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The exhibit of Mack & Sohinid at our connty fair justly gave them the first premium, for their displav of cloaks, mandes, wraps, obildren's garmente and elegant shawls, was grand to behold. We dropped in on these enterprising merchante at No. 51 Smith Main street, yesterday, aud found the store full of custoiuers. Mr. Mack kindly showed us through the different departments. In the cloak and shawl department we have never seen more beautiful and uuique garmentf, and was astonished at the low prices on the seal frizee and seal plush wraps. The astrakhan street jackets for young hulies' were beauties. We never saw more beautiful shawls. From the cloak room we were shown the elegant display of noyelty dross goods. We can not describe them . Tlioy must be seen to le approciated. The etriped plushes and fanoy volvets for trimmiug, in the most brilliant colors, are just beautiful in effect. Wo werp shown corderovs in all colois fur street suits, frizoe cloths in all colors; istrakhans in black, brown, blue, and gray, for jackets; blarney cloths, ottonian cloth and dress jUUUn lililí HM Wiiiii UL t'U 1 Tïü i .111 uim describe. Tho display of beadings, claspB, buttons and novelty droes trimmings.fancy ribbonB and fancy a beautiful sight to behold. Their stock of black aud colored kíIIík, with the most uniquo noveltie tor combinatioiiB, is immense. Mi. Maok says iio ha uever made so large a fall parohase, and he is poing to boom tra(ie this fall and winter by Belling everythiug in bis line at the very lowost margin. Ladiesin want of housefuruinhinjí goods will fi tul tbc ncwest uoveltios in ourtuius. We found greal bargaina in table linene, napkius, towele, table spreads, wooleu blankets, etc. Trade was so brisk thai vo did not take uny moro of Mr. M.'s time, aud wc said good day. We wonld adviseall our friendn to cali on Mack & Schmid and see for themselves what great bargains they ure giving tüeir many cnstomers.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat