
MA80PJIC DIRECTORY. ARBOR ( nMMAXui:::v, No. 18- Moete 'rs Tuesdav "f eaci; month. W. W. Niehols. .Tulehard, Recorder. MFTKNAW CHAPTElt, No. 6, K. A. TV . - "ï t ■ ■ 1 -: M.imlav ui'earll Ilh.illll. O. K. Hisiwk. !l I'. : '.. Koath, Secietary, ham Loixie, No. 130, Order Sons of Sain ,rge.- Meets the First and Third Wednee ovenings each month. at si. Q ■' llull over Stimson & Snn's i;ninT , Aun street president. Chas. T. Hougntby; öecrety, Jno }[. Nickles. MICHIGAN CENTRAL. TRAIN BAST: Mail 4SSp n l)v Expreis f) Ui p. m ■K York and Limited Express 10 0!) i. n Atlantic Kxpress 5 45 a. n Siirlii Kxpress 6 40a.n ■bnncl Hapidsaiid Detroit Express .. 10 ( a. m B81 TIÍAINS WEST: ' 8 !'i ft. n ÊLvtxp.vss' :;■..:: i" rScacro Kxpress S:l. in K:ipiiN aiiii Kalamazuo Express 5 80 p, m EveniiiK Kxpress "' He Bxp-ess W88 p. m The New York and Limited. Atlantic, and Kxpress Irailis e.'isl, and tlie l'liii-a;'". . -. and Paclflc Express traína west, run even "iay i" llie week, Suiulas ini'lMdeil. 1886. I '886. QENTRAL MIOmOAJN Trottlng, Pacing & Rnnninc L - MEETING, AT - YPSILANTI, AUGUST 10, 11,12,13. PURSES S2.6SO.OO. gT SPECIAL RATE3 ON ALIi KAILROADS. P. M. C4MPBELL, SEC'Y. 7tJTPenmsnlar Saenserfest. ÜCrrVIVJKRsITY HALL. I ! ON AUGUST 16, 17 & 18, 1886. R. KEHPF, Festdirgent. OVER 200 SINCERS ! From the Various GEKMAN SINGING SÜCIETIE8 ( f Michig&n, and CIIORAL UNION, Willalso takepartin this Orand Festival. MIXED CHOKUSES f Of East Saginaw and Bay City. The WATERLOO LIEDEBTAFEL, Of Watcloo, Canada. MISS DORA HENNINGES, Oí Cleveland, late with Theo. Thomas. MUS. EMILIE MIIiTNEB, Oí Milwaukee, late of Imperial Opera, Vienna. MR. CHARES V. SLOGÜM, Of Detruit. MR. J. MERTEN S, Ot Detroit, and SPEIL'S ORCHESTRA, Of Detroit. Jlonday, August Ui - Beceptlon of the various sccietk-H. Uonday, evenlng- Concert, ay, afternoon -Matinee. il,, lay, evening- lirand Concert, bgday Urjnd Procession of all the Singtog Societiesand all Ann Arbor societios. esday, evening- Grand Ball, Admission for sinfrle concert, - 50 cents. Beserved seats, extra, - 25 ceuts. Tiokets for all tlirec concerts, $1.50, aud ïf bouffht before August 13, uo extra I charge for reserved seat. Tickets on sale at Geo Oman & Co's and Geo. JtcKire's Bookstores.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat