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The city band look well in tlieir new uniforma. Mrs. N. G. Butts is visiting at Casan ovia,N. Y. N. G. Butts spent last week at Orchard Luke Prof. and Mrs. Payne have returned from the east. Miss Grace Se ibolt is visiting frionds at Ganger, Ind. Oscar Son has had his telephone re placed as No. 126. Mrs. Siaclair of Detroit ia visitiug her sister, Mr.-i. Beakes. Mrs. Evaline Warner has returned to her home in Chicago. Frank Murray of Howell, spent Monday aud Tuesday in the city. Mr. S. Moore of Detroit, visited his sister, Mrs. J. W. Brower, this week. Mrs. J. F. Nichols of N. ïngalls street. returned from Pitteburg, Pa., last week. Auditor-General Stevens and wife returned home froin SanFrancisco Monday. Mrs. R. C. Fuller of .Vtonroe, is visiting her sister, Mre. M. M. Greene, Fourth street . There are no severe cases of sickness at the cjunty ho ise. There are about 85 in matee. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Loomia and family of Tiffin, O., are visiting Mrs. William Loomia. Henry Sipley of Lansing, brother of Chief Sipley, paid his old home a visit Tuesday. Mr. Will Carmen of Saginaw City, is spending the week with his sister, Mrs. George H. Pond. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Houghtby, died Sunday, of cholera infantum. Monroe county delegation, with one or two exceptions, are said to favor Salsbury forcongress. At the bead of the editorial column will be found the nominees of the democraticgreenbnck ticket. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perkins of Grand Rapids, are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. A. W. Hamilton. Miases Ada and Bessie Stevens re turned from Whitmore Lake Tuesday, after a three weeks' visit. I. S. McDowell, keeper of the county house, who bas been laid up with rheumatism, is getting botter. Mrs. Mollie Adamshas been entertaining, this week, a number of lady friends from Detroit and Linsing. Miss Kittie Falconar is reeovering from a tedious illness and is again able to meet her pupila in music. Mrs. E. Buttars and Miases Billings, of Pulaski, Jackson county, are visiting E. Moore and family of Scio. Mrs. Gersham Bulkley, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Wood, left for Monroe last Saturday. St. Andrews' congregational and Sunday school picnic will be held at Belief park next Wednesday, Aug. 25. Fletcher Winter and wife of Eaton Rapids, who have been the guests of Moses Seabolt, return home to-day. E. L. Dunn's residence in Ypsilanti burned Sunday morning. Loss $2,000. The building was insured for $1,500. Judge Harriman goes to Ypsilanti today to take te8timony in the case of Jno. P. Sullivan, au allego j inaaue peraon, The wheat at the county farm, has been threshetl, yielding from 26 acres 710 bushels. A great erop for tuis year. J. Imus, Wm. A. Porter, Eli Manly, E . B. Gidley and Wm. Filmóte, acted as special policemen during the saengerfest. Application was made Tuesday for the appointment of Jesse A. Kee.lle as administrator of the estáte of the late Joseph Keedle. Miss Dolley Granger of Ypsilanti. and Miss Lizzie Kirk of the same place, are the guests of Miss Grace Gennelle, Fourth street. The new stone walk in front of the Gerstner-Gwinner property is an impro vemen t that Detroit street pedestrians will appreciate. D. B. Greene of Ypsilanti, who was injureil by his horno fulling on him, is again able to meet with the superintendente of the poor. Byron Green and his son Clay, were cal led to Detroit last week on acsouut of the serious illness of Mrs. Green, who is now much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Wood of Pitteburg, Penn., spent a few days with the lat ter's mother, Mrs. J. F. Nichols, on their way home from Mackinao. A. D. Besimer of Detroit, was in the city Tuesday. "Anee" for maay years represented the second ward of this city in the bnard of aldermen. Miss May Lieiter, who has been spending the snmmer with her grand-mother, Mrs. Traoy W. Root, has returned to her home in Monroeville. Ind. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Harnden of Detroit, have been spending a few days with their sister, Mr. G. W. Weeks. Mr. Harnden is about to begin business in Kansas city, and leaves for his new home this week. Surgeon H. Li. Obetz of the homeopathie college, assisted by Dr. Tyler, removed a cancerous growth from a pitient who carne here for the purpose of hav ing the operation performed. The patient is doiug flnely. Ten years henee, when the city rebuilds the M. O. R. R. bridge, now in course of construction, it might be an improvement to lay the stone foundations now being placed fourteen feet in the air, about four feet under ground. Some enterpri8ing person or persons have feit at hberty to construct an ele vated walk connecting the west sidewalk of Huron river bridge with the " boulevard.'' The arrangement will prove very convenient forfoot passengere, providiug the Michigan Central authorities do not object and order the structure off their grounds. The animal meeting of the pioneer society will be held at Saline Wednesday, Sept. 1. It was expected to be held at the residence of J. W. Wing in Scio, but his protracted and severe sickness will prevent it. Ex-Gov. Feloh will be pres ent and deliver an address on his personal recollections of Clay, Webster and Calhoun. Other speakers will address the meeting. Ann Arbor 17. Milaa 14. H. T. Morton has gone to Nebraska. Business about the " Little Board of Trae" is rushing. The Misses Stacy of Marshall, are visiting f rienda in thia city. Blitz & Langadorf advertise the newest ahapos of fall Derby hats. Chief Sipley, on Lis prancing steed, led the procession Wednesday. Fred, aon of Henry Fischer, died Wed nesday night, of blood poiaoning. Between three and four thousand persons visited Belief park Wedneaday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Goodyear, have gone to New York on a pleasure trip. Rev. Dr. Haakell will preacli at the Presbyterian church Sunday eveningD. F. Allmendinger is manufaotiiring an organ for a church in South tíaginaw. Richard Kennis has a poaition with Burnham & Co., of Detroit as billing clerk. Franklin Parker is putting up a building in the rear of his reaidence on Fifth at reet. A Germán from Detroit had a gold watch atolen at Wm Frank's, Tuesday night. Wm. F. Wallace of Pittsfield, has been adjudged inaane, and will be taken to Pontiac. Jno. J. Bobiaon has been in Lansing this week, attending the state board of equalization. Chas. Reissenweber, a member of the Chicago pólice forcé, was taking in the city Wednesday. Misa Mamie Yowky has boen spending the week with Miss Alioe Richardson of Divüon street. The hackmen experienced three lively days this week. The sangerfest was a bonanza to them. The Waterloo, Ont., band treated our citizens to some soul-stirring music, Tueeday even ing. Thos. Matthews carne down f rom Battle Creek Tuesday night and whooped it lively for the boys. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stimsonand daughter, Mab.-l, are are in Toledo on a visit to Mr. John Stimson. Policeman Clark was pretty severely handled early Wednesday morning. He was cut in the face. Wm. H. Hatch, jr., is home f rom Petoskey. He is recovering froin the effects of that accident. Twenty live cents will pay for The Dbmocrat until January 1, 1887, to subscribers in the connty . Company A's excursión next Wednesday, will mnke the fourth one from this city during the season. Any one sending us the names of flve new subucribers, will receive The Democbat free until Jan. 1, 1888. Water pipes have been distributed on Arm street for the continuation of the water mains to the observatory. Dr. Flynu of West Branch was called to this city Wednesday on account of pressing business engagements. B. Davison will go to Detroit next week to put in one of his patent smoke consumera in the steamer Alpena. Mrs. sarán Uorben and Mrs. 14.. JNoyce of Batchelorville, N.Y., have been guests of Mrs. Wm. Walker the past week. D. Henning is talking some of building a shute from the high embankment on Detroit street to bis apple house. Guy Beokley of Auburn, Bay county, bas been spending the week on bis old stamping grounds in the fifth ward. Miss L. Canwell, wbohas been viiiting her sister, Mrs J. E. Wyman in Detroit, for the past two weeks, bas returned. The Lenawee county democratie convention, Saturday, passed commendatory resolutions on congressman Eldredge. The remains of the late Mrs. J. Davison, who died in Germaoy July 19, were brought to this city Sunday for interment. Now that the fest is over, the ordiuance prohibiting walking and lounging on the court yard lawn should be enforced. A. Kearney, while he was on bis way to Grand Rapids, Tuesday, had his pocket picked of a handsome gold watch is Jackson. The stone flagging for a sidewalk on a portion of Thayer street, bas been delivered, and it will be put down at once. Sed James, contractor. The street decorations attracted considerable attention. Frank Hangsterfer had thom put in shape. Koch & Haller's show windows present a very handsome appearance. The show of goods would do credit to a much larger place than Aun Arbor. Mihs Carrie Williams, who has been visiting fríeuds in this city for the past two montha, before returning to Sagmaw, will spend a few weeks in Jackson . Jno. Schertler of Fredonia, committed suicide Wedue'd:iy morning by hanging. He was ubout " years old. Family troubles are said to Uave beeu tlie cause. Brother Leisemer of the Post got out an extra editioa vVednesday. The paper cautained a very fitll report ut ihe Saengerfest, speeches, etc He is to be commended for the enterpriseshown. J. Willard Babbitt of Ypsilanti, will be asked to take the nomination for representative in the second district of Washtenaw county, on the democratie ticket. He would make a good one. Several countrymen lost money Wednesday on the "shell game," and a gentleman from Detroit ctme to Ann Arbor to be victimized out of a $5 bilí. Verily, the land is full of those wbo would like to get something for nothing. Edward Kearney, who zlaims to be a resident of Texas, and arrested in Chelsea on tbe charge of stealing from a freight car, has been bound over to the circuit court for trial. Being unable to furnish the necessary bonds he was couimitted to jail. There was something of a row on Detroit street Tuesday night on acoount of tue attempted stealing of a little son of Tbos. Matthewa. The mother and the little fellow's grand mother interferid, and during the rescue the head of the family was knocked down. Those knights of rest who monoplized the stone steps on the west enti anee to the court house, last week, where they spent a good portion of each day, watching the demolition of the P.irker and Clarken buildings, are expected to take their old seats when work is resumed again. A young men's prohibition club was organized last Friday evening at the old Baptist church, with the following offlcers: President, Alvin Wilsey; vicepresidente, C. L. Caldwell, J. O. Callag han; secretary, P. V. Ferry; treasurer, E. B. Lewis. Forty names wore signed to the prehminary cali for the meeting. The constitution of the Kings county prohibition club was adopted with minor changes. Meetings will be huid biweekly during the campaign. The club internis to bring some good speakers here as the campaign proceeds. The newest thing in regard to the re cent New Jersey ice-cream poisoning case is the result of the analysis made by Prof. Vaughan of the Michigan University, to whom some of the ice-cream was sent for his opinión. He reports, it is taid, mi important discovery made during his tests. He says that he had a short time previously discovirel an active element in poisonous cheese. This substance he haa named tyrotoxicon. The professor claims that traces of this were present in the ice cream. He claims that tyrotoxicon is due to the decompo sition of milk, and may be developed in milk kipt in uuclean vessels or in an uuwholesome atmosphere. The germ giv ing nse to this new product seems to propágate very rapidly. The professor concludes bis report by saying that an important fact implied in the foregoing statement, is that it may account for much of the intestinal disturbance in ohildren during warm weather. J. V. Sheehan spunt Sunday in Chi cago. J. N. Bailey has returned f rom New York. The excursión Saturday did not draw a large crowd. A bricklayers' association has been or gamzed in the city. Anu Arbor was well represented a the Ypsilanti races. 4Au infant child of August Kowaltski wa buried Tucsday. O. E. Hiscock of the Savings bank has gone to Dakota. P. Ii. Polk & Co., are getting up a city and county directory. The Ypsilantian publishes tlietax salee for Wnshteuaw county. Station agent Hayes has moved into his $6,000 residence on Ingalls street. Dr. W . B. Smith of this city, is chairman of the republican county executive committee. E. A. Clark and wife of Hastings, were the guests of Will Stimson, the last of the week. Win. Aprill has been appointed adniinïsirator of the estates of Daniel and Frederick Koch, deceased. The farmers' pisnic at VVhitmore Lake to-morrow, is expected to cali together several thousand persons. Company A's excursión next Wednesday, uhould be liberally patronized. The trip will be a pleasant one. During thoir visit to the city, the Waterloo band of Ontario, had their headquarters at the Germania hotel. There will be a temperance meeting at the old Baptist churoh Sundav afternoon at d oclook. Everybody invited. There was a prize fight at Ypsilanti, last, Friday evening, between a local tough and a slugger trom Detroit. Ypsi won. Chas. Stabler has the contract for decorating and papermg the Methodist churches at Whitmore Lake and Webster. Miss Nellie Childs is visiting her unole, C. W. Cate, in Bay City. She will spend a week at Petoskey before her return. The management of the state fair has out thanks for a complimentary to the 38th annual fair, whieh comes off at Jackson September 13-17. ïhe democratie congressional convention, to be held at Adrián next Wednesday, will decide who is to be the next oongressman from this district. Thomas Woodruff of Hastiaos, maDy years ago a resident of Aun Arbor, was back the last of the week for a visit. He was ace impanied by his two sods. The following gentlemen of this city aro members of the republican county committee: J. E. Beal, Jno. Heinzmann, W. A Clark, Geo. H. Poud, E. W. Aloore, A. F. Martin. Col. Dean is chairman of the committee on fourth of July business. Aloses Seabolt say.s tnat as near as he can figure the amount of bilis yet un paid will amount to between $50 and $60. Additional candidatos for county clerk on the democratie ticket: E. B. Pond of this oity, and A. H. Warren of Saline. The total, thus far, for the office is nine. If there are any more please trot them out. The more the merrier. The tbird animal reunión and en campment of the G. A. R. asaociation of Michigan, ie to be held at Hillsdale Au (fust 31 and September 1-3. Among the officere of the camp will be C. H. Manly of this city. Capt. Allen of Ypsilanti, in treasurer of the association. At thn races in Ypsilanti, last Friday, Gharley Lowia' horse, "Little Joo," won the 2:21 race handily in three straight heats. Time, 2:31, 2 :;S0, 2:25%. The last heat is said to have been the faatest ever trotted over that track; at any rate it was as good as a 2:20 clip over u good mile track. A large forcé of workmen are engaged relaying the T. & A. A. road with new steel rails north from Samaría, the point to where the new work was corapleted last seasou The present work will be continuad to Duudee. A bont half a mile per day is being laid. The best portion of the old rails are being taken north for use on the extensión of the road. It is expected that several miles of the new rails will be put in bypext Sunday by an inoreased torce of workmen. - Oundee Reporter. The following is a list of the delégate from this couuty to the republican senatorial convention which is to be held at the court house Sept, 21: Augusta, N. Harris; Lodi, F. O Wood; H. W. Bassett, Manchester, Jno. F. Nestoll; Pittsfield, S. T. öumner; Saline, Jno. MeKinnie; York, Joseph Gauntlett, jr.; Ypsilanti town, Newton E. Crittenden; Ypsilanti city, Dr. D. A. Post; Prof. Iiellows Ann Arbor town, J. C. Mead, I. N. S. Foster; Ann Arbor city, W. J. Clark, E.B. Abel, C. G. Darling: Northfleld, F. Duncan; Sylvan, C. H.Wines; Superior, Jas. A. Wilbur; Salem, S. Sobers; Ohelsea, Jas L. Gilbert. The republican state con ventiou muets at Grand Rapids nxt Wednesday. VVashtenaw county will be reprented by the following delegates: Wm. Dansing burgh, Augusta; Arthur VVood, Lodi; W. H. Pottle, Manchester; Henry D. Platt, Pittolield; Amaniah Hitchcock, Sharon; Jno. W. Blakeslee, York; VVm. N. Osburn, Ypsilanti town; C. S. Wortley, O. E. Thompson, E. P. Allen Ypsilenti city; Dr. W. B. Smith, A. F. Martin, Jerome Freemau Ann Arbor; Thos. Jewett, Lima; W. P. Groves, Northfield; Irving G. McCall, Webster; Thomas Birkett, Dexter; Ira Crippen, Superior; Chas. H Wines, Sylvan; Geo. S. Wheeler, Salem. Leiand Stanford, the milliuuaire California senator, spent $60,000 in perfecting apparatus for the instantaneous photographingof horeesgoingat a high rate of speed. He attained the object aimed at and the result has been a source of wonder and amusement to all who rere made familiar with the facts. During the coming tri-state fair at Toledo, Septem 6-11, the process will be tried daily dnring the races, the homes being photographed the very moment that the wire is reached. This wül probably break up the so-called "dead heats," for if one horse is the fraction of a foot anead of another at the wire, the instan tantaneous process will show it. The greenback county convention was held at the court house Saturday afternoon. W. E. Walker of this sity oflïciated as chairman, and Jas. Al. Forsyth of Ypsilanti acted as secretary. The following delegates were elected to the state convention: (J. ff. Bates, Lima; James M. Forsyth, Ypsilanti; Geo. A. Peters, Scio; H. Burch, Manchester; Dr. Wm. Pattison, Ypsilanti; J. Sprague, Ann Arbor. Delegates to the congressional convention: A. McNichoI, Ypsilanti N. B. Covert, Ann Arbor town; Sampson Parker, Lima; L. Alexander, Webster; W. E. Walker, Aun Arbor; Jas. M. Forsyth, Ypsilanti O. F. Bates, for ten years chairmau of the county committoe, wished to be relieved and Dr. Pattison was elected in his place. Peterson's Magazine for September comes to us with a first-class steel engraving, "Don't Be Greedy," af ter a picture by the celebrated Germán artist, Hchutze. There are also further in the way of embelishments, a doublé sized colored fashion píate; a colored design for a tidy on Java canvas; and Horne 50 ongraviugs of the fashious, work-table patterns, etc , including a very iuteresing article, illustrated, on " Vcnetian Glass and Murano." The stories are exceptionally good. "The Millionaire's Daughter," grows in interest as it approaches the end. A very noticeable feature of this magazine is the Paris letter, monthly, on the fashions, written by Mrs. Lucy H. Hooper, the wife of the American vicecónsul, and the highest authority abroad on such a subjoct. The price of this necessary lady's-book, remember, is but $2 a year, with great reduotions to clubs. Specimens sent gratis to those wishing to get up clubc. Address Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut street, Pbiladelphia, Pa.


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Ann Arbor Democrat