
■ Local ou second page also. Dexter is to h;ive a Chinese laundry. Burglaries are a common oceurrence in Milan. Harry Hall is spending the week at ■North lake. .Miss Carrie Eisele íb visiting f rienda ïinTiffin, ü. Mrs. R. Spokes visited friends in Saline last week . A new bridge has been built over Mili kCuek iu Dexter. 8. W. H. Adams has iiturned froni Bier trip eastward. L. E. Niehotion has purchased the ïp Bilanti greenhouse. Don't forget the big farmers' picnic at Whitmore Lake, Aug. '21. ïhos. Holmes has had! charge of the Chelsta Herald juut oue year. The Missies Fanuie and Susie Palmer are visiting fiiends in Jackson. Wheat is turning out a gre;t deal betí ter than mauy f;irmera expected. , The 34tli animal state fair of Illinois, ■will be held at Chicago Sept. 6-10. A. A. Terry's " hoisting machine" has ■been doing good work the past week. s V. L. Tuttle of Geneva, N. Y., Sb visiting her sister, Mrs. Al. Q. IJower. " The late Thos. J. Walker had a SS.nOO hfe insurance policy pa able to his wife R. Josenhans will move into his new I house on East Ann street m a week or i 80. .Miss Fannie L. Gwinner of this city f has a uumber of music scholars in Chel ! sea. Gen. O. B. Wilcoxand family will take [ up their residence in this city in Septem O.M.Martin attended the funeral of Aanii L. Thompson in !alem, on Friday laat, A new $3,000 bridge is to be erected change place in the village of Manr chester. Sunday was another great day at Whitmore, the viuilors nunibering several hundred. Jacob Wise had his chest of tools sto len, ïuesday niht, trom Uornwoü's new house;, fourth ward. The funeral of Jacob Beek took place from Zion church Suuday, and : was largely attended. The time for tbe saengerfest is drawiuk' "ïgh, and it will be the greatest event iu the history of Aun Arbor. Mrs. J. C. Jacobus was made glad last Week by receiving $;S,800 back pension. ■ . Matthews was hor attorney. W. E. Walker and O. F. Bates were in ' Adrián last Fridny. They say it looks decidedly Ehlridgey over that way. Ann Arbor beat Plymouth a game of buil, last Friday afternoou, by a score of 18 to 12. Umpire, "Fatty" l'arker. To-morrow afternoon oociirK the moutü I ly meeting of the pomological society. ' A cordial invitation for everybody to at'i tend. Eliza Peikins, an old resident of the f .ship of Salem, dicd Friday last, ol dropsy, ged 75 years, 8 mouths and 12 I days. The republican eleotors of this town [ Bhip will hold a canciiB iu the basement I of the court house at 2 o'clock this atter J noon. We publish in to-day's paper extracta from the Adrián Press, Tecumseh News, and Hudson Post od the congressiona outlook. Only bíx arresta by the pólice in July. The pólice drew their pay Tuesday for July. Michigan state fair at Jackson öept. 13 17. Wm. Earp is very sick with mnlarial fever . Mre. Chas. Schultz spent Sunday in Jackson. C. T. Houghtby spent Sunday with Ypsilnnti friends. Evart H. Soott had a slight attack of sun stroke last Friday. Carrol 1 líeniiek left on Moiiday for a month's trip to Uuluth. .Mis. C. C. Warner and daughter are in Howell visiting frieuds. Miss Bertha II. Inas is visiting Miss Chira Yager in Kalamazoo. C. A. .Matthewson has returned f rom visiting frieuds in Chicago. Union services next Suuday evening ú the (. ou s'ierational church. Satunlay nifjlit 8. &C.will give another of those elegant free lunches. A nu Arbor against Dexter, Monday. ■coio 14 to 4 in favor of tüe tonner club. Mrs. Edward Donoyan, Kansas City, Ho., is the guest of Miss Maggie van. Frank Osgood of tliis township has a bicycle which ho uses in niaking trips to the city. The Knighta Templar excursión comes off next Tnesday, to Pt. Huron, by boat from Detroit. Frank Minnis carne down from Jackson Saturday, for a three weeks' visit among his friends. " The Two Sams" advertise a cut in prices. They are bound to make room for their fall stock. J. L. P. McAleeter has rented Jas. Kitson's place on Miller avenue, and will tukt poueoeiou Sopt . 1. Rev. VV". V. Eamsey gave a powerful discourae on temperauce at the Baptist church Sunday eveniog. Is it owing to the failure of the water supply that the milkmen have raised the irice of milk to six cents? Noble Waterman of Lincoln, Kan., is visiting friends in this city, and will take lis family with him on hie return. Mrs. Lizzie Bowdish is visitiagher sisr, Mrs. O. V. Beeman, and her brother, lev. J. W. Lockwood, of Stockbridge. The Democrat to all new subscribers n the county until Jannary 1, 1888, will e furnished for the small sum of 81.25. The represeutative committee for this egislative district, consista of H. E. H. iower, J. V. N. Gregorv and M. J. Lehman. The shado trees about the city are to e trimnied up ten feet. Such au order minated from the council Monday ight. Turnkey Schott, who has been with beriff Wals'u Bince his eleotion to the ffiee, has retired to engage in other usinesB. Ann Arbor's colored populatioa went own to Ypsilanti in large numbers, douday, to take in the emancipation celebration. Gerruans visitmg the saengerfest will je treated to aome of H. Hardinghaus' eer made last December, especially for ie occasion. Jas. Donovan of Kansas City, Mo., frandson of Patrick Uonovan, is spendng his vacatioQ at tho home of the lat;er in this city. Buff Taylor ran two foot races in Dex;er, Monday, of 100 and 75 yards respectvely, against Tom MoNamara'a man, and won both trials and $20. The Presbyterian church put on Italan oathedral airs Sunday, its poor beg ars standing at its gates asking alma of ie people s they entered. Jno. Fii'iier, for the last three yeurs with Albert Borg, luis gone into business or himself . He will open i paint shop nd do all kinds of work that come uner his line of trade. The concert at Whitmore Lake, Saturay eveniug, for the beuetit of the M. E. hurch, was well attended. Those who ook part acquitted themselves creditaly and the ehurch is some $50 ahead. The way to tix the tramps who insult eople at their houses, is to shoot thom ii the Hpot. There is no danger of arrest or killing such cattle, and tlien, we unerstand the university is short of stilTg. Lawyer Williams of MilaD, a prominent greenbacker and a prominent genieman ïu ihat section of Washtenaw, is eiug urged by his party to make a fight or the nomiuation for prosecutiug oraey. Geo. Lonard has contracted to build nearly 100 miles of fence for the Toledo ailroad eonipany. He is assisted by Hiam Weeks and Thos. Shorty of this it. llowell, just now, is their headuarters. The milk dealers met Saturday night and afreed to rarae the price from ive to six cents per quart for all amounts ess than four quarts. For over fonr quart s the ame piice, five cents, will be cliarged. A. Eisele is nianufacturing from con crete all kinds and sizes of urns, building stone and flacrtting for sidewalki. He is now putting down a uandsome stone walk in front of his new brick store on Fourth street. This week P. S. Purtell winds up the controversy which has been going on for some time between "Citizen" and himsclf. No more Communications will be received on the subject. Enough is as good as a feast. The aldermen of the fifth ward would confer a favor un those people who live in that part of the cily, if they would lay a few planks on the railroad bridge by Swift & Co. 's mili. This would make pedestnanism more easy. August Tessmer was fined $5 aud cos, Saturdiiy, for committing an assault and battery on Fred Ehaii. Fred is a quiet and peacable citizen, and eau stand most anything but a licking. His case was heard by Justice Pond. Edward L. Seyler, formerly with gree & Smith of Detroit, has forined a partnership with Lis fatber, A. D. Seyler, under the firtn name of Seyler fc Son. The youug man is thoroughly versed in the shoe business. Success to the new ñrm. It would be well for the common coun cil to urge economy in all things, for the way the money is going, there will not be a dollar in the exchequer at the end of the fiscal year. And everybody is talking about it who is mterested in the welfare of the city Geo. B. Schwab bas drafted plans for an addition to the Rev. M. Klingmann's esidence in Scio, to cost $1,000. He has lso piepared plans for the Empire block, o be erected by Goo.Clarken on the site f the old Earl building, whicb was reently coudernned by the common council as an unsafe structure. The democrate of the town of Pittsfield will hold a caucus at the town house Monduy, August 'J, at 1 :3() p. m., to nomínate delegates to the eouuty OORvention; also delogateeto attend the representative district couvention yet to be called. A full attendance is desired. The c.ill is signed by Henry Paul, chairman. Farmei and WiUiamo. moulders in thü agricultunil woiks, 5th wanl, were puid off Batarday eveuing. Each invcsted a portion of lus earnint; iu whisky; then liad a war of words iind a fight with knives. Botli were well out up. Farmer the worst, however, hÍ8 surgeon remaining with kim all night. VVilliamB has been arrested. All temperaüce men who are legal voters (under 45 vears of age), or those who may become legal voters before the next presidential election, are earnestly requested to meet Fridüy eveniug, Aug. 13, at the old Baptist church on Catharïne street, for the purpose of orfraniziug a prohibition club for Ann Arbor city and townahip, the object of which will be to discus all phases of the temperance queation. Thos. F. Hill has returned from St. Paul, Miun. Mre. Jas. McMahon has returned froin Houghkm, L. S. Walt L. Pack took a run ap from Ypsilanti, ïuesday. C. E. Hiscock will lcave for Colorado about the 20th inst. M'ss. Fanny Leaoh of Chicago, is visiting at Prof. Hennequiu'a. Mr. E. Q. Stile8 expects to leave Ann Arbor for Colorado to-day. Company A will givo au excursión to Brighton Beach, August 35. Postmaster Duffy returned from Washington , D. C, Tuesday nif,'ht. R. S. Clark retumed Monday from a four weeks' trip up the lakes. Mr. aud Mrs. J . J. Read have gone on a three months' Europeau tour. P. Bach has been appointed adininistrator of J. W. Connett's estáte. Judge Joslyu took testimony in nn alIeged insane case iu Chelsea, Tuesday. Mrs. Fred. Belser and faniily havo returned from a visit with fneucls m Detroit. Mrs. Bhewcraft has her barber shop in the Polhemus block, ; uorth of the post office. The animal picnic of the Zion Suaday school was held yesterday at Belief park. Charley Gibson changed his mind and removed his barber shop to the Duffy block . J. C. Kuowlton has retured from his western trip in improved health aud spirits. The wills of J. Maria Clark and Josiah Hathaway, were admitted to probate Monday. The old O'Niel house is being taken down by H. Kittridge, who paid $50 for ili' shalL A. J. Bawyer will leave, next week, for a trip to Mackinac and other northern lake towns. Jno. Schmid, jr., of Couucil Bluffs, Ia., is in the city. He will remain until af ter the saengerfest. Geo. W. Healey has bought the Jack Mclutyre property in the third ward, next door to Aid. Kearns. J. Fritz of the Savings bank, is taking nis vacation this week, and has been visiting friends in Lansing. Fred Stabler carne out ahead in that assault and battery case, wliich was tried befo re Juutice Freuauff, TuesdayJno. W. Sheehan, in the employ of Henry Matthews for the past 14 years, will sojouru in Detroit for a while. Albert E., youngest sou of William and Wercy Ann Cleaver, aged four months, died Tuesday, of cholera infantum. Dr. T. P. Wilson and family, J. R Miner and family, and Mr. Beckwith and family, are camping at Orch;ud Lake. Iwo uusuccessful atteinpts wore mado Sunday morning early, to burglarize O. J .. iáchiappacasse's residence on Fiftli street. Win. Brown of Milan, tbo chap who pleaded guilty to uttering a forged order for G5 cents, got six mouths at lorna, ïuesday. Geo. B. Schwab will do the carpenter work on Geo. ularken's uew store. The Walker Bros. have contracted for the mason work. It has been customary to allow $2 for drawing engine and hose arts to flres, but the bilis Monday evening were allo wed at $1 .50. Prof. Alex. Lange of Kacine, Wis., and his brother G jttleib, of Daytou, O., were the guests of the Kev. H. Belser Monday aiid Tuesday. J. Alian Mitehell, who gnuluated from the law departmont, cIiisk of '84, diod ;it Battlo Creek receutly. He was a suocessf ui colored lawyer. A. F. Hangsterfer, with eight men, left this morning lor camp Todd, VVIntmore liake, to prepare decorations for the streets dwring the saengerfest. Joseph G. Preston of this city, ia uo of the gtockholderH of the Princess market, produco and comiuiHson cornpany. The capital stock is $GU,OOO. W. G. Doty, probate register, had a boy arnye at his house, yesterday nioruing. Will is setting up the cigars on the strength of the young democrat. Chas. 1). Cornell for over 50 years a resident of Lodi Centre, died Mouday, in the58th year of his üge, of paralysis. He was bom in ünoudaga couuty, N.Y. Chas. J. Kintner, of tlie pateut ollije, Washington, l. (J., has beeu m tliu city for several days. lie will return again in September for sveral weeks' vacation. There was a glorious rain neariy all of Wednesday night and Thuraday. It will do a vast deal of good, not-withstanding it comes a little late for certain vegetables. Jacob Schmid and brother, of Danville, 111 ., nephews of Jno. C. Schmid, will take poesesioD of the old Gwiuner niiiiket, coruer Washington aud KourtU sïroetb. iii'xt week. Geo. S. Wheeler of Salem, was re elected, Tuesday, a member ot' the county board of school examinen. Thos. Kearney of Northfleld, md I. B. Lullin of Manohester, a'so wantod the position. An incipient lire was disoovered Tuesday morning in the alley in the rear of Stimson's store, cause, I by ashes that had been thrown iuto a barrel by occupants in the Polhemas block. 0. E. Edwards put out the blaze with a few pails of water. Paulino Heller, who created a sensation by suddenly disappearing f rom M. C. Peterson's, whvre she was employed as a doniestic, was found Weduesdiiy evuuiug at Delhi by Sherili' Walsh aud Cliief öipley, at the home of a frieud whom she was visitiug. John Wotzke, who is making a tour of the state in the interest of the coiuiug eaeugerfest says everything looks encouraging for a very large attendauce. There will be excursión parties froni Jackson, Grand Rápida, tho SiigiuawB, Bay City, Toledo and Detroit. The entertainment tfiven by Arbor tent, Kuchte of Maooubeee last Friday evoiiin,', at Relief park, was eujoycd by the lurge crowd present Tho parade was participated in by Knights from Ypsilanti, Chelsea and Dexter, besides those frorn this city. Three bands of music were in the line. Au exchange says: "A new counterfeii $2 note is in circulation. It is marked as the series of 1880, letter D, medallion of Jefferson in the corner, and iudistinct representation of the capítol in the center. The surtace of the note is poor and there is an i for y in the sipnature of Wyman, the treasnrer; the word tender is in big type bilt the t is not crossed." The 1'25-horse power Turbine water wheel, manufacturod by Huut Sc Co , Oranje, .Mas1., from Bpeoial patterns, for the use of Star Moantain .Minmg Co., arrived from Masaaohusetts and was abipped lrm Detroit on Tuesday last, tofjether with a car load of other machinery and materials for the couceutratidk and samplinji worka of ths compauy now being built at the mines on tho upper Blue river, about 15 miles from Leadvillo, Col. Iu to-day's Demoorat J. Keek & Co have u cIjhdk1' of mlvertiseineut iu which they cali ittention to the flnent line of new carpeta ever broUffht to this city, aud at very rcasonable prices, the purchase having been made duriug the declino of these goods. They also ive prompt and careful attention to mending fwrniture. Great inducementa Hre being olTered to Ihoae who are about to refuruish their rooms. A visit to thoir manamoth rundture emporium will repay thoae who are iu need of furniture, carpeta, etc., as they will ftive prices on the same that can not be duplicated by any establishment iu the county. It is no trouble for them to show oods. Everybody is invited to cali and look at the great bargaius being offered. The court yard liwn is being mnrked up again with foot prints, the path f rom the northeast corner being particularly notioeable. Jas. Davenport of Webster, and Miss Julia A . Sterling of this city. were rnarried in Dexter one day last week, by Justice Cr.rae. Messrs. Jenter & llauschen berger of this city, have bought out Wra. G Dieterle's furnilare store in Manchester. Success, gentlemen. The races in Ypsilanti comnience next Tueeday and coutiuue four days. Many sporting men from this place will go down to Bee the fun . It will be mighiy convenient for onr citizens to visit Whitmore Lake when the Toledo road is constructed to this famous place of resort. The greeubackers of this county will hold a convention Saturday, August 14, to elect delegates to the greenbaok state convention to be held in Grand Rapids. Even little Dundee is to have macadamized roads. Jnst what this city shoukl have in many of its public streets, but more partacolarly in front of tho business blocks. Cornwell & 13ro."8 paper mili at Fust er Station, started up the ilrstof the week, haviug been olosed tor nearly a month on account of repairs that cost sometlnng like $3,000. The Washtenaw county democratie couvention to elect delegates to the state and congressional conventions, will bo licld it thi court house in tliis city noxt Wednesday, Aug. 11. N. H. Dralie nold !f23 worth of tickets for the concert at Whitmore Lake, given by the guests of the Glifton house, (or the bouelit of the httlo M. E. ohuroh, Saturday evening last. A caucus of the Democrats of Ann Arbor towuship will be held to morrow afternoon, at the eourt house, to elect delegates to the coming county conven tion which is to be held Wednesday next. llepublican papers hereabouts may attem[)t to throw cold water ou tlie temperance movement, but they will önd that when the votts are counted, at the coming f all electiou, that they were poor prophets. Anton Eisele is manofactaring handsome grauitc moiiumcnts for Eenry and Lawrenoe Olsaver of Webster, to be erected in theoemetery at Hamburg; one for Geo. Schweitzer of Saline, and one for Mrs. Nancy N. Oonklin of Ohelsea, aml Ui; also put one np, last week, for the estáte of Jno. G. Koebbe, in Freedom. C'apt. G. H. Manly has not beon, and is not now, a can didate for secretaíy of state on the demooratic ticket. Jlo so informeel a Democbat reporter Saturday. We onderstand, however, tbat Cuarle.v would consent to run forcouuty clerk tuis fall if the eounty convention, yet to be called, should see fit to give hiin the nomiuütion. An exchangesays: Farmers who huve. lweu ju the habit of draving potato vines to ciii-ii - t., be worked up into mauure, had botter omit the practico this year, especial 1 wliere the potato rot has been prevalent. The rot is undoubtedly produced In ;i I in;us growtli w noh originatea in tho leaf, oarryiníí this to the manure heap ie the most certaiu mode of apreading it over the farm .
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat