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Michigan News Condensed

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James "W. Miles, president of the Artil" lery Association of Michigan, would like each member of the organization to send his address to himat Hubbardston, together with the letter and number of the battery to which hebelongs and whether light or heavy artillsry. President Miles Kas sornething of importance to communicate to each member bet ween now and October 14, when the first annual meeting oceurs at Lansing. George Gray was killed on the Manistee & Luther railway in Manistee while coupling cars. He slipped oLf the cars while the train was being made up. No blame is attached to the railway. A small cyclone struck Howoll about noon on the 16th inst., the wind blowing fiercely for about flve minutes. The house of John Smith, laborer, near the fair grounds, was blown down and his son, Fred, aged 20, was instantly killed. Several barns and trees were blown over, but no one else was hurt so far as is now known. The Chippewa lumber and boom com pany sawmill at Chippewa Kalls, the largest in the country was struck by 2?ghtning the other morning and corapletely destroyed. Loss, $250,000; partially ïnsured. C. H. Smith & Bros'., stave mili in Flint was destroyed by fire the other day. A horse which was in the basement of the basement of the building was cremated. The fire was incendiary. Dan. Looney, who killed James Moloney In a skating rink at Coral in Februnry last, has been convicted of manslaughter. Clarence Sykes had both feet cut off at the ankles while trying to board a train two miles froin Decatur. Jas. M. Williams, from whom the villag and township of Wiüimiis.Iitham county, were named, is dead, aged 70 years. He was a man of great inteliigence and energy. Heek Johnson of Stanton, who went hunting on the lllli inst. and hadnot sinco been heard of, was found dead in the woods north of that place, baving accidentally shot himsctf in the left leg, severing the femoral artery. He leaves two children with his mother iu straightened circumstances. The Michigan school of mining opened at Houghton on the 15th inst., for its first year's work, with Albort Wüiiaius, Jr., for a long time chief of the mineralogical bureau of the United States geológica! survey, as president, assisted by a corps of competent iustructors. The school opens with about f,0 pupils. The provlsions made by tho state are very liberal, and there is little doubt that the school will soon become one of the most important of its kind in the west. C. L. Luce, abrother of Hon. C. G. Luce, republican nominee for governor of this state, died at bis homo in Toledo, on the 15th inst. Mr. Luce was one of the bost known business men of northern Ohio. en J. B. Carpenter, well-known in railroad circles, and formerly general passenger agent of tho Chicago & West Michigan railroad, died of nervous protration at Cincinnati after a brief illness. Mre. Worden of Adrián, aged about 50, was found dead in her chair by her domestic the other afternoon. She had bean afflicti'd with dropsy. Tho undortaker removed thlrty quarts of water from her body. The election of offleera of the state agricultural society resulted as follows: President, Wm. Charaberlain, Three Oaks; ; treasurer, A. J. Dean, Adrián ; secrotary, J. C. Sterling, Monroe; ezecutive committee, Wm. Ball, Hamburg; John C. Sharp, Jackson; A. O. Hyde, Marshall ; W. H. Cobb, Kalamazoo; E. M. Kising, Davidson Station; H. Butterflold, Lapeer; John Lessiter, Jersey; Jas. M. Turner, Lausing; J. P. SUoemaker, Amsden, F. Hart, Sniitfi. The state board of correction and charities respectfully recommend ihat Sunday, October 24, be observeil as I'rison Sunday, and as merely suggestive m;ntion the following as amonK ub,e ts of particular interest whic h may be ] roporly int oduced into the pulpit uu such an occasion : "Tho Families of Thoselmprisond," "ProTiwon forDiacliarg d Fri one s,' Aiideter.i n te Hentences,'' "iLmplo ment in Prisoii Reformatorios, " ''Juvenile and First Offenders," "Our Jail öysteiu and the Tramp Dr. E. J. Bonine, president of the organization, has issucd a cali for a roí ilion of the survivors of the second Michigan ( iniantryoat NUes, Oct. 21. Frank Lewis of Michigan Center, who was iniprisoned for selling ''wine of life" i at Devil's Lake last fall, has legan suit against Under Sheriff Bowen of Lenawee county, for $5,000. The recent earthquake in the south had a deleterious effect upon Monroe county fish, the Commercial announcing the rnarshes near that town have been tilled with dead fish since the shaking up. The Grand Rapids & Indiana railroad. main line, during the past six months has earned 88S7.2ÜS.5S; expenses, $615,928.27. The Richmond branch earned $171,147.49; expenses $13i(i84.54. The Traver.-.e City branch earned $0,559.64; expended íl(j,ü:íi,18. Rev. N. I. Guthrie, who was deposed from the ministry four years ago for adultry, has been reinstated. Guthrie has laborea in Arizona since his fall. and is credited with having accomplished mucb good. There is considerable protestation over the reinstutement, however. The directors of the -Paw Paw and Toledo & South Haven railroads met at Paw l'uw recently and coinpleted the arrangenients for a consolidation of the two roads. The new directors are Lucius Clark, Edwin Martin, F. 15. Adams, J. W. Free, Goorge W. .Lawton and John Ihling. No more veterans will be admitted to the soldiers' home in Grand Rapids for the present. The new hone will becompleted about December 1. The Dexter Consolidated mining company filed article? of association with the county clerk of Wayne county on the 7th inst. lts capital stock is $750,000, of which $90,000 has been paid in. Incorporators : C. R. Shaw, Sigmund Rothschild, Don M. Dickinson, Alex. H. Dey, Samuel Heavenrich of Detroit, and several capitalists of Marquette and Dexter. The corapany will hunt for ore in Marquette county. Bennie Bates of Leoni, who has travcled over the greater portion of the globe, and is now seeking new worlds to conquer, has see London, Paris and the battlefleld of Waterloo, and is now en route for the United States. Af ter visitingPhiladolphia. Washington and Mount Vernon he will settle down with hin parents. Bennie had bnt $40 when he left home, July 15. A special term of the Missaukee county court will be held October 15 for the purpose of trying and convicting Mrs. Brass and Jem Craft, the murderers of Milo Brass Diphtheria is reported in 21 places; scarlet f ever at nine places; measlcs at eight places; typhoid fever at 17 places, and smallpox at Detroit, Grand llapids and Pickford. The village of St. Charles is somewhat disturbed over p. wholesale poisoning case. In the families of A. Hiukley aud Mr. Brown and Mr. Wallace, several persons showed alarming symptons and evidence of having been poisoned. The canse was traced to the eatmg of cheese, sold by one of the merchants of St. Charles. So far as known, all who ate of the cheese suffered to a greater or less extent. None of the cases proved verv serious. The fourth district Republicana have nominated J. C. Burrows for congress. Sheriff Gillis McBain of Lake City, has distributed a circular through Missaukee eounty in which he thanks the would-belynchers who visited the jail the other night for their willingness to await the trial of Mrs. Brass and Craft, which begins October 13. If justice is not metod out to them at that time he promises to place the keys at their disposal. Peter Williams, Co. B, 4th Michigan cavalry ; Gilbert Cotay, Co. A., same regiment; Edward Gallagher, Co. A. 2öd Illinois infantry, and Wm. Wolverton, Co. G. ISSth New York Volunteers, have been admitted to the soldiers' home at Grand Raiiids. This makes 408 names on the roll, and the Telegram tftrald predicts a fannly of 425 when the building is ready. The grand court of heroines of Jericho for Michigan and the province of Ontario, a témalo colored organization, niet in Grand Rapids recently, and before adjournment elected grand officers as follows: Senior matron, Mrs. Emma Daily of Grand Rapids; junior matron, Mrs. Lizzie Boyer, Detroit; venerable patriarch, S. L. Robinson, Detroit; Father Joshua, J. C. Craig, Grand Rapids; treasurer, Mrs. Lucy Bickrell, Grand Rapids; secrotary, Mrs. Jennie Dwyer, Lansing; gate-keepers, Mrs. Geo. Rosk, Mrs. Mattie Ruinsey, Grand Rapids; trustees, Mesdames Augusta Killeman, Kalamazoo, Lizsie Simons, Grand Rapids and Jane Vanoy, Windsor. The next session, two years henee, is to be held at Lansing.


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