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The season for late sappers and consequent indigestión, is at band. Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pilis is a speoifio for dyspepsia. Try them. Prioe 25a lf the ailments of babyhopd attack your baby use at once Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. Prioe 25c. Drextel's Bell Cologne cheers our solitude. A knee too proud to bend: Th at in a stovepipe. WoNDEBFUIi CURES.- W. D. Hoyt & Co., wholesale and retail druggists of Rome, Ga., say: We have been selling Dr. King's Ne wDisco very.Electric Bitten and Bucklen's Árnica Salve for 2 yearo. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or givs suoh universal satisfaotion. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounoed consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few boitles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in oonneotion with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Eberbaoh & Son. Why is the land that Lot ohose like milk? Because it is well-watered everywhere. Active, Püshinq and Bkliable.- Eberbacb & Son can always be relied upon to carry in stock the purest and best goods, and sustain the reputation of being active, pushing and reliable, by reoommending articles with well established merit and suoh as are popular. Having the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Disoovery for consumption, colds and ooaghs, we will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure any and every affeotion of the throat, lungs or chest, and in order to prove our claim, we ask you to oill and get a trial bottle f ree. A Chicago editor wants to know what insects are made for. He should go to a basket picnic and find out. Bcoklkn's A unica Sal vb.- The best in the world for puts, bruises, sores, ulcera, salt rheum, féver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coras, and all skin eruptions, and positively cares Piles or no pay required. It is guaranted to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded., Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale b,v Eberbaoh & Son. Household Furniture, including B edding, Stoves. etc., mostly new, for sal a at a bargaia. Cali at the southweat co ltaer of Jefferson and División streets.


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