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MASONIC IHKKCTORÏ. Ann Aiiu.m Comxahdkby, No. 13- Meets first Tuesdaynf eacii month W. W. Nichols, E. C W. A.Tolchard, Recorder. Washtenaw Chaitkk, 'o. 8, B. A. h.- Meets flrst Monday of eaeh montn, C. E. Hiscock. H. P.; Z. Koath, Secietary, Chítham Lodok, No. 130, Order Sons of Saint George.- Meets the First and Third Wednesday evenings each month. at St. Qeorge'8 Hall, over Ktinison & Son's grocery, Ann street. President, Chas. T. Houghtby ; Secretary, Jno H. Nicktcs. MICHIGAN CEXTRAL. TRAINS EAST: Mail 433p in Day Express f New York and Limited Express 10 09 p. in Atlantic Kxpress 545a. m Slght Exprww li III a. ui Cjrand Kapidsand Detroit Express .. 10 28 a. m TRAINS WEST: Mail 81fia.m Day Express 1028a.m Chicago Kxpri-sa Mp.m Grand Itanids and Kalamazoo Express 5 80 p, m Eveniiitr Kxpress !l 3 p. m PacirtcEip-eea lO38p. m The New York and Limited. Atlantic, and Nlght Express trains east, and the Chicago. Evrnine. and Paoiflc Express trains west, run every day in the eek, Sundaya included. 711 PemstoSaeierfest. UNIVKHftITY HALL. AUGUST 16, 17 & 18, 1886. K. KEMPF, Festdirgent. OVER 200 SINCERS ! From the Various GEKMAN SINGING SOCIETIE8 (..f Michigan, and CIIORAL UNION, Will also take part in tliis Qrand Festival. MIXED CHOKÜSES Of East Saginaw and Bay City. The WATERLOO LIE OER TAFEL, Of Watoloo, Canada. MISS DORA HENNINGES, Of Cleveland, late with Theo, Thomas. MRS. EM1L1E MILTNER, Of MUwaulcee, late of Imperial Opera, Vienna. MR. CHARES V. SLOCUM, Of Detroit. MR. J. MERTEN S, Ot Detroit, uii.l SPEIL'S ORCHESTRA, Of Detroit. Monday, August 16 -Reception of the various sccieties. Honday, evenintï - Concert, Tuesday, afternoon - Matinee. Tuesday, cveniiiK 'rand Concert. Wednesday- Grand Procession of all the SingInff Socletdes and all Ann Arbor societies. Wednesday, evening- Grand Ball, Admission for single concert, - 50 cents. Reserved seats, extra, - 25 cente. Tickets for all turee concerts, $1.50, and ïf bought betore AugUBt 13, no extra charge for reaerved seats. Tiokets on sale at Geo Osius & Co's and Geo. Moore's Bookstores.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat