexión, mak es thexkln smooth. lt does not Injnre the teeth, cause headache, or produce con ALL OTUEIt JBON MEDICINES DO. Physioians and DruggisU cv erjwhere reoommend it. Da. N. S. RnaoLEfl, of Mirion, Mass., sayac "Z recommend Brown's Iron Bitters as avala&bte tonio tor enriohing the blood, and romovine all ayspeptio armptoms. It dooa not hurt tho teeth." Db. R. M. Dblzell. BcüroiddÜL Ind., says : "I have proscribed's Iron Hit tent in caaes of au una and blood d:sAHe-. also vrhen a tonto wn needed, and it has pro ved thnroughly sat isfaotory." Mb.Wm. ByiinS, 26 St. Mary St.. New Orlens, La., say: " Brown'n Iron Bitters relieved me in a casa of blood poisoning, ar.d I heartily commond it to those noedingr a puriöer." The Genuine hia Trade Mark and crosaad rod Hnee on wrapper. Tnkr no othrr. Made only by BBOWN GHBMIOAIi CO., 1ÍA.LTIMOKE, Ml. Ladies' Hand Book- useful and attractive, oontaining list of prizes for rvoiPM, infonnntion bout coina, etc., fdvvii av.iy 1 All di-'ilei in medicine, or mailed to any address on re oei d of 3c. frtump. iHAÜSTEDVITALlTL iLLriTHATIO MAM1M.K FK E. P9W THYmF.4É&É A Great M!lcal VTork on Manhondi Nerronsand fbysical Do'oi'tfT, Pr.rvnuire Ddine In Man, Bxi'austtMi Vitiility. A -. èc„ and th untol.l mitmriei rrsultin'i fmin IndlfCTf f!on or BTGeieft; 300 paffen, pubt;ititially houinl In püt, mu ■! ti. nitains more than ia') iiiVHint-l preaorlptlona embradnc erery vegeuiblo remedy In the U rail ruta and chr(Mii-.ii-.t'!i -e-. 11 in mphationllr a book Í01 everyniMn. Prtoeonlyn by mail postpald, eonoeafr ed in plain wrauper. II.I.US : KAHVK ft A Ai j LlL I Kt. U IO ALL Íüun#í a tul middle-affOd nien for (l:o nert nlnety ays. Send now, or cut this out. as yon muy nevot eoe it üpain. Addresa 1k. W. 11. 1'MtKKii, 4 Bulflnch et.. Boston. N. B.- Dr.Parkyr eau !■ cunti lentially consultod on all diseaes of man, his specialUen. mustangI Survival of the Fittest.l A FAMHÏ MEDICINE TIIAT HAS HEAlEuB MILUONS DURI.NG 35 ÏEARS! IXIMlSfMillHT. A BitM FOB ETEHÏ WOKltD OF MAJI A . I BEAST 1 The Oldest & Best Liniment EVER MADE IN AMEEICA. SALES LARGEB, THAN EVER. The Mexican Mustang Liniment has been known for more tlian tliirty-fiTe yeari n the best of all Lintmonts, foiH Man and Beaat. Ita sales to-lny itreH larger llian evor. It cures when al fl othersfnil, and pcnetratosskin, lenilmifl and muscle, to tho very bone. So'OO everywhere. DR. JOHN BÜLL'S Smi'sTöÉSyris FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Op CHILLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALAR1AL WSEA3GS. The proprietor of this celibiated cdioin JTistly claims forit a superiority ovei all remedies ever offered to the publio i' r tba SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PERMANENT cur of AgueandF8ver,or C'ïiüsandFever,wli8th" er of short or long standing. He refert to th entire Western and Southom country tu beaï him testimony to the trv.ili of the assertion that in no case whate ver will i fail to cure il the directionsare strictly folio wed and carried out. In a jreat man; cases a single dose has been sufficient for a curo, and whole familie! have heen cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the gañera, health. It is, howe ver, prudent, and in ev ry case more certain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the di3eaie has been che cked. more especially in difficult and long-standing cases. Usually this medicina will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patiënt, however, require a ca thartic medicine, afterhaving taken three or four doses of the Tonic, a single dost of KENT'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILL8 will be sufficient. Use no other. DR. JOHN BULL'9 SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTRÓYER, The Popular Remedies of the Day. Principal Office, 831 JUin St., LOiriSTILLB, KI. MgaHBik " . L 5 ' 4J I ríLtófa ' UJ ? S 2 9Hi Pam - - I L L I Plu 2 x S3 1 n-%r" - 4 I' ohm" . a ta il I 'S i o iL9 s i Tho most olofiant, pulutHhlo a.ini aflteatWai 5rw aration on the marset. K&ociailj adupteM for huiies' and cUldren'a ose (chlldren likc u,j Puro ly vegetable. No uausea. No grlplng. A trt'ntle but effective catharttc. A certatn and spee:ly cure for Constipatlon. Sick hca'iat-lio. BÜlousi e?s, Beartbnrn and all other Corntfl oí Indigesl ion. Do not suíTcr f rom these comphtints. Trya bottle and you will never te without It. Ii t e One ijU;t peí l o.ile All lire .irnuyistH keep It. If you ra toe noi, end $1.00 and we will you ft DOttlo f ree of charge. Ask for Glover & Nlcol's Cascara. í; lo vit A Nicol. M ;in n tari ui-i il-, Clit'inistfl, 113 and 115 Kast Fort St., Detroit, Mich. DKOPSY!1 TREATED FltEE ! Dr. H. H. Creen &. Sons SprrlalMiloi Thirl n Vi'an Piktt. Hare treated Dropsy and i's cuiupllcaÜOlU with th most wonderful success; u vcgetublo remedies, ontlrely hannlcj. BeuOTO all symptoint of dropsy In fiifht tü twenty days. Cnn patiuntü pronuuneed hopless by tlie bcit ot phjaicinns. Krom the flrst dona the symptoms mpldly disappear, and in ten days at least two-thirdi of all sympCOmi are ninovel. 8om mav ciy humbiif? without knowfnfi nnythinff abuut it IiiMiu-mber it does not eost you unyth ng to reiliM the merlta of our treatment fgr youmelfc - In ten days the d.fiVnlty of breatlunt; is ïvliuvel tho piilt regular, the ur.nary oigans nindo to ll■hArKa Iheir fuïl dnty. le'p If rectorad, th swellinsr all or ' nearly ?■ r' , Ut ttrapgrtti Increased nndapntltcn d (Cood, We ar1 constainly cui inff eas uf Ion : st.'.nJïng - eaM - Lhai hi Te beeu tnpd & nnmier of times, and The patii nt declare I anable to live a week. Qirm full history of cae. Nume, sex, how lonjr afflíctd, liow bailly swoüi'n and where, ;trc bi)welcutive,hT léffs burtred and drlppod w&ter Rcnd for fiu parajhlpt prna; 'iiingtenthnonials, qtiestU n. etc Tvn dayi treatment furnisbed freeby mail. If jou ordfrtrial. send 1O oentl in stamps to pay posta gr. II. II. (JKKKX MO.H, M. W'i., ro .. Mnrirtiíi Street. Atlanta, Ga. Lpllriay Fit IoItlTf-ly ui cd. ASK FOR THE W. L. DOUGLA8 BcBt material, perfect fit, pquala any f5 orf6ehoe. pair wnrranted. Tnke none uniefis Mainped " W. L. Douglas' $8.011 Shoe. Warranted." Congreu, Button añil Lace. Koys ask 0 for the W JL. Jïoiijiïas1 Jfr 82.00 Shoe. Same styTes as Wv - "W the $;s.(Ai Slioe. If you caiiuot -bf get these shoe from rJfS! Hl u ere,endaddre8on postal C'U): - t crd to W. L. Douglas. S?A I S Èk Brockton, MaBS. $j-á , m E. BRAIT2Ü & CO, RORTRAIT ARTISTS, Boom 76 Japantse Building, CHICAGO, ILL. The bo-u of work at lowetprices in Oll, Cray. I"p , Ink eto. Instruction in all branches oi Art. Kra-no-t of all stylcs at luw ratos. Send stamp forpiice, &e. firSTH"lVlA1CURElDT I P iTinan Athttiu ('ure never fattt to xítcH ■ innt relief In Uu wont oaaefl, iue urea -om-B ■ rii-triile nieep; fffwli nirr ru-rc !1 otberi fU. aU Mcrutl coniiurcs tht. most ikeptieal, VtXcv 64 cIn. sodH ■ il. 00, of lr:icdrs or bv tñiiil. Sample l'KKK forB atanip. IHi. K. HCHlKFM AN, Kt. l'u!, Mlnn.J pq CURtS WHE Alt ffit MILS. TBT 3 Best Oough Ryrup. Taötes gnod. ÜBe B Ín time. Smd by (ViisK'Hts. ff Ur Kitiail ti'i I'tT Itt'tl1il( rvl Tt r ;iy ;,t, tftlM lI'Cl 1lNh) J irloT H oirtTiBf i-f t!i ■■■..'R }'i.fviT-KT.-.."tli. r.'bj Wiaeb.i. nh H. ■ BTI.BllttlQ(l ÍW OUtfit r ! ;, ,f".]lM !k p.iblLhd, ■ ■T' I.;ti Q't Grixi of Uur PrMÍdaaU," hnailrddi of cupUi cu ba ■ old hro bj th Hfhiptrty, hwi in., i -i . ■ -j f u j. .t.h At.. , chicr. [ ,jif k ■ f ■ : ah 'f Oured In 10 to ■ 1 itf í y : n ilied lll E%á?O .n Dr, Karsh. Quincy.aich. FLFÍÍF? JQ pUV J-KA!(Ñhcre and eára íurnished. Vulcntine Broa., Jump.víi1c, Wis. W. M. U. P.-4-29 1111 H a 'V' uprtiueu UI III If I Uk. J. SiKijiiiN. LeLiaiiua, OLla. mt m i laHi b ■ m tím ■■■■■■ 1 " M -O"WLLft I I L 1 P n Best ■ w jr - ThoFISH IlKANDSI.irKKRIa wnrranted wat-rproof, md wllt krp yon dry In A'fn w _ . I tho hnlett torra. T! nw I'OMMKL PI.írKKB 1 a iurfc-cl r-rinff col, i j 4 4ShJ KKpi .mtbeentiocíiad!.-. BewroflmlWtloni. NoDtftti ■ ... 'Fímíi


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