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GOODRICH HOUSE, AH. GOODRICH, Proprietor, corner Ann and Fourth streets, opposite the Court House Syuare. Everything in flrstclass order. ïsewly furnished. JBaru accommodations. J. R. JOYNER, T ICENSED AUCTIONEER, is nowpre 11 pared to rendor his services to all desiring them. When you wish to sell anything at auction give him a cali. He may be found the íirst door west of Nat Drake's place, Huron street. P. M'KERNAN, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW. Colleetions A promptly at tended to. Money to loan. Houses and lots for sale. Office in Court House. JOHN SCHNEIDER, No. 37 North Main Street, opposite the postofflce, dealer in Fresh, Smoked and Salt Meats of all kinds. Lard in any quantity. D. M. TYLER, M. D., pHYSICIAN. Office over the Post Offlcei A Ann Arbor, Mich. CHARLES A. MATl'HEWSON, PATTERN MAKER, Agricultural Works, ■■ Ann Arbor, Mich. COOK HOUSE. MRS .H. HUDSON, Proprietor. Newly Furuished. The lcading house in Ann Arbor. UNION HOTEL. FIRST-CLASS in all respects. Evervthinc newr. Fine rooms, wel) furnisucd. Terms, tl per day and upwarüs. Special rates to weekly boarders. Meals, 25 cents. John Schneider, Jr., Proprietor. Corner of WasUngton and Second streets, Ann Arbor, Mich NICHOLS BROS. W. W. & A. C. NICHOLS, D. D. S. Dental office Masonic Temple Block, over Savings Bank, Ann Arbor. JO8EPH CLINTON, MERCHANT TAILOR. Shop over Wines & Worden's. All work iruarantced or no charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNFY ATLAW. A OíBce, nos. 3 and i, Grand Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. B. NORRIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Does a ccneral law collection and convpyauce business. A moderate patronage is resuectfully solicited. Office in the court house, Ann Arbor, Mich. O. C. JENKINS, QURGEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 10 South O Main Street, opposite the First National Bank, Ann Arbor, Mich. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN MONUMENTS and Gravestones manufactured from Tennessee and Italian Marble and Sctoch and American Granite. Shop cor. Detroit and Catharine sts., Ann Arbor, Mich. WILLIAM HEKZ, HOUSE, SIGN, Ornamental and Fresco Painter. Gilding, Calclminine;, Glazing and Paper Hansing. All work done in the best style and warranted to give satistaction. Shop, No. 4, West Washington street, Ann Arbor, Mich, Abstracts of Titles on Real Estáte 1HAVE a complete com lation of the Official Records of Waihienaw County to date, inclnd ing all Tax Titles. Ex cutióos or anv incumhrances on Real Estale, that is of Record in the Rt-gister'. ortiice, is shown by inv books. Office in office of the secrttary of thiA'ashtenaw Mulu-il insurance company, in the basement of the Court House. C. H. HfcANLY. Ann Arbor, Mich. N E W ÏMA RKET. C.W. VOGEL, Proprietor, Late of Chelsea, at THOMAS MATTHEWS' OLD STAND On Ann Street. Freth and Salt Maat kepton band. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank DrgtuiiMa IK, ulr tkt Omtrtl Baakiai La if tkiistaU hu mow, iaoluólua oapital St. It,, t., OTKB $ L00,000 AMSXT. ButaMi bb. Guardia TrusUe, L41i aa4 itktr pergon wlll flad tki Baak a 8AFE AND CONVENANT Flaca at wklah to aak Dtpoiiu and do bmlima, InttrutisAllowtd n All Savings Deptsltt (X $1.8 aad upward, acewrdine to the ruUs 4 baak, and intoratt oampunded ytmiuM Moniy t Lean In Bums of S2B t IB.OOO, ItnrM r DUonMber4 Kaal nut aa4 omtt lt MmrtllM. DIBBUTORS-CkrliUaa Maok, W. W. WhlM W. t. 6irriin, WI1H. Dtubl. Dsnd lUosey. OuUl BUoeak u n. B. Vnllk OkrKHaa Hut. rraMdaati W. W Wl. rioe rrlctnl; C ■. ttUeook. Oukta ilUÍ! Walters' Patent Metalio Shlneles wcre airard ed the flrst premium and gola medal at tbc World's Exposition at Kew Urleans. They ar manufactun d from the best grades of tin and and steel THE STEEL SHINCLES, Painted on both sides. can be laid on the rooi forabout the same price as pine ghisgles. Foi particulars and prico cali on or address CEO. SCOTT Ann Arbor. Mich. Get Tour Property Insured 8y C. H. WILLEN, IN8URANOB A6RNT, X. Suth Male rinM, Aan Arbor. 11 )dwt aKncy la tke city. fetabUtatd a quartnr f ■ eiatary tg. Kepriiautfoe O1- rullnwlnx limt olaaa eoManl, witt ovr $O,(JO,00ú ÜUk Hoois In. Co., f N. t Qoatinwtal IbOo of . j4ÏBiA Im. Öx, oj N. Tv Oirw4 h0. O., ut PbiJ.; OriM taa. 0:, t Hixtford; Oarwersl Viou f Loadt.j; LiTerooo) ut Lrfaáa4 mitrM]r' LM"aAilrMljtai


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