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At Kockfyrd, Kent eounty, John Boyd ncllberately murdered W. is". Johnson, one "I the leading merchants of that place. uoyd Owed Johnson a sum ol' money, and hnd been pushed for payment, whlch so u-iavated him that he "made tbreata t( ! ' Johnson bodily barm. Shortly aftei lock in the raorning Boyd took a gun and went to Johnson'u licuise and callef Dim to tbe door. Johnson said: "Are yoi goine hun ti)ig. John I" Boyd replied "Yes," nnd Iraniediately pointed the Run at John si.hs lireast and Hred. The shot wen] throngh tbe heart and his victim diec without a word, Johnson'8 wife was a witness to the horrible trafcedy. He leaves two cbildren. Johnson commenced busi nt'ss at Roekford Ifi years ago, on a vrrv Binall so:ile, bu t had.becoma one of tbe larg est f umi ture dealers north of Brand KapiiN. Ho had jnst oomploted the finest house in Rockford; and was a first class citizen. The eommunity is greatly shocked at the murder. Hoyiï was arrested and lodged In jail in Grand Kapids. He is 40 years old. and has a wife. A Clevor Plan Frustrated. One of the eleverest schemos to escape from prison ever deviaed wqe flutected in Jackson prison a few days ago. It wa undirtaken by Edwanl Edwards, alias Hickey, sent tö prison from Saginaw in May for twelve years for Imrglary. He hat conatracted a ladder in sections by which he was able to gaiu the roof of the building. In order to get out of his cel] be had diig; a hole in the brick wall large enongh to crawl through and hai covered the place witli a sheel of white washed cardboard, by which to deceive the offlcers. He was obliged to spend severa) nights in cutting the hole in the roof. and wan only ilctected by a convici in au adjoinine cell bearinghim on top of his coM. He had also made a ro]ip LTO liet in lengtfa of twlne. It must have t :iktii at least scveral months to complete his vork. and he was only wait:ng for a good opportunity to put his]lanin cxecution wlieu it was disco vered. A Oood Showing. Tho footlngs of prison accounts for .Tuly, made up, show that the current expenses oí the month of July were $S,274 98 ; earnings, $S,7:!7 4S, which makes the institution $463 50 ahead of current expenses and more than self-sustaining. Thls has been the case for three months past by a surplus of from $100 to $300. It is attributed to close bnying and keepingall the men employed. Kor a month past men nt on coiitracts have been employed in ir.dking soap boxes for a local concern, whioh pays well. The prison furrh is prosperous and Warden Hatch expects to come out more than even at the end of the year. MICHIGAN NEWS CONDENSE!). Win. Jones, a Lansing hackman, ■.ves slasbed in tlie abdomen with a razor by Ben Ford of Jacksou, one of the emancipation dy ceiebrators over 'bus fare. Ford has been arrested. Jones's wound is an ugiy oue, neariy eight inohes long and sevcring the outor abcluunno' mnsciea. Frank, the eight-years oíd son of Ed. Wilton, w hile robbing a bees' nest uear the Lake tihore track w;is ciiused backwards by the boes, and falliug on tütj track was gtruck by tho south-bouud passenger train. He died two uours later. ïSo blani is attached to the LaKe Shora men. - Olivcr Uasaett, of l'Ynton, an old man of ■(land very deaf, wliilo walk ing on ttie track w:is gtruck by the mnil train and instnntly killed. He leaveu h wife and one cl) 1,1. Escanaba had a $1J,OUO tire on the 15tu list. . Jamos Aspen was run over by an ore train it Seney a few days ago and instantly killed. One of the biggest suits ever commenced in the Cijcuit coutI tor Oi mina county was begun last Frldny by Henry W. Cornell who sik (1 the New Era lnmber Co., for i. Tuesday Sheriff Hanson attached Í4S.0OO worth of the company's property. - Jitrl Journal. A saw mili, stuve mili and grist mili, are being errocted at Mears üceanu county. Becretary Lamar's recent decisión on the application of th governor of Oregon askng the dismi-sul of all contesta to determine thechuracterof 90,000 acres of sw:imp and which have been heretofure approved as certified to under the Kwamp land act, affects Michigan even more than it does 3regon. The secret;. ry decides that after approval and certiücation by the departiiieiit and the land oftico the character of such lands cannot apain be called in question upon iffidayit of contest, which merey alleges tl:;t u, .. latid is not of the character grunted, unless the applicant further alleges fraud or mistake in the procuremi'iit of the decisión. The ruling secures to thia state between 300.000 and 400,103 acres of swamp lands that were being contested in the same marnier as the Üregon case. - Lansing HepMican. Will Trumbull, the 17-year oíd son of Emerson Trumbull, o. Pittsford farmer living four miles northwest of Hudon, shattered his right arm by the discharge of Ws ;un while hunting. A fireman's tournament is to be held in Caro August 1&-191 Over $300 in prizes will be given. Charles Munson of Ishpeming, -wnlle ,uffering from too much whisky wandered away from his home and was lost on July 21. lb5. Diligent search was made for him at the time, but without avail. A few days ago two men while walking through some dense underbrush between Ishpeming and Deer Lake. found the body of a man apparently sleeping. The body was identified as that of Munson. and thus a mystery Is cleared up. Slate has been dfscovered at Norwood, on the east shore of Grand Traverse Bay. Messrs. A. Loyster & Son of Hudson established the first creamery in Michigan five years ago, celebrating their fifth anniversary May 13. They are now churning 4,500 pounds of butter per week and have turned out as high as 5,000 pounds in a ■veek. They object to the claim made by other parties to being the ploneers in this enterprise in Michigan. Tho survivors of Lamphere's battery held their annual reunión in Coldwater on the llth inst. The President has appointed Chas. A. Ward collector of customs at Port Huron. John W. Frazer, proprietor of the Battle Creek house in Battle Creek, was arrested the other day charged with keeping a disorderly house. He was convicted and sentenced by Justice Flint to pay a fine of $50 and $10costs or go to Ionia for 60 days. He paid up and the next morning his hotel burned to the ground. He saved nothinc and had no Insurance Incendiarism is suspected. Alexander Brown, the Jackson embezzler, was arrested in Tacoma, W. T., on the 1lth, and Sheriff Fifleld started at once for Jackson with his prisoner. The ftrst reunión of (he Seventh Michigan infautry will be held at Jackson September 14-15. It is hoped and expocted that every snrvlvlng member of this regiment will unite in making this, its flrst ren nion a success. It being the week of the state fair, reduoed rates will probably be secured on all railroads. An oíd man by tha name of Frank Edwardsof Sherman townsliip, liaron county was taken from his hou-e, stripped, tarrea, Eut aboard of a rail and a whip applied to is naked back in good style, and given three days to loave the country. The crime charged is corrupting youne girls. His last victim was a little child only seven years old and his own granddaughter. Hundreds of bushels of blackberries upon the Elm fruit farm of Evart Scott have been dried up and destroyed ly the great drought. Uts peurs and peaclies are also withering and dropping ott, lifcewise apples and pluuis. The dry weather has cost him $1,2W) or il,3tO at least, und that is only one of niany other similar farms. The destruction óf crops of all kinds mukes Washtenaw county poorer by many thousand dollars. - Ann Aïbor Courier. The principal business establishments of Hastings were iestroyed by fire on the I2th inst., involving a loss of $100,000 with, but little insuiance. A co operativo manufactory of fanninjfmills and other farm machinery wül be established at Kalamazoo. The state assembly of the Knights of Labor convenes at Grand Rapids, September 5, and wül probably remain in session four or five days. Between 200 und 8oÜ delegates are expeuted. Wbile Lewis Lovett was returning from a lumber camp near Hurrisville, to which he had carried a load of men and supplies, his hor8s ran away, throwing hira upon the whiffltrt, wher he wm kickad to deatb. The steara sawmill near Sbephard City, Isabelln county, owned by T. N. bhephjrd, burned receiitfy, togetuer with 10O,0OU feet oL luinber aud 5U.ÜÜ0 lath. Michael Davitt is to leeture at Escanaba August 2$. Tliereistalk ofpiping the natural gas newly discovered near Fort tliat city, for lighting and manufacturing purposes. Mrs. John Hall, nn old and respeeted citizen of Bloomfield township, Oaklaud county, is dead. William Wells, of Oneida township, is in jail in Charlotte, charged with assaultwith intnt to murder upon Dr. C. E. Covey, the hcalth offlcer at (rand Ledge, who went to the prisonei-'s house to prescribo tor a caso of diphtheria and wan attacked by Wells with an ax. The supremo courtof this state has again decided tbat the docket entry of a justice of the peace is scmething that can not be tli-luted, either by tho justice or any one else. A justice has made a return to a writ of certiorari that a judgment was rendered December 13, while nis docket said December 15, The court stuck te the docket. An old man named Prior, living in Clarendon, Calhoun county, has been the victim of confldence men to the tune of $1,350. They "boughf his farm, got him out one vu)i tiwt : (.trnngpr who lldwofi thfi par ties a little game by which he had been Rwlndled, and all parties finally took a hand in with tho usual result, the old man backing his opinión with the cash. W. J. 11 il ti ui. for a short time past a resident of Marshall, is onder arrest charged with bigainy. He married Maggie Darrow in lbSO, but the two never lived together. It is alleged that he married Clara Randnll, of Livingston county, on the 4th o July last. being still bounu to his lirst choleeThe next reunión of the 17th Michigan infantry, will be held at Jackson Sept. 14- state fair week. J. C. Burrows is to be the siteaker, and Uen. AVithington will havo charge of local arrangements. Grayling prouilly boasts of the largest library in northern Michigan, St. Louis is rast becommg a competitor wit li Kalamnzoo on the line quality of the celery it produces. All the bonus of $30,000 requirod of Tuscola county by the Bay City. Caro & Port Huron railroad has been raised with t he exception of $7,00 which is expeeted to be raised within a few :lays, principally bji the peöple of Caro. Sheriff Fifield of Jackson. has returned from Tacouia, Washington Territory with Alox. Brown, Jr., who is wanted for embezzJemenl oí Fourtb of July funda. Brown told the sheriff that the reason lie took the money was that he had $400 stolen from bis room liefore he started. He was arrested and his bond fixed at (1,200, whieh was furnished by U. F. Cowï.un nnd Charles Fowler. During a hard thunder storm Mrs. Edfar Watson was struek by i hult of lightïing and instantly killed. Mr. Watson ind ii little cbild slx montha old were with lor inbed, oue on each side, and neither of them were hort. The bolt struek the oorier of the house, came down the stovepipe nul went through the bedroom where luv were, out asain through the roof and hrough the yard and iuto the well. Hon. John Rurt. a pioneer of Michigan, mil one to whom the stilte owes a great lebt of gratitude. died in Detroit on tho titli inst. At the time of his death he was resident of the Lake Superior and Península Iron companies. It is to his indefat igable eitergy that the Bault Canal and severa] raJIroaa in the upper península were constructed. The horse of a Uerman brewfer named Facob Meyer, of Alpena, while he was out Iriving al Ijong Lake, became unmanageille nnd he was thrown from the carriage, alighting on his head. He received a corapound fracture oL the skull and died in a short time. He was singlo and iü years old. Mis. Cynthia Angelí, a resident of Adrián for over 40 years, is dead. Thomas Ewing Sherraan, a son of Gen. Bberman, will le one of the professors in the Jesuit college in Detroit this year. The General wanted to muke a lawyer of his son, but the latter chose to becorae a Catholic priest. DETEOIT MAKKETS. Wheat - The wheat market has been up and down for the past week. Business is fairly active and quotations firm as follows: White wheat 7it7éc; red, 79 Oats- Fairly active at 20@31 cents. Coiix - We quote: 44@15 cents. Clovek Serd- Prime October. 50 bags at Í5 40; December. 100 bags at $5 50. Flour- The market is steadv at the following jobbing rates: Michigan patent. t5 00(L9535; Michigan roller. $4 2ö@l&); Michigan superfino $'2 75 @3 5ü; Minnesota patenta $5aB@5 50; Minnesota baker-'. 81 U0 " 1 :.'."; .Michigan rye, 13 65 g365; Illinois rye, $3 75(:; 55. Hides - Green dry, 6}icperlb; country, 7c; cured, 8@Sic; green calf, 8@9c; galted do. 9@10e; lambs and shenrlings, 25@r5e: sheepskins with wool, 50c@$150; bulls, stags and grubby, % off. Live Poii.try--Fow1s 8@9c; spring chickens ll@ll)4c per lb. Hav and Straw - Car lots of choice baled tiraothy buying at $12 00@13 00, and store lots in sinall bales selling at $14 ÜJ{J 15 00 per ton; straw in car lots, ia 5J(íii (J0, and from store, $7@7 25 per ton. Ki TTRit- Dairy receipts, best selections, 14@lüe; creamery, 19@30c; fair to good, 6@Sc; low grades, 6@Sc; butterine, Il@l3c per lb. Fkuits- Apples, per bbl. S3@2 35. with SS per bbl extra for fancy: pears. common. $?(al. and Bartletts'iü 50@7 per bbl; peachos. $2 25@8 ier bu ; green gage plums, $1 7B@3 )it box. Huckelberries, $2 50@i; Lawton, $50 per bu. Pkovisions- Detroit mess, tlO 50@10 75; Detroit family pork. $12 25@li 75: short clear. $130)C13 50: lard in tcs., 7W@7Wc; half bbls,7W@7?ic; in pails, 7%@c; hams, 13Ji13c; shoulders. TX@Sc; dried beef, l.'l :.i lic; bacon,8Ji@S%o; extra mess beef, 18 0Ö@3 2ö; family beef, I9@9 25. Potatoes- Southern, tl (!5@1 75; Michigan, tl 7r@l SO; Deleware sweets, 84 75 per bbl. Lettuce, 35c; cucumbers,20c per doe; eabbages, $4@4 25 per 100 for Michigan: cauliflower, $1 25@1 50 per doz; beots, 25c; tomatoes, 75coperbu; Dutch radishes 25@30c per doz; green corn, 7@ Sc per doz. ESERAL PRODUCE. Turnips 30 @ Onionsbbl 2 00 ($i 2 25 Honey 13 @ 14 Beans, picked 130 @ 1 35 Beans, unpicked 50 ia) 85 Beeswax 25 % 30 Kggs 11 @ 11 Cheese 9 Q 10 LIVE STOCK. Cattle- Shipping steers, 1,350 to 1,500 lbs, Í4 75@5 10; 1,200 to 1,350 lbs, t4 15@ 4 81) ; 950 to 1,200, S3 80f?4 r; stookers and feeders. t2 4O@3,r)O; cows, bulls, and mixed, $1 ÖO@3 80; bulk, $2 4O@2 90; through Texas cattle. 2.IKM; shade higher; '. .V) to 1050 lbs. I 85; 7C0 to 900 lbs, t3@3 30; 600 to TWIllis, 2 'tijC.i: Western rangers, firm; natives and half-breeds, $3 25@i 40; cows, t3 liXSj'i 25: wintered Texans, $3(34; sales, 20S thin Wyoming, wcighing 1159 lbs, at t3 50; 205 do. 1162 lbs, at f3 f Hoo3- Slow; rough and mixed $4@4 75! packing and shipping, 250 to 310 lbs, 4 65 .17vi, 'Í5ht welghts, $3 80@4 80; skips, .is5.fTste-,ady 10 to 12 lbs and ver . io(@ i 2-v, Western, 83 2."@3 65; lambs, 4@. The Drovers' Journal's London cablegram quotes Americm cattle Wc lower, best grades selling at 12c. Keports from the Thresher. end his 10-jear-old boy, and Joeph Hass eral otherá slightly scalded. A Sanitary Item.-A new corner in Galveston asked an old res:dent hovr malaria fever could bo distinguished from yellow fever. ■As a general thing," was the replv ' you i an't till you have it. f you ain' t a ive then, it is moat likcly yellow fevcr. "No " said the Hon. Mr. Morrison 'Tve never made a forein tour, with the single exception of haviug' been abroad for somo time on the tariff


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