How Others View It

On the democratie side there are several would-be candidates, who wouldn't refuse the nomination if the convention really insisted upon ït. Firet there is Col. Eldredge. There is no doubt the Colonel could be prevailed on to accept a renomination. Already the editorpostmasters of the Adrián Prese and the Hudson Gazette are beginning to "boom" the Colonel and we expeet soon to see out esteemed contemporary, the Uerald follow suit, which is very natural and proper. - [ïecumseh News. Demócrata have watcbed the columns of the Adrián Press in vain for some recognition of the fact that L. H. Salsbury is candidato for the democratie nomination for congressman. The zeal with which the Press defends Eldredge and shoves kis name to the front is in striking contrast with its treatment of Salsbury. Still, we're not worried about it.- [Blissfield Ad vanee. It will be seen by the foregoing that the col umus of the Press have been critically scanned by two of our cotemporaries, with due respect to them both, we think neither statement can be substantiated. We could not consistently "boom" Col. Eldredge, when he gives us his personal assurance that he is not a candidate for renomination. We have taken him at his word, and when he says he does not wish to again make a canvass, we believe him sincere and honest in Tiis claim, and therefore have not urged his renomination because we believe that the party bas strong men who can be elected, and that it is not necessary to torce the nomination upon Mr. Eldredge against his wish. True, he will consent to make the canvass if the party insists upon it and no other candidate can be secured. The feeling of a majority of the demócrata is that if Col. Eldredge desired the nomination it should have been given him, but since his oft repeated assertions that he was not in the field, the f riends of other candidates have been at work. We know that there are very many demócrata who feel grieved over the appointments in varioiis places, and bo bitter bas been the feeling that tliey would go to the extent of voting against the Col. should he again run. He real izes tliis, and does not wish to be thought anxious to again run, even though he would consent, in case the nomination comes to him unsought, as it must come if at all. But we think there is no need of canvassing his "running" qualities, for we do not believe the nomination will be forced upon him. If it is, he will be elected if his past record is any index. As to the other candidates, Mr. Salsbury and Mr. Whitman, we can most cordially give to either an unswerying, earnest support, and can endorse either as warmly aa we could Col. Eldredge. No man in the district is stron.ijer than Salsbury, and should he be selented by the convention as we thiuk he will be, it will be the province of the Press to see that his canvass is a vigorous and successful one. Should it be thought best to name Mr. Whitman, he and his nearest friends will never have cause to say that Lenawee county demócrata ilid not give him the best support that ever went to a candidate. If Mr. Whitman lives, his voice will y et be heard on the Hoors of congress. We balieve Mr. Halsbury at the present time the stromeest candidate and he is the peer of any man in Michigan in ability. Washtenaw and Mouroe would be as proud of him as would Lenawee and Hillsdale. Monroe county too has a man who would do honor to the place, aad we would be pleased to give to Mr. Noble a loyal support were he to be a candidate. Mr. Richmond, of Ann Arbor, íb also named, and is a democrat of state reputation, but will not be apt to come to the convention with his county to back him. There isno jealously amoiig the friends of either candidato. If a man or his friends cannot abide the decisión of the conveution thoy better not come in. If Mr. Whitman, or Mr. Richmond is named, Col. Eldredge and Mr. Hülsbury will be found flrst to congratúlate him aud laat to quit laboiing for him in tlie campaign. If Mr. Salsbi;ry is named, the eloquent voice of Charley Whitman will ring out in every school district if necessary to secure nis election. Now let the voters elect their delegates, and send representative men to the congressional convention, and whether tho noniinee be Eldredge, Salsbury, Richmond, Whitman or Noble, or .Mayor Gook of Hillsdale, let the enotny feel that tlio Ronvention's choice will be the uext congressman . Wnnh tenaw couuty has two caudidates for the nomination. (has. R Whitman of Ypsilanti, and Chas. H. Richmond of Ann Arbor. The former is the more prominently mentioned, is a regent of the university and an able man. Washtenaw county is entitled to the candidate as all the other counties in tho district have furnished the eongressmen since that honor has fallen to that couuty, and ehe will therefore have a strong hold on the convention if she insists strongly on having her own way. But Lenawoe, after all, will bo the battle ground of the c-ampuirfn. If the demócrata can win Lenawee they will carry the district probably, as both Washlenaw and Monroe are democratie anyway. Two years ago Allen's majority over Eldredge in Lenawee was 174, which shows the county to be a close one, and easily turned either way. Lester H. Salsbury, of Adrián, is Lenawee's candidate, and he is a very strong one. It looks very much as if Allen and Salsbury would be the contestant for congressional honors in the 2d district this fall. - Teumseh News. The Hudson Post (Rep) notes the following in regard to congressional matters in this district: The calling of the republican congressioDal convention for Aug. 19th has of course loosened the tongue of politica! gossip, and in consequence the situation is being earnestly discussed. We understand there are three candidates at present in the party. The repubheans of Monroe and Washtenaw will respectively send sohd delegations for Gen. Spalding and Capt . Allen. In Lenawee county Capt. Chas. Miller of Adrián, will ask for a nomination, and claims to have the hearty support of Lenawee county, but the gentleman is evidently not posted iu this respect, and the chances for Lenawee being unauimous for him are very slim, as both Allen and Spalding have a firm hold in sume parts of the county. But as Miller is said to be an excellent wire-puller aud as he is bending every energy to "get there," the two other candidates, were they lesa firmly the people's choice, might get lef t. At the present writing there is but little doubt Miller will go iuto the convention with his own county divided. Hillsdale county having no candidate, it is of course an open fleld for the three aspirants. Allen and Spalding are not anxious for the nomination unless the people want them, and have made no effort for the Hillsdale delegatiou, so f ar as we can learn. It is said Miller stands well with Hillsdale lawyers, but the farmers of the county, who do a large part of the voting.are too independent to be iutluenced or con trolled by the letjal fraternity. It is rumored that Mr. Miller was the purchaser of Capt. Fee's interest in the Adrián Times, and being the owner of a """"' ffive him some advantage_o.yar
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