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Foi removing dandroffand curing all scalp diseayes use Hall's Halr Renewer, Ayer'? Agüe Cure is acknowledged to be tho standard remedy for fever and ague. The Frazer Axle Orease lasts four times as long as any other. Use it, and save you'r horses and wagons. What is the Use Of yooc dragfliog yourself around, day aftorday, wiili -mt :u v tife or actlvity, feeling all tireJ out and miserable, irhen you might be as quick and llvely and stronn us ever? Take care of yourself at once, or in the ilepleteü concïttfon Of your systcm, a coiftplaint otherwise tri vial, may fusten upon you wlthserioua orTátw reralt. Hood's Sar sapitrillit i }Ot the mt?Jieine you ncod to build up your entire Bystem, to purify and quicken your blood,and toiïlvcyou ftppetito and streiifrtb. i-iood's Sart&parlUa u n blood pnrtfler has no equai. H tunea tlie System, rlrtiftlkiñ and in. rlgoratos, fflTlng n-w Ufe. l have t.iken tt for kiilncy complatnt wlth the bost results." D. It. BaDN0KR8,81 Poari 8tréet, Clnctnnatl, Otalo. "I hail .-uit rbearo over neiirly my entire body. It i iniposlble to describe niy snfftrnKfi. When i in :;m to take Bood'a 8arftprin the disease begsn U) utisidc. the" wutcr pimple-, with thelr ftgontolng ItOh and pain. -Oisarpeareil, and now I urn cured." Lymav aij.en. No. Chicago, 111. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggtsts. $1: slx for $5. Preparedonly by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecarioi, Lowell, Maa. 100 Doses One Dollar The proprietors of Salvation Oil, the fpreatest cure on earth for pain, will pay a itrge reward if any cirtincate published by them is found not genuino. French Law of Marriago, It Is not gcnerally kuown as lt jhould be, wrltes a correspondent of The Phüaddptda Jnqu 'rcr, that a marriage between a cltizen oí tne United State and a citlzen of Frunce, wliicb may bo perfectly legal In our country, is couüidered in France as a mock marriage and nothing more. Such marrlages occur, anil tliat they are produetive of great misery ia evldenced from the fact that there are here in our nelchbor rrpublic a number of American (aud English) women who are the cast-ofl wives of Frcnchmen. A Citizen of France rcsiiJiiitr in the United StateR, but not naturalIzcd tliere, may marry an American pirl in the ! most tipprovcd of lejral wavs, and returning I to the country of bis birth is uot, by the laws ' of France, aceounted a inarried man. In the same sense an American mav marry a French tirl in our country and consider that nothing uut drath or dlvorce can separate them. But that eiri may go to France and marry again as ligiiüy as if she had uever entered luto the bonds of inatrimony. Time is too valuable to bo wastcd in eredulously exjierimenting with various vi niMÜes whon a 2ñ cent Ijottlo of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will at once cure your cold. Prof. Wm. Scherer, the Germán histosian and author, is dead. I havo your goods, Athlophorus, on my sbelf, and have bad for some time. I hear only good report from it, mimj my customers. A. O. Jepson, Druggist, Muskegon Uich. Miiuplu of thousands of similar testimoniáis to the great rheumatism and neuralgia cure. A Pennsylvania mnn has just received a letter that was malled In 1899. That shows the advantage of tho special delivery system. - Boston Pott, Invalids' Ho:el and Sorgical Institnte. Tliis widely eelebrated institution located at Buiïalo, N. Y., is organized with a full staff of eighteen experianced and skillful physicians and surgeons, constituting the most complete organization of medical and stirgical skili in America, for the treatnu ut ol all chronic diseases, whether reqUiriug medical or sürgical means for their cure. Harvelous succesá has been ai hiuved in the cure of all nnsnl. throat a in 1 luna clÍM':ies, liver and kidney diseases, diiease of the digestivo organs, bladder diseasea, diseases peculiar to women, blood taints and skin diseases, rheuniatism. neuralgia., nervous debility, paralysis, epüet; (Mts), spermatorrhea, impotency and Kindred affections, Thousand" are cured at their homes through orrespondence The cure of the worst ruptures, pilo tumors, varicocele, hydrocele and strictures is guaranteed, with otiIv a slioit residence at the institution. Sond 10 conts in st.'tiiips for the Invulid's üuide-Bool: (16S pages), whi .h ives all particular. Address, world'i Diepensary Medical Association, Búllalo, N. Y. It is noticed that one Congressman, assaulted by iiiiotlicr. is getkerafly struck in the monto. The mouth, probábly, is the most ofensivo part of bis unatomy.- [New Orleaiis Piot disease of so delicate a nature as stricture of tho urethora should only be entrusted to those of largo experlence and skill. By our improved methods we have been able to speedily and permantly cure Inmdreds of the worst cases. Famphlet, references and terms, 10 cents in Btamps. World's Uispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. A woman was hitely drowned in a New Jersey cheese tactory by falling in a vat of wiity. Slie went the whey of all llesh. - Alta California. Sickand billious headache cured by Dr. Pierce's ''Pellets." The Paris Oazttte püblishei an official announcement that an international exhibition will be held in that city in 1889. Weygo Hm ping around with your boots nn over, whfn I.yon'ïi lic.-i dtllfenen wil! keep tbem Ktriilghu . The Peruvian Qovernnient is doing its best to suppress g'ambling in Lima. I5VHÜKT) V. IKK. If yon hïic barbed fttre Eencos, keep Veter Inury CarbolUa!ve in yonr atal.I v. It cures without rt Bcar and renewi the huir it original color. 5C' cents and $1.00, at Drugiatí or bv muU. Cole & Co., Black liiver Falls, W'U. Nu oiic knuws botter thiiH those who have asad Carter'a Little Liver Pilis what relief tbey have giyen wlicn taken for dj-spepsia, dizziness, puin in the side, constipaiiim. disordered ütomach, 'l'ry them. Sihi: Cl i:i: fOR Kiiki u TI.SM.- Cure guarranteed in all cases Uso Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer according to direction'3, and it will euro ninetv-nine cases out of cvery hundred. Try it, it surely will not hort vou. TiBED OUT! At thia ABAson nearly every one needa to use soma Bort of tonic. 1 1{. entern into almost every physician'a prescription for those who need building up For WenkiiesH, LftS9imde l.uck of Encrav, Otc.f h : is Ni KQIAÏ and is the only [ron me he :w tlu-t :■? nol ïi: f tirïon. Il Jsnrlcltca tür ' ;oo,! f :;vior:it8 tlio System, UCstori'd Appetite, Alda Ikhüoii lt does rot !.■ i ■■ injun t:i íet-tb, cannaheadAcho or prodaca cn tjp timi - i htr Iran medicines do Mrs JakX AnI'UKVb St. Helens, Mich., iays: "I ffos iofferine . ■■■. ivw complaint, had euch & .■-Ü: ud ti. htiviiKth. I uBed Brown's li-un JiiUiirs wj lit. in fact never took ii.vLhiiiK tl mpah ood." Mi:s .1 , ft, 47 Kapt Mootcalm St Detroit. Mi .1 I was snffering from the eiloct uf in il il lver, ttia nuarly prostrated by s-Lltn.Kni Be-TorJ debilitf. I used Browm's Iron niilers ;id ragtinad my f-trength and enertty. It fifiriches th" M" ■:! ind gives nuwlifuund &trongth tv i tvliolo syntBin " ííenunic haaatH n Trade Marlt and croased red linea on nr: uo olhiT. Made only by t. .-:,- V ; !, (O., ItAI.TIMOKK. HIT. Mr B Folter, 320 Ualn treet, Terra Hante, Tndlftaa, snffeifd from Neuriltcit tui round no relief till be used ATHIOPIT0F0S. '''--n ie one Ut' lime tbe pain wu !' ftiie It il jtvi tifompi rtrhe' io ll te of Nfuralft Ak ynr drifgtti Tor Atblcpbvros. If you cannot I1 1' of turn do afi iri ' in-ihiii; iriac. but order mt ons fica u " Wewi:L lt eXprtiJ psid at Itcript of prici 1 CO p-rbo(tlc iTHLOPHOROS CO. 112 W11 St. New York. lm 'ortanf Whon you visit or lenvo New York City, save baggage, expressa.e, and $3 carriage hire, and stop at the Grísd Uxioh Hotkl, opposite Grand Central Depot. 015 rooms, tittfsl up at the oost of ona inillion dollars. $1 and upwards por day. European plan. Klovator. Restaurant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevated railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at th Urand Union Hotel than at any other first-class hotol in the city. To Regúlate the Stomach, l.iver, And Bowels, take Cahtrr'3 Lïttt.k I.iveh Pir.r.s. Lieut. Israel, tho African traveler, has been arre.-ted at Hamburg for fraud. Bronchitis is cured by frequent small doses of Piso's Cure for Consumption. A Carlitsle dog committed suicide by pushlna his head under a gate and choking to death. A I'aln in tho Sirte Oftfcii Come froin tüo I.lvor, and Is rolieved by ('ai:ti:ks i.itti.k I.iveb I'u.i.h. If afflicted with sore eyes, u e Dr. Isaac Thoinpson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it. 25c. @OUERAM0RBÜ5 EVERYBOD'Y-iS-3UBJECTTO♦ComPLAlHTó-ÖF-KiNO PjiO'ÍAMILYijSAfEyía HAYiNq-A-BOTTL&'Op )T]5-A-5AFE-i5PEEDr ALLPRl'óÍ5T5:5ELL'lP ' EXHAUSTEDVITALITY. IIXUÜIUATKI) SAMPLE FR! JE. KNOW THYSEIF.Jh W ' A Great Mcrtlml Work on Manhood, Nerrons and ' hysical DeMHtr, ï'rrmature Dnolinñ in Man, Iz auftted Vttatltv, Ac. Ar., and the untotd mlscriei resultinst from indtiort'tton or excenffs: .XK pases, íubstHniially hounrf in pilt. nunlin. Contains mor than ?.h inraiuftMo prescrlptions, embracln every vesetabio remody in the pharraacoapia fr all aout and chronic dtsea. n is emphaticalW a book fof every man. Price -nly % by mail poMptiid, concealed in nliini ffrannpr. 1L1US UATIVIC IAMPLE FRKB TO A IX younj; and raiddlu-aiEed men for the next ninety days. Snd now, or ent this out. a yon may nerei eee it aRHin. Addresn W. II. I'aukkk, 4 Buinncl kt-, Hut■. N. B.- Dr. Parker can be oonfldentiatly consult! ou all üiseases of man, tais spécialités. LE PAGES GLUES Jf) and mechanica in tho wnrM. Mry " RsBvï Fullman PalacoCarCo., MasoarW NO vVSj A llamlin Organ & Piano --tff -C1 O '.TÉ At the "Scvf OrkntiH BjFUÏBHflB Won, Joints made i t n RIB nTnYWf1l durcif a testiiiR strain of 0YvI' fBUjuEffl] 1600 Pounds ifflMfSiüi TO 1 KQCAHK IXCH. ulff'iiWrf TWO GOLD MEDALS. HW1 Bend hii rar, 1 nmi 1 )c. potOfiTQ for Bftmple Cftll. F REE. BUSSIA CEMK.M' CO.; Gloucester, W CSTERBRDOKSTpE Leading_Nos. : 14, 048, 130, 135, 333, 161. Tor Sale by all Stationers. n THE ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO., Works: Camden, N. J. 26 John St„ New York. TÏWPAYSthfFR E ICHT JmL. SPI 5 Ton Waiton Scale, mBbSLB BPS RTerr tize.sle. For free price llat fTL 'raJM 1 ""j0HEsh0FPBÍÜDHAMT0N'1 ' Sjp ' BINGHAWTON. N. X. TCÏÏRE FTffl fhen I say curo i öo mjt mean marely to stop item lot ■ timo ud then bav Diera retara B'"' ' ■"i1'1 ri3 cal cnre I have mail. Iha dUeaso of FITS. EPII.EPaT or FALLISOSICKNKSSa llfo-loug study. I warrant m romedv to cure the worst case BflCause others naT fallcd fl no reason for nut now receWlug a cure. HUM onie r a treatlso an,l a Froc Bottlo of my InfaUlU remrdv Glvo Sxpres and Post Ollice. It cot JO BÜl"laLf;;rroasrfö ÍE OÏ SSiïW&a St., Um York. TJj CURES WH tut "il "isTfAUSrTar d Best üoiiKli Synip. Tastes goort. TJae ■■ K-l in time. s,,!M y lnit;i;ivt,s. IM gggb. FACE, HANDS, PÏBT, JKL - SÖr ftn'l " Ihelr imprlclioD, incluiilnr Fm]aL W "-ST Dmlopamrilt, SipérKoo Hir, Kirlh M.rk, Yïk X L !oleí WarU, Ilota, Krecklw, Kwl NoM. Acn% fiaCS Bick H",li. S.-r, rilllnt nd itói Iraatniu (SSSirTV? Dr. JOHN H. WOODBURY, 37 N. 1'eArlSU Atbany, .N. Y. EuVd WTO. 8nd luc.lortwgk. m MM IK 3"n ' Ouruil at Iliinic. Trcatmenl HHfllllll Mitt on trlul aml NO l'AV uaked Iglw until youare henefltod. Trnn Low. III llummie Ktmedy Co., fjuFnyrtte, lnd. Mnur BTÜDT. Book-keeplng, ünRincss formi flUlfl l l-:iniansh!p, AittliuietLi-, bliurtfiand, etc, (horoushly taugbt bj mail. circulara freo.. BKYAS r8 t'oi.i.i-.iii-.. Búllalo, N. V. JüD?ÍTfl8TILLÉK.SwSi: Il" IIIM to ï clnya. opl.y tlll ured. VI IV III Uu. J. muiKii, Lebaaoa, Ohls.


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