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lm mrtcaf When you visit or leavo New York City, save baggage, expressage, and $J earriage hire, and stop at tho Gkand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. 015 rooms, fitted up at the eost of one mil!:ou dollars, $1 and upwards pr day turopean plan. Elevator. Restaurant supphed with tho best. Horse cars, stages and eievated railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-class hotel in the city. A squaw refused to marry a Canadian Indian, and he took hor scalp- a lock of her hair, as it were. Sho then ïnarried him, and it wasn't long beforo he liadu't hair enough for a scalp lock. A timid Bostonian has married a lady whoso weight verges up to two hundred pounds. "My dear," said he to her, "shall I help you over tho fencei" "No," says she to him ; "help the fence." "Is it fair," asked Mrg. Easy, "to allow yonr hngband to attend a fair with some other fnir, and pay her luie!" -Ilardly fair; and if il was my husband, she'd fare hard," responded Mrs. Gripem. There are more lies told by servant girls; but they lie to order, and do no wrong. The drowned drnnkard -''Yos, I always knew that water would lo tho death of ine." Tho anarchists would have everybody own the world. What's everybody's ís nobody's. The merry age comes witli marriage - soon comes the erib-age and the squall-age from the small-age. ■Won by waiting." They changed the Bpelling to "one by waiting." After they were divorced it was again "one by walt ing." "DON'TPAY A Bip PRICE!" íiX Pati+o Pays for a feai't subscripUO VClllö tion to the Weekly American liural Jfotm; Hochester, N. Y.,witiuu' premium- "the Cheapest and Best Weekly m tlie World.'' S page. 48 columns, 18 years old. For Oné Hollar you havo otie choice from over 150differentCloth-Bound Dottar Volumen, 300 to 901) pp., and paper one year, post-paid. Boot postage, 15c. Kxtra. 50.00.) books given away. Among themare: Without Lawyers; ïamily Cyclopedia; Farm Cyolopddïa; Farmers' and ötockbreedors' Guide; Common Sense in Poultry Yard; World Cyclopedia; Danelson's (Medical) Counselor; Boys' Useful' Pastimes; Five Years Before the Mast: Peoples' History of Uuited States; Universal History of all Nations; Popular History Civil War (both sides). Any one book and paper, one year, all post-paid, for 1.15 only. Paper alone, 65c. Satisfaction guaranteed on books and Weekly, or money refunded. Reference: Hon. C. K. Pabsoxs, Mayor Kochester. Sample papers, r.'o. ltüIlAL HOME Cü„ Ltd., Without Premivm, 86e, a. year! ROCHESTEK, N. Y. Poetry fias Unes- teuder lines - but a dish of thetu woiild sicken a monkey. Biddlct. Why are good resolutions like fainting ladies! Thev should be carried out, aml parents should not forget the resolutions that would never suffer them to be without that cough and croup cure. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. If a tree were to break a window, what might the wilidow savi ïremendous mend-us.) Taylor's Cherokee Remedy o( Sweet Gum and Mullein has a tremendous sale, for it mends all form of coughs, colds and hing truubles. Engimas. What are the best trees to protoct us trom cold! Ff rs (fors.) What is the best plant to cure croupl Miillein. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mulk'in is the groat cough and cold cure. What is the diiFerence botween phototraphs and the whooping coughi One makes fac símiles and the other makes sick families. Taylor's Cherokee Remedv of Sweet Guiri and Mullein cures the sick families of roughs and cold 3, and in tuis it has no fac símiles. Wums for bait in the Adirondacks- none of your flies. Buckinguam's Dye for the Whiskers produces, in ono application, a permanent color. Wo havo used Ayer's Agüe Cure, and have fouud it invaluuble in malaria! troubles. Principal tools about a modern newspaper office- the ho-ax. "BritNs and BcALDS." - If yon are so unfortunate as to injure yourself in this way we can sucrest a remedy that will soon relieve yon of all pain and quickly heal the wound; itcosts Uut twenty-five cents and is sold by all drüggists. Ask for Ferry Davis' ]'ain-Kii.i.i:Íí. Feit goods, if you sit down on them - bentpins and carpet tacks. "We commenced rolling Athlophoros about a year ago. We have had the best success with it of any rheumatic medicine we ever handled. " writes druggiat O. VV. ', Halstead of Masón, Michigan, and his exnerienne is a eornmon one. í The dude could onot drown- oh, no; bis head was lighter t lian water. ThePoorLittle Oae?. We ofttn sou chUdren withred eruptions on fnce and banda, rough and scaly skin. and often sores on the head. These things indicatü a depraved condition of the blood. In the growing period. ohildren have need of pure blood by whieh to build up stronjr nd henlthy bodies. If Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medica) Diseovery" is given, the blood is purged oí its bad elements, and the chiUl's aevelopment wíll be healthy, and as it should be. Scrofulous aflfectious, rickets, inversores, hip-joint disease or other grave maladteg and sutfering are snre to resnlt from neglect and lack of proper attention to snch cases. "Every dog 'as 'is day"- 'ash day, oL course. English, yon know. A Lcvel 1 Comrl9rion. "What a i el;. 00." we often hear persons say. "I wonder what she does fof i I" ín every case tliepniity and real lovclineess of the complexión depende upon the blood. Those wh have sallow, blotchy faces may make their skin smooth j and healthy by taking enough of Dr. Fierce's uGolden MedicaJ Discovery" t drive out ihe huinors Ittrklng in tho system. _ The bedbug must have evolved since modern bedteads were invented. Mild, soDthing and healiug is Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Th nnmhar of fools asuirine to serve in dime museums is ilaily inereasing. IA Hard Fate it is indeed, to ahvays remain in poverty and obseurity ; be enterj)risinfr,reader,and nvoid iliis. No matter in vh:it part you are located, you sliould write to Hallett & Co., Portland, Mame, and receive free full particular;! about work tliat you can ; do and live at home, at a proiit of at I least $5 to $'5 and upwards daily. Some : have earned over ?"() in : day. A'l is naw. Capital uot required. You aro startsd free. Either sex. AU ages. Beiter not i delay. Foetry has feet- as a side-dish not equal to pigs' feet by any means. The Frazer Axle Greaso is the Standard Axle Greaso of the world. It sa ves your horses and tragona. Distress After Eating, Dyspepsia, Etc. Helievekl CABTB&8 LlTTI.K I-I"EU I'll.LS. 25c. - - - " i A QUESTION ABOUT Browris Iron Bitters ANSWERED. The qnMtlon hn probably been asked thonsanda of timos 'How can Brown'n Irn Bittere cure ereijrthini-f" Well, it doean't. But it doea cure any diseaM for which a reputaMo phjsician would prescribe IUOJ Phyaicians recuize Iron au the best rostoratiTe agent known to thu m.fession. and inmiiry of anj le&dins Chemical tirm will substantiate theassertion that thsre are more prepuration of iron than of anj other flubstancB uuod in medicine Tais snowe eonclusívely that iron í acknowledíed to be the moet import&nt factor in succesaful medical practlce. It i, howerer. a remarkublo fact. ihut prior to the discoTeryof MROW.N'S IHOji IHWKR8 no perfect. ly satiif actry ironcombination had ever been foona. BROWN'S IRON BIHERSíheiJe-tnlSiuí: haad&che, or prodnce constipation- al! other iron medicines do. BKOWN'SIKONIUTTERS cures Indigestión, Illliousneas Weakness I7HppNtn, Matnrla Chilla and Ferertt, Tlred Feelinjftticneral UibiIity,Puin in tha Slde I5ack ir IniiIisHí-iKlurlieaiidNeumlffim. - tor all thfo ailments Iron ia preocribed daily. BROWN'SIRONBinERS.nïïeti minata. Iike all other thoronfth medicinen, ft at luvrly. When tkt-n by m-ri the ürat ympt-om of benent ifl renewod enerjy. Tlio mundos then become firmer, the digestión iraproTes. the bowels are tire. In womOTtheeffectiBusualljmorBrapidand marked. The ere beffin at onca to brighten; the skin cle&rfl np ; healthj color comes tn the choekn ; nerrooBnosB di&appoars; functionAl ilr.ingtmnt. beoome recalar, and if a narsiog mother, abund&nt iraHteoano m vupplied for the child. Kemnmber Brown's Iron Bitters isthe O' Ï,Y iron medicine that is nnt injuriouD. t'hyticiana and DmygisU reeommend it. The Genaine has Trade Mark and crosmd rod linee onwrapper. TAKE NO OTÏÏRtt. artf-ajT WANTBD to sell KinTDCCC hrn I O FitriTflnd oas'AMEXTAï. I nCLO Good paytorelIiU; men. sKI.OVKH ATWOOD, Washington St.Nurseries. OENLVA, N.Y.


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