
EuiTüit Demoobat: - How wouUi it have pleased the oitizene of any other ward of thia city hadthey been deprived, as liiivo those if the ftfth ward, for months tofiether of idewalk comuiumoation witii the poat-office and business portion of the city, without even ;i trail of planks to help them into town? And all thia, too, quito nnneoeasarily, tor th' old jilank walk acrosa the marsh wiisuot at all in the way of the so-called improvoment ut the time it was oarted off for the use and beneü) of aome oni uot eutitled to it. Andsince that time do one has been able to see why it might uot have still remained in use as before, and thua have saved a vast amount of discuuifort and ill feeling. tt results that oue mmt either take a ronnd-about way to and trom town via Siate street through dust over hIioo deep. or trespass apon the trucks of the M. C. R. II. Co.. asBixiiiiiiíí all riska of broken limba mneuk ui orossing the open bridge of Baid oompan; on bare tiee soiuo dark uigbt The act of taking away the uld walk w;ib HÍm[)ly OBoalled tor and was au onl upon the righte ot a considerable nucnbor of citizens whoso oonvenience it sub served; and tho-e br whose direotion it was removed are not likely to ba m soon
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat