Michigan Matters

Tho following teachers' institutos will be held in Augut: Beginning Aug. 2- Coldwuter, conductor, C. F. R. Bello ws; Frankfort, E. P. Chureh; Augusta, W. S. Perry: Howell, H. R. PattengiU ; Evart, S. W. Baker. Aug. 9, Mason, D. Howell; Greenville, 1. N. Demmon. Aug. 16- Nilos, H. King; Traverse Ci ty, E. P. Church; Rockford, A. E. Haynes; Leiand, E. C. Thompson ; Dundee, O. D. Thompson; Casnovia, Austin George ; Birmingham, Joseph Estabrook; Sagina w City, C. F. R. Bellows; Three Rivers, We3ley Sears; Ypsilanti, R. W. Putman. Aug. 23- Harrisville, F. 8. Fitch; Hastings, Austin George; Cheyboygan, E. C. Thompson; Charlotte, E. A. Strong; Grand Blanc, I. N. Demmon ; Alma, George Barnes; Hillsdale, C. B. Thomas; Calumet, J. P. P. V. Sloman; Ionia, W. S. Perry; Spriugport, J. Estabrook; North Branch, J, G. Plowman; Adrián, E. G. Walker; Big RrMs, H. A. Ford; lron Mountain, J. T. Ewing', Mid. land, E. A. Wilson; Hart, W. J. Cox; Hogers City, J. W. Simraons; Manistique, A. E. Haynes; Corunna, W. H. Payne; Caro H. R PattengiU ; Decatur, H. King. . Aug. 30- Alpena, J. W. Simmons ; Mnrihall, H. A. Ford; St. Johns, Austin George; Petoskey, Chas. Kelsey ; Mount Pleasant, W. D. Clizbee; St. Ignace, C. W. Pickell; Ishpeming, A. E. Haynes, Ontonagon, J. P. Vecoman; St. Clair, J. Montgoinery. Actinj O )vernor. Lieutenant Governor Buttars has issucd a proclamatiou through the ollice of tha ■eoretary of state annouucing that ha ving reccived uotice of Gov. Alger's indetimte absi-iice from the state, he assaine the powers and duties of the office of goveruur until said disability ceases. MICHIGAN ITCM? Arehie Lackey, a farmer living about yeven miles north of Farwell, was accidentally shot and killed while hunting at Lake George. His son was putting the gun toward hini by the muzzle when it was discharged, the ball passing througb the boy's arm and the father's hoad, ki'i ing hini instuntLv. Sulisci iptions have been raised in Fenton to purthase 10 acres of land adjoining the Kentun Baptist seminary, which h.is been donatcd lor the purpose of estab ishiug a permanent home fordiaabled Baptist clergymen trom Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Uhio and Michigan, thu adding one more permanent institution for ireuton. All Michigan railroads give half fare to those deining to atteud the coming snengeriest at Añil Albor, Aug. 16, 17 and A8. The first national bank of Sault Ste. Marie, iuto which is merged the banking business of Mead & 'o wie, coinmencea business Aug. ', Th-O ia troubic ut tho ajprioultnral orvllege because the board has refued to dischurge a professor whom the students regard as incompetent. The entiro junior class bas le(t, and others will follow. The Howell opera h ouse has been sold t .atisfy a raortgage o f $!),(W0. The buildin cost over three tunes that amouut. Mar A. Campa a of Detroit is the purchaser. A. W. Crout feil from the building of John Jones ia Jackson the other day and died the next morning. He leives a wife and fcur children. HU Hfe wis iniured for $2.00 in the Royal Templars of teuiperance only a short time ago. the rTver"at St. Joseph the otuer day, i while in sw.mming. Stat? trai-shooters will hold a tournarcent at Milford Aug. 11-13. M. E. Houg of Parma. Jackson county, eatchea skunks in a steel trap, conveys i hem in a box to a building where he feeds md tames them. He bas some (HJ now, niid in the fall will kill all ex(e,t those he desires for breeding purposes, Bolling tho oil and fur t high prices. He is feming In five acres now for the business, is thoroughly posted in the art of tanniug and expects to clear Í2,OÜO a year at least. i Lightning struck the barns of Thomas Francisco of Kredonia, Calhoun eouuty. The berns and all the adjoiniug buildings wo'e ooiv u:u:;.!, Logether with WX) bushels oL v.heat and 40 tons of hny. The loss is about $3,000. with only &00 insurance in Citizens' mutual of that county. The family of L. M. Elroya of Kalamazoo, five persons, were taken alarmingly ill the other night, after eating ice cream. The attending physician says three are yet very sick, but will probably recover. The examinntion of Mrs. Brass and Jame-s Craft, held in Lake City, for the murder of Brass, resulted in their Leing held for trial. During a thunder storm the other day, a farmer's house near Marquette was struck by lightning. One boy was killed, and the tour other memberg of the family seriously injured. A Brighton butcher furnished 15.500 pounds oi' meat for the soldiers during the state encampment. A milk car, to be used wholly in the ti'itnsportation ofmilk at Chicago nnd suburbs, is being built in the Grand Trunk shops at Port Huron. It will be flfty-five feet long and have an iron floor. The animal encampment of the G. A. R., for Oceana couuty will be held at Camp Houck, September 1. 2 and 3. Gov. Alger will be present on the second day. Nel e Murna has been arrested at Lake City, Misaukee county, on a. charge of wholesale cattle stealing from farmers of thut vicinity A warrant s also out for his brother, Kris John Murna, but K. J. uns thus far eluded arrest. Mrs. J. H. Sims of Battle Creek, who has been abroad for a year, brought home a pair of English hares, heven weeks old, whose ears meaures 15L inches from tip to tip; also a set of China, which has beeu in hor family 1U0 year. Alexander Alexander, one of the oldest citizens of Niies, is dead. Uev. George S. Hickey of Battle Creek, has returnea from his Europeun tour improved in health. Capt. H. C. Stone of Ovid, feil into an excavation in Detroit the other night, and was In tantly killed, his head stnkinjr a sewer pas-ago. liis noe, forehead and the i iglit side of his head looked as if he had been Btruck with a battering ram. His ej e protruded from their sockets and the brain oozed out. The Ü3VÍ1 Told Him To. Emanuel Chlarez of Brownsville, Texas, a boy of 10, became very angry at his stepmother when she refusëd to let him go to the circus the other alteruoou.and when he went to bed he took an axe with him. At an early hcur in the morning he crept into his stepmother's chamber wliile she was sleeping, and raisod the sharp weapon aloft he brought it down with all his force, almost severing the womans head from the body, and killing her instantly. Keveral hurs later he was foundiying prustrate over the corpse weeping. Chlarez was arre.-ted and is now in jail. He says that when he awoke the devil stood beside him and told him to cut his stepmolher'v kead off. Scven Penons Drown-od. Tlie yacht Sarah Craig from Philadelphia, upset near -he government doek at feandv Hook, during the storm the other eveuing. Six ladios and a young man were drowued. All the bodioa were recovered but one. It is said that the yacht was running to ward the inside of the hook to escape the I squall, and the ladies had all goue into the i cabin lo avoid the rain, borne of them. ' feeling nervous, the sailing master went below to reassure them, and just as he reached tho deck again the squall struck the yacht and she went over. No ene had time to escape from the cabiii. A Drajgist Arrested. J. A. Bartlett. a Cleveland druggist who accidentally polsoned Mrs. Kate Bertoni and family. by givingthem ar.-enicinstead 1 of sugar of milk, has been arrested by ! oi-der of the coroner and charged with ' maiiBlaughter. He was rlaed oa i'MO I baü.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat