The New Tory Cabinet

The following appointmeüt-i for the New Troy cabinet are ofllcially announced: Secretary for foreign affairs, the Earl of "c'fiiLnish;, HlcKx-i,„_ for Irelaml r: m-id Chancellor of the Exchecjtier, Lord ltandolph Churchill (who, by virtue of his appointment, becomes the reoognized leader of the conservativo party ia the House of Coinmons). Secretary for war, Right Hon. W. H. Smith. First Lord of the Admiralty, Lord George Hamilton. Lord High Chsncellor, Baron Halsbnry. Secretary for ludia, Rijtht Uon. Frederick Arthur St mley. Prime Minister and First Lord of tho Treasury, tho Marqui of S ilisbtiry. Lord Lieutenaut of Ireland, the Marqnis of Londonery. Lord President of the Council, Visconnt Cranbrook. President of the Board of Trade, Rt. Hon. Edward Stanhope. Fir-t Commissioner of Works, Rt. Hon. David Plunket. Postmaster-General, Lord John Manners. Lord Chancellor of Ireland- Lord Ash" bourne. The following ndditional ministerial announcements are reported. Home Pecretnry, Henry Matthews. Q. C. Secretary fur Scotland, Rt. Hon. Arthur Balfouf. Postmaster-General, Rt. Hon. Henry Cecll Raikes. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Lord John Mannerfi. Patronage Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. A. Akers-DoHglas. Attorney General of Ireland, Rt. Hon. Huuh Holmes. Q. C. Solicitortïeneral of Ireland, John Gregory Gileaon, Q. C
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Ann Arbor Democrat