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EBERBAGH&SON, Dealen la Drugs, Medicines And a fice lot of French Halr Brushe ANP Enelish Tooth Brashet. W oll apacial attentlon to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pura Chemlctls of our own Importatlon. A f uil Un oí TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At Uit price. STTTDEHSTT S Ara oordlallj Invitad to examine our stock uZ quaMty and price. EBERBACH & SON. JACKSUN FIRE CLAY CO, Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe AND All ourDrain Tile aromad of Fire Clay, ar ot unuBual strength and Hght weight, which materially reduces the breakage and expenve ol transporta!) on. The ditching of this clasi of tiling Is leas expenaire. as thej do not require to b lald below f rest but ony dep enoug.i to es pap the plow. Wbile this is more económica! tó aUo aidi 1b obtalnlog a better fall or grade to the drain. A ful! asiortment of all sizes, for lalein sniall quantiiiee, or car load lot, at the FEEDON LÍBER YARD, James Tolbkrt, Agent. 1 THe, the Greatest Labor-Savlng Machine of the Age." I thé Edüor of Th Chicaao Trtount. DwieMT, Til., March 18.- On of the etrongeat and mo.t convincing facta tbat I have yet geen with regard to tila drainage is brunfht out in the December report ot the Agricultural Depar ment of Illinois. Il Vu this: ACREAac Awent In oorn In Livingston CouatT, 1881 !8,58t Aareac In orn In Logan Countjr, 1881.. HO, 840 liTingston over Logaa 1S7.7JI T1ELD. TIeld of corn In LMngston County,1881. .6,983 ,5M Tleld of corn in Logan County, 1882 6,070,M4 LlTÜigston orer Ixgan 1.90Í.5M In other words. Logan Countj bas raised naar ly as mucb corn on 140.859 aerea aa LlvingstOB county has on 268,597 acras. Put it in anotber form, the farmers in Livingston County have been oblired to plow naarly doublé the acreag of land (28, ."97), and hava raised but a verr mail percentage of lncrease of corn over their brothern In Logan County, who only had to plow 140,869 acres. Let us glve It anotber twist! A A farmarwbo bas hls land well tilled naed only work eiehty acres of land and grow just aboul as mucn corn as the man who plows 160 anéi takes all the risks of drouth and wuuh batida. It is not fair, tben, to concluda that the greateaf l&bor-tavlng machina to-day of the age is the tila drain? From the sama source of inforraalion 1 gather the following as regarde tba progresa dl file-drainage in these two countie: Total number of f eet lald in Li rlngston Countyuptol8il 1.140.TM Total nurober of feet laid in Logaa County upto 1Í81 8,k8,499 Thia tabla provea beyond all thaory that owlng to the frea use of tile that ona county has baea able to produc nea'ly as muoh corn on 110,000 craaofland another county has produced pon 26,000 acres, which is naarly doublé, aad iba beauty of tïie whole is that it was dona with half the worlc ! Mr. Editor, suppose a kind Proviéanca should iengthenout the spin of our daya Batil wa saw luinoi thoroughly tile-dralned, irhara would ba put the corn tnat this Stat would produce, and what would we do with our "silver dollars?' Sauuel T. K. Frim." RINSEY & SEABOLL No. O & 8 Washington St. Hare on hand a complete stock of averything in the Crocery Line. Teat( Coflecs and Stxfg ars, In larga amounts, and at Caslhi. IF:coes And can sell at Low Figura. The laga invoica of teas thay Buy aad SeH II good proof that in Quality and Price ihey Give Bargains. Thay Roast thair own CofTee every week, aai non but prime articlei are used. Tkelr Bakery turn out excellent Bread, Cakoi nd Crackers. Cali and sea tham. PricesGone Down A. Igrge gtoo t of Wall Paper ■elling at A CREAT REDUCTION1 I olaim to hare the largett and BEST SELECTED STOCK Oí Wall Papar and Decorations in itu oonntr, and can grive perfect atiafRotioí in Goods or Work. Pailita and Painterf Bupplies a ipeoialty. ÖL.llDexti Borg, Buooe sor toV. AA. Borg, 98 28. WabsUston it. - Au Arkoï SODA Best in the World.


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