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EBERB ACH & SON, Dealera lo Drugs, Medicines And a flne lol oí Frcnch Hair Brushc3 - AND- Enslish TooOi Brnshes, Vf ea!l ipclal attentlon to our stock ot Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicus of our own Importatlon. A (uil Una of TIEMAN'S SURGÍ INSTRUMENTS At list prices. Ara cordlallj inrited to exaniia our stock aj juality and prieel. EB-RBAOH A SON. JACKSUN FiRE ClaY CO, Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe AND ZDIRIISr TILE I AM our' ram Til ar made of VUe C'.y. rt of umusiirI jrrPMjf'l ttiitl liyl t weijrM. whih materia. ty rehires the breatigv nj exien n ftmnapnrliition. The ditcMuu of c'h- of til lnjt ift lens expenRJve. as t hrv ilo nut retfliirc M bf lafd bflow f osi hut otily de#p enug to emCfcpr the plow. White w rt t-cnomioal U ftlso ni'is 1m ot liiini: h bfitfr fll or ir hI to th dmiu A fiiM sdi Jim-i.t of all sizrs. tnt taleiu ettuall quaubuies, or var luud lul, ai th JOON LUMBER TABU James '1'olbeut, Agent. ' THe, the C rentest Labor-Saving Mac line of the Ato." Tb üie KililoTut Tlu Cliicaw 7'rimn. Dwioht. III.. March ).- One of the utrotifM and moil i'oi.iiih iiifr l Is Muit I hnv ym srn rí'.li renard to tile drainage is bronjfht out la the IVrenihpr report of Mie Agiicuiitaul DvpMt ment of llliuois. Itbithlt: ACKKAOC iwhst In corn fn Livingston Con)tr, lix S.5W Acreaee In rom In Logan Counly, 181.. HO.sM LlTingston over Imh. m ífíJM tip:i.d. Tlld of rorn In PontT,1S8l..6..SM Yield of corn in Uji-au Couuty, iü ..CUTO. VU Llrlnpiton overlx)gan I.OTJ.'.M In othi-r nrda. Ijikhh l'nunty has ralsed near ly as umi'h corn 011 MU.WJtí acres as Llvingstoa cuiinty hai un -ii8 .!? acres. Put il in miulbef fonn. lh faniierv in l.ivinpsion Connty hav been obüged to plow neaiiy Joiililf thr acreaic of land láliK. "r . and have raisnl but a ver ■mail perreiiiHKeof ncivasf of corn Ter tlirir brftliem In lfran Counly. who only had to plow ■;- 'xl us i?ivr it anotlier twist: A A farr ■J" llfc lii land well tillril nre.l onlr wor" "c Ji Bcreof land ml grow just about un xvlt Va8 tJie man wlio plows IWt Bnd (hiSm, wn iUftttnVncntj ■ df xt. r'c w" roni suuVcr tT iiirurinai on 1 Entuefi'he fiillowing a ngards tlie projcrM of Je-drainage in lliese twocouliliuii: TreL Total numbar of feet lald in LJvIngotos l'omttv uu to n 1 1.I407M Total ntiinWr of feet laid in Logan Couiit) up to 1881 8.KH8.4ÍÍ Tbi tfltile pr"ves bpyotid all theorv tlial owing to the fri-e use "f tile il. al 'ne cniiiilj lia be- al.le to ur(Klu nea'a mu-h corn on MO.iniO ai-re ir iHiid anotlier iininty liaj proilmed pon W.0(Ki eres, n-lik-h i nenrlv doulilr. and tf.elieanty of 1 1 ie wüule is thal it ks tlune with kalf tlie work; lr. Kdltor, supposr a kind l'nTldfnce slicnil'l IrngtheliOBI the Milu of our (laya nti! we saw llhnnis inomtlgtllj tile 'lrninrd, hrre would be pul the ofn ilmt tlito Slat ronlfi produce, and wuat 'v.mid e do Kitii our '!ler dollars?' ttlJVIL T. K. I'hihe. ' RINSEY Si SEABOLL No. 6 A 8 Washington Gt. Have on hand a cnmntpte tocfc of ever tllillü ill lliö Grocery Line. leat, Coflbe uncí tucura, Is large amounts. and at CasiL Prices A ml can aell at Low FiRiirea. Th lFge lnvolre of tfas they Buy and 81L II ffuud proof tbut In Quality and Price rhey Give Bargaini. They Roaxt thelr own Cofr eTery week, aml none but prime articles are iiie4. Thelr Bofcery tnrns out excellent Br"1. CakM ml lli ' k. r tul! and ev (lleut PricesGone Down A. lar je stork of V .11 Paper sellinu at A CREAT REDÜCTION1 I claim to biive the largest nu A BE3T SELECT ED STOCK Of Wall Papar aml De! rations in thi oounty, ati'l caD ive perfeol ■Htiffttctim In (}i'U nr Work. I'uiutnauJ l'uiulun bupi'lies h KX'C.ialty . .Ite3rti Sorg, Snoce ir t.u F.AA. Sortf, o tt W, M'hiuKton tt. - - i au irbot LODA Best ín ili u Vo ril


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