
NEW IKIERCHANT TAIL0R1NG. ESTABLISHMENT. WM. THEISEN, Late of Detroit, formpriy of Syracuse, N. Y„ andgtill later cutter tor W. Q BurchflelJ of tlii s city, has opened a store West of Ann Arbor Savings Bank. A FULL LINE OF SAMPLES. Qanuenta Cut and Made to Order. Perfect Fits in Every Case Cuarantecd. Patronage Sollcitod. Wil. THEISEN. 1. D. STI1IS0N. W. F. STIMSOV. STIMSON & SON ! - DEALEES IN - LME GEOCIIES ! XJRY TIIEM. tW East of the Post-Office. Northern Brewery H. HARDINGHAUS, PHOPRIETOR. I am now prepared to delivpr to my cuitomei-a, or others In want of BEER! A Firat-Clas Artïde, posltlvely mono factured of only Hopste Malt ! EQUALTOANYIMPORTEDBEER Give it a Trial and be Convinced. H. HARDINCHAUS. BE SI MER SELLS LLOYD feECEY'S Eiigliá Ik ! - AND OE. W. VOIGHT'S PILSBlsTEE AND nEINGOLD O X3T" TT1 U G2 J-La JtLa JTK. 9a Al Ailir Orgao ïïorfö D.F.AIImendineer Manuf acturer and dealer In Pianos, Brm AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing and Tuning a Specialty. Anyonn calllng at the works root of Washington Btreet, can t;oods and prices. I can Cl nviuce you of the Great Bargains ! lam oCTeritifr. i. F. ALLMENDINOEB, ANN AUCOU MACK1NAC. Tbe Most Dclightftil SUMPIER TOUR ïalaoo Steamcro. Low Batas. Tour Trips per Week Bet ween DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Ivry Week Day Ectweon DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Writ for our "PIcturesque Mackinac," Illustrated, Conmina ïull Partiouhu. MaUed Fres. Defrolt & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. O. WHITCOMB, Gcn. Pass. Act., DETROIT, MICH. HENRY MATTHEWS a First class MEAT MARKET ! Dealer in all kinds of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklln House. Prices Rcasonnble. Thankinp: thnso who have ao lint-rally patrón, isxed me in the pust, I a!so cordiull soliclttradt from new patrqns. HENRY MATTHEWS, 9uron Street, - Ann Arbor, ich.
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