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Is not a dye, and will not staln or Injure the skin. I.iils Hair Renewcr. Dumb aue can be speedily cured b taking Ayer's Agüe Cure. Try it. Quaint and pictaresqne costumes n ■ iiiaiii in hiprh favor for iittle girls. Ca'arrh, C tarrhal Deafacss and Hay Fovor Bufferen are not generally ware thul these disea-e; re contagioux, or that the are due to the presence of living parasite in the lining menibrane of the no e and eustachian tubes. Microscopio research. Uowever, has proved tliis to bu a fact, and llie result is that a simple remody ha-; been formulated whereby oatarrh, catarrha, deafness, and hay fever are cured in from one to three simple applicatinns made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatmeut is sent free on recoipt of stamw. liv A. H. Dixon & Son, 315 King streê' vest, Toronto, -Vhrtstian Standird. That tired languid feeling and dull head ache is very disagreeable. Take Uyo oí Carter's Lit-tle Liver Pilis before retiring-. and you will tind relief. They never fail to do good. "Women can do a great deal of talking with their eyes," says an oexchange. This may be, but they don't seem to do it. Toe and heel tips of patent leather are tnuch used on walking boots and shoes. Sukb Cure por Rheumatism. - Cure gaar ranteed in all cases. Use Ferry Davia Vegetable Pain Killer according to dlrec tions, and it will cure ninety-nine case ■ out of every hundred. Try it, it surely will not hurt you. Straw shoes and slippers in colors to match one's suit are a decided novelty. IroM's I'atent Metallic Stiffoner preTent boots anct phoes from running over, rmplng la the leatus or wearing uncvet.l on the hepls. Goat Islatid at Niágara Falls is said to be worth $1.000,000. FARMERS AND SKICKMEN. The only remedj that cure galli, caU and wound on horsci and cattlc, ml alwuy grows th balr in iu original color, ia Vetsriiiary Crbollislv. 60 cents and $1.(10, at DrngtrisU or by mail. Col Co., Black Uivcr Fall, Wl. For young ladtes that row a loóse blouse is the most sensible and comfortable bodice. No Opium in Fiso's Cure for Cqnsumption Cures wher other remedies fail. 85c. Sign in a New York resort: "No excuse if found with another man's hat." If Eaiily Irritated or Vexed, Use Cabtkr's I.ittlk Nerts 25c. PITE WTÉI obtained by Louis bagger & Co., A - torueyi, Washington, D.C. Est'd 1864. Advicf BCi' Hade Specially for Women. Tet good tor all. Cartii's Ibón i ' ■ i .. lm Mjrlunt' When yon visit or leare New York City, save baggage, expressage, and $3 carriage hne, and stop at tbe Grínd Union Hotel, opposita Grand Central Dopot. lif rooms, fittpci up at tho cogt of one million dollars. $1 and upwards per day. huropean plan. Elerator. Restaurant supplied witli the best. Horse cars, stages and elovuted railroad to all depots. Familie can liTe better for money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other flmt-clas hotel in the city. Finer French heeled boots are wor n now than before in years. A Total Eclipso of all other medicines by l)r. R. V. Pierce's ''Golden Medical piseovery" is approaching. Unrivaled in Ijilious disorders inipure blood, and consumption, which is sorofolong disease oí the lunes. It is a sleepy oíd coat that has had no nap in seven years.- ,S'. LonU Chronicle. Dcliate Dispases of cither sex, howevor induced. promptly, thoroughly and permanent! y cured. Send 10 cents in stampa for lnrge illustrated troatiso. World's Dlspensaiy Medical Association. 8$i Main Street, ISulFalo, N. Y. If wrfe is well-bred, he uever wnnts any Imi her. Year3 TeachMDreThanBookr. Among Other vulunlilu lcssons imparted by this teacher is the íact that for a very long time Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery'' has been the prinre of liver oorrectives and blood purifiers. being the liousehold physiclan of the poor man, and the able Consulting physician of the rich patiënt, and prálsed by all for its magnifiBervice and eflicacy in all di-eases of a chroaic nature, nialarfa] poisoning, ailmentg of the reipiratory and digestive tus, HvtT dlseaae an(l in all cases where the nee of an alterativo remedy is indica ted. All We AslT Ofnny one BÚflVrlng trom renfnlat n!t rlieuiu, ilyspepyia lien 'a b kldnej and Urer co nplnints, ihftt tirtd íooli: (i, or any canvffd or promntt'.i by impure I lood or l w t;itti ( f tl-.esystem Uuit yo i . Ito lio :i tila a fu:r tria! Wc nre o Dildenl tbe no kli :í! v ilue of thls peculiar proparfttton .. i:i son tñake tuclf lelt thr-ughtiie ystum in reStoriag bflftlth, itTÁngth a:id eneiyy. ijo not ta.e ottaer anieles claimed t fe "jut !ts good," but te ame to get Hood'i SarMpnflHa, ' My v. if ■ (tad dyspépcta. Sliecnul.l notkeep her "f oddowö, and hal thai op; rjssed fee'lng after ■ u'int,'. She had -i apiicl: , inl vaa tirod all the me. She ferled amneroi b nietiicines without being ;llere:i,btit the flrst bottle f Bood's Saraapfcrllla i.í ïieratf oat tíe-i! oi' gOOd. ?he hfle i ow tako wobottlt', aii.l c;in eat any. hing i he want wit - umhtni gila distms, km ti has no troubleinre tainingher fOOd." Jms' BATTEVfULO, MflrlO , Hiio. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drággtite. ?1: si.v for $5. Preparedonly by C LHOOD&CO., -potliectirlon, Lowell, Maas. 100 Doses Üne Dollar CATAR RH ELY's $ Cal AH BPkVovC1 1 s v ) rth P!85ïaiooc B&Jl CATARRH. HUWFEVER OrayUng, Mich A(tkrtllol iii'Pli.'M irim-a-h notrUind l up a lo lomo. Prloe ."0 ■!.. i nu il r ut druvgi: i nrt for c"cular, Kl.Y BtlOTHlSKS, Drogglal i ■ í i ij. N. Y. ASK FOR TDK W. L. DOUCLAIS Beat material, perfect flt, criualsanyiS or$6 8hoe, f.'cry pair warrnte(l. Take none anleSB stampcu 'W. L. Uouglas' S.OO Shoe, Wtrranted." CongreM. Hution and Lace. Boya ask Mb Tor the W. I Douclas' n .. ._M 2.00 Shoo. Same tyleB as Mf f $U0 Shoe. lf yoa cannot h I iet tlicte hoc from c'fSI srí.sendaddreMonpottal 7! n r,rd to W. L. Douglai, srA jV '-rocVton, Mat. fsA ï DKOPSY! TREATED FREE t Dr. H. H. Creen & Sons Specl&lUts for Thlrtet a Tam Past. Utre tr. ■utnl Dropy and iu corapücatlona with tho most wonderful iucoss; us veget&ble remedid, eni.rcly hrmle . ItemoT all symptom of dropi y in i ilt to twenty daj3. C':rjfalicnli pronounccd hopeless by tho best of i h tlcIanA 1 ro.u the flrst doi the lymptoms r&pidiy dlsttppear nd in ten dayi at last two-thiids of a"ll ymp toma art' removed. Som niKT cry lmnibu(t without knowinf? anythlng aboul Kcnu-ir.ber It does not cont you anything tu li)fx the meiits of our tieatment for yourslf. !n :i dnys the dilfictilty of broathinpr i r-, tve I t:i" pulso regular, the urinary orjrns mude to iHacharge tiirir r; 1 riuty, glcep is rotorod, the swelün neiti-: kcw, thi-trens-thinrreasciiandapptititu m u!l rood, We are conitantly cuiinar capes of lun e t nlinfr - cases that lurt boen tapped a nuraber oí tnn-v. and the patitnt deirlare-J unable to live a wcd'í. Qítq full lii-tor of ivi:c. Nahic. icx. how liiitr affiictiyl, how Ladly swollen and wber. are bowelscoti ve.lmve lew bursttd iind dripred water, Seni for free painï hlct rn'a;ninïtstimonii)s, iesti n. etc. Ten dai treatment furnlfhed freteby mail. If you order trial, knd 1O nnu ín stampa to pay pontngr, H. If. OREEN A 1OS, M. B., KGOS llarletta Street, Attent, Ga. JCpIlepsy FH; PosltlTi ly Oored. WEBSTER. With or without Fatent Index. IT IS THE STANDARD AnthorityintheGoY't Printing Office, and wlth the U. S. Supremo Court, and is recommondd by the Statn Sup'tn of Schools in 30 States. In ftdditinn to vurious useful tables the latest issuo of this worlc comprises $ ■ h DICTIONURY, U y) 11S.000 Words, 3000 Engrring9. GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD, t! 25,000 Titles, (Just adJed) and h q A BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, H 7 nearly 10,000 Noted Persons, ü ALL IN QUE BOOK. It is an Invaluable companioa in cvory School and at every Fireaide. G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub'rs, Spríngñeld, Mass. I ■llfM-1i ■ ui ■' ''i iiiiiiïinn r .-jUMüMMMil WOMEN Needlng renon-cd treacLb, or wko uffer from lnflrmltlos peculiar to ibclr ex, hou ld try fia H BlTTíHI i B BE5TT0NIC. This medicino combines Iron trith pare vegetable tonica, and is invjiWüblö for DiuMíusea peculiar to YVomeu, and ii] who íead Mdentuy Im-a. lt EnrfctiPH iinl 1'urifieH tbn Bittod, Stiinulutefl tho Appt-tirC, MrtuittIuiiN the itltihclc and NervcH- in act, thuniughlv Invigorates. Clears the complexión, and maïcosthp kin smoolh, It does not bi&cken the tetta, caoso hojtdache, or produce constipation - v.'l other Iron medicinet do. MB8. .T. W. Holt, St. Chivrlea. Mich., fiuys: "I used Brown's Iron Kittcr for fuñíalo weoknetawitb tireat benefll,andchüriullyrecommiilitto]ike8iiiïtrers.t Moa S . A. G LKY, inging. Mich.. says: " I ha been troubloA wiih w.kno?seB peculiar to tamalea for yoan. but foond no pormanont relief until 1 used Bro'.Tn'ü Iron Bitters, whichliabcuiniíltíttílycureduQtí." Genuine haa above Tr do Mark and croased red linea on m-apper. Tnke no othir. Mndo nnly by BROWN QggyP' T.fa.. BAIiTIWOR'C. Mí EXHAIJSTHMÍITALITY. ILLI'VIUA'IEII S1IIH.E FK E. mm 'thysfif, A Great Msdlfal Vork on Mnhovl, Ntryon n4 Physical IHMMty. l'r-mntnro l6c]inl! In Man, Hll'aunted Vi'p.ütr. ir ■ ie, anl the n .-rioa rfliDltina from Initprrvtton or piot'-n-: rio pMe, f ubMíin;.!'! r oonrt In pilt, mnftitn. 'ontin -ior Ihan lü invfl:nl.t propcrlntlon, tiirrifiiiL' Tverr TíBímbio rv:iMrlnthe plinrrsacmpln f.rllacut and chron!."io'iM. UI empliail -i.ily a book fot ll.lli-i ItVMVK íAMPI.Kl'ltHIOAl.t V0QD8 uii'l ai JïtJ '-ti"(1 men for ihe next nlnety llitTf. tfond noir, or'cut tbla ont. as you may nevor ree i iil.'ln. Aclüiosï Du. W. II. Fuikïii, 4 UiilDuckt - ■(..Boston. N. B.Ir. Parlíer can be confldcntiallr consulte4 on all dtHeiiM-: of man, hts si-ei-mliiea. IF YOÜ WANT TO KNOW 1,001 fmportastt9ilcfsroaiiTerknAwr tboaht of tlift hTinutn uHly and it uitrimtn t can, Jfowlifc is }■■ 1 UKsawd.dtxrtjxc iyuhuva Jfow to avoid pitfaUs ( igneranct t:rd ituiiseretion, Jfovf to apply Homt.i T:rj to atlftnn$ of ttisea. J-foto to cure'Crt-'iv, Qld JSytt, Jiuj'tvrr.. Ph hnori, etc Jfoicto7iiat-'.b 'icppm in marriagtJive prizebafka IFI'iIiSSKPi!ïrs Iim; UUl Pol. Co., 12 E. 2Sth hl., Bew Iwk. FRAZER AXLE BREASE Bat In Ihe World, Made only bjr th Frnier I.ubrictor Co. at Gllioago, N X. ái St. Louis. Sold ewryifA '- 'PfllLÁ. Sfflt "S$20 , n ii.M st of ; L%J At( -.: hitifnU. r V 'V-'U =E "S?"o,tx-í3. Seud for ■■-flagv .4 C. A. WOOD éc CO., S&VU -17JJ. ioih Si., Ptilla.. Pc AGES MAíDBAKE PILLS irea ccrtoln on re for I.IVKU COMPLANT, SiCK flJÜADACHK.O íNSTlPATiON, DVSI'lil'SlA. They tnestömavïi, purlfy the bloo.l nïnl iucrease theappetltft. The !ie t ptll in tite rorld, FricO 25 Cents. SoldbyDrggiAtaor sentby mail by C W. SnotrA Co-, Svracufte, S. Y. ForKoverand Agje OM Sfnore'fl Ame Pilis, by mail for M cents. From C w. Bno.i Co.,3yrWATCHES 3 t.J 2 cent fit.impfor Mir Hacrtsomo Uhutraled Cata ' 'ueof the The li?t i.ow Vrlced .'ufm-.vlndlm .'iniekcepliiK itctii-i, wUh Aaic.'K';iii iiiotq licnts, in tlio worlil, MovemeutS ivith iweep nndi, ftti t, ( r pialn. JRIlWAtt] JiA.VM.SG tü.,4. Kcw aW..,Xew Xrik BASTHA CUREOTI I JEUR Germán Aftthuiu Oure never fnil to '.icU B inem rflotf Ftffty Ifl Üir wir-t cusí, insorw com-H ■ fortï'hlr Ibep; Tects fin- whew all otbCN taSL A H H(n"rti OOW0ICM ( mot Uttptieai 1'rLi-e ft ot tnjH ■ $1.00. of DroulaU or U-c mail. Samp'.Q FKKK fjrH [stamp. PK. SOHU'VmAX, Ut. l'nul, Mlnn.g cöNsyMKr'iON I hars a poiitlva rcmcriy Ier lu .oto dllMio; by in u thoonJ of oases of tho worst kind and oí Ion i-.nrtlng bive beu curH. ímlcüfi, un Irmií In mj f'th In in vfírcj9 tbat I will (enil TWO B0TTLE8 PRSB, tor ln-r wlth a VA1 UABLE TRKATIiB on thfa .Ji3eae,to any suíTcrcr. íilveRx. prM aod l'. O. hddi ess. DA. T. A. SUQCVH, UI Pari St., N.T, tjjj '&)ü!H5írup Xq [)j"os 'atUjluFq ■ dsA 'P"oJi sjïsbj, "obxLQ qvnoo 9Mg m 'S1IV4 3313 11V 3Ü3HM S3ün3 gjf CATAeRHCüRED By naing our ncw HIKDOO lilí.tl líiü V, Vegeuble Compound. Abeolntely harmleB. By mail i5oc nis. S V!iIT.i:it Sc CO, 471 Weat Madison Street, CHICAGO. 111. s SOOyounffMï'nand Ladiea X J v A_ to attent! the Dktïïoit i7s S Iïl.'SI.NE.SS UN 1 VEKBITY, ( lZsí'lsCl ,,„re for payhift posttion. lorgest colU-gc ia the f.. Elegant catalogue free. pilUP Centor Flre. Donbls Barrel, BretKhlomdlllllïii IngShol 1:1111. (: ái. Repeatlng Ui '■s. 13 WUIÍU sho; ,.,.., r ,,:,,■,,!, ,':,,,,. Nickel IM:ited Bevnlveiv 5O-M. Write for iilii.'iratfd Catalogue. I'Elt K 1 O ;' : 1 o . .hi. , ia. ÍJnnDUIÍE-OPIUM Hblt Falnlo-ilr MSmBBiKT"' Curen r.t Huiun. Treatr.ii-iit jHHIJII sent on trhil and NOTA Y nsked b untU yon aro hencflted. Terms I,oir. ÜIB Humano ICeaieUy Co., JLaFayttet lud. WTnted aTöman of energy for businoss in her locallty. Salary 950. Keft rences. E. J. Johnauii, MaiiKi'. lOBaivltiy Si.N.T ■HWIMI lih II II i i Suw roller ■ orprnr i MUU.Cn O rflö I iLLLo-hyioail. Ktowell L C BHWWIWiI'WVi iVBHtfilffVS uurieituwo. Muu. die? to o lny. S mples werth Ü 50, FKEE r+jm} Linea not undir the horso's f-t. Write IlKKW.-TEltSAFETY KK1N li(.iI.l)KU CO., Holly, Micb. gb Rj II IQfl ri! Moi-pMne II5Ii ('urnl in 10 to 5 K W H L 5 i-2-3 :t0 K: 'Vr to '.ooo ]:itieut(aured mst:""3 inoüpaiu Pr.Harah, HOlf KTUY. SecureaBnhe sEducation t4 viiixj i,y mail.froiiiBRYAST'SCüLLEüiiBuiTalo, W.N.U.D.--4--39 ADIlIBfl Monlilne Hablt 'il red tn 19 UriUnlDii.J Stifuimi. ÜSnon, Oblo.


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