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It Is Economy ïo lray Hood's Sarnpuilla, 1 or in it jron getinori real valué Cor the inonej than In any otbcr medicine AbotthMi] 11 .(i-i Barsaparllla cootalnn LOO Dosel and lastfl a montta, irhUa uthers win Avoroge to last nut ever werk. and the superior coral h HOOd'S - I iEttOiflX 1 li-Iirt! for econon.y, purity, trength and healtfa imy Hood's Sarsupurillu. "All I ak of any onolstotry one bottle of Ho d'i Sarsaparillaand see its quick effect It talces lesa time anrtquantity to draw its effect than any other preparation I have ever board üf. I woulri not be without it in th hOtlsé." Mits. 0. A. M.HUBBABX North Chili, N.Y. "I feit goodresults from the first dose of Hnod's Sarsaparilln, It cerned to go from my head to niy toe. I know Hood's SarFapnrillais agood tliig, and on thr Mretiytji of my own experlence I have solda groatdcaluf It." G.H, &TRATT0N, drugglft, I eULMacB, Hood's Sarsaparilla Bolil ly H dniRííistfl. $1: six for $.'. Prepared by C. L IIOOO &CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Maas. 100 Doses One Dollar '" " RELIEF OUBBS TUK WORST PAIN9 in from one to twenty minutes. NOT ONK HOl'K alter rading UiiBdertiseoient necd any one Sl'FKKIl WITH HAIK. BOWEL COMPIiAINTS, TjOOseneAK, Iarrhoea, Cholera Morbos, or Puinful Discharges from the Bowels ure Rtoppecl in ]." or '"0 iii in n te ft b y tttkiag Tía lway' Hady Relief. No consent kn or infiammatwjii, r,o vreakneu or lassitiMïc wili follow tbe usp of tho it. K. Relief. Thirty to ixty drops in half a tumhler of water will. In a fow minutes, cure Crarap. Spannis, Sour 8ton:fc'li. Iloartburn, Nausea. Vomitina, Kalntnes, Palpitatlon of t. e Heart, Nerrousnes, SleepleM i nefis, SkTk Headaclie, Coltc, Klatulcncy and all interna! ptUnft. Tbi-e is not a remedial agent in the world that ' will oore iTr anH Ajfiic and all othr Maitu4oiU Bilioutiaitd otilar fei Riidwny-'i Pilis, so quick au Kadwty "■ lïiwity Relief, KiteniJüiT it [Mtanü; relieTei ami soon cures OM. 8oro Tbroat. Brunb-itis, rieuriwy, Bttff Neok, all congtv.tiou mnd inUumiuaUon, whcttier of tbe Lunes, Kidneys or Bowels. RHLUATISM, NEURALGIA, - TTeadache Tootliache, Riti1 of insects, Run Burns, Weakne.y or Pain in tüe Back, Chest or limbs, by one application. Kiiiy cents per bottle. i?old by IruggiU.. TWENTY YEARS IN USE. Dn. Rad WA y Co:- i hare qaed yoyr Keady : Relief tor manyyearstn my family crent ef I fect. For the last twenty yeara I woiild have ! Dotbinff t'isti to cxpel pain iimardly or from any part of the body uatwardly. I have used it for rheumatic and always found great relief 1 whfii applted to the patnful part of the body. Vour IPilH are indeed excellent, as you represent Uiem In the papera. Yours truly. ROBKRT O P( NVKLL. 67East Lake st-, Chicago, 111., SeptV, tSÊb. DI5, RADWAT & CO.t N. Y., i Proprietors of Hadway Saraparillian RetolTent and Dr. Itadway's Pilis. IIMGË'S OT-IQÜiO GLUE flrL everything nEHBH@Wood, Ieflth(rtPar)r. Ivory.Glasii, IlllFTri Lïrniture, Uric-a-Umc, Ac. ISwölSc vSStron as Iron' Sülid as a fiockt SJETVMra Tlu' 1"tal quantity sold durin? tho M-tTVl yBBJuast (Ivo years ninountod to over WrÊPsR 32 MILLION 'M H JWO GOLD. MEDALS, SjUMaji'prniiOKiHfiJ Stroïifr"ii ('Aun known liB fífcliddealer's carit and 10c. postale Contains no Acid. „ formmpicnFREBbiniai. L;. k lurd Sept. and March, Êf n ach yrar. - 313 pagel, H S'.ill'.; lnt'lir,tvltliover !Hk JW3,5OO tlliutratious-a BhgnF hole Picture Uallcrjr. ■ GIVES Wholesale Frlces direct to con.iumrrs on all goods for personal or fitmily tue. Tells how to order, and glves exact cost of t-crythlng you use, caf, drink, wfar, or nave fan tvlth. These IXVAIA AISLE BOOKS coiitain Information ;leaned I from the markets of the ivorld. Wewlll mail a copy FBEE to any address upon receipt of 10 ets. to defray expense of muil Ing. Let ui hear trom yoa. Respectfully, MONTOOMERY WARD & CO. 221 Si 229 YVabanii Avenue. t'Uicago, 111. EsterI5K1Ins LeadingNos. : 14,048, 130, 135, 333; 161. Tor Sale by all Stationers. THe ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO., Works: Camden, N. J. 26 John St., New York. $I4OO, OAYS xft MADE CLEARBY A NEW AGENT fÜIBK. Hrlllnif onr Inri viill.d t i '?- fmk Tbe most convenient artid fcrfi HdHl ever oiï'orod to Ifouseteeepera. VÜnpw Circulara Free. Addreas, Wm SHEPARO & CO., C1KCIHMAT1. 0. fl JOJES tBiWrPA YSthet E I CHT ■niV Iron Lerera, Su-eT UeariiiK'. Bru gJL. Tre Bem and Bmn B for bmB s rtfrtiii' v. i, i .r ',ft ríMiiti ' 1 ■■+ sáSRTu mentían this pnppr aird mddresa r V Wl Y JONES OF BIMQHAMTON, JAGES WIANDRAKE PÏLLS i are a certain rum for I.IVF.R ('OMl'I.ANT SlCK HKAdACHB.CONSTIPATION.DYSPEPSIA. The !r;in-t' the slonmeli. iiuriry tlu1 blomt a lul inrreasa thoappctlte. Thebest pill in thuwoild. Frice 25 Gazi-bs. BoldbyDrggtstsor sentby mail !iy e. W. Snow 4 , Co., Byraciue, . v. KorFcvoranü Agne use Moore's Aguo Pilla, by maiiforííO cents. From C. W. Snow & Co., Syracuse, N. y. '"22 1@=T HEADACHE, 7=----'':" ? ASTHMA, V 33 CC } NEURALCIA, Qulcfely relieved by uslnji Caihnun'i Meuthol Inhitler ud hv cwntinued use effi'ct a cure. Satisf&ctlon (runrantced or inoney refundid. Itlastsfrom flix nicnthi to one year. Frico M centd; by mail or at (irugtriát. Circuláis malled on applu-ation. H. D. CUSHMAN, Three Rivera, Mlch. IQURË FIT$[ WhenTsy curo i do not mean merely to ttop tbem lor time aud tiien hv tlicni rotura agüiii, I mean a radical cure. 1 have matle tho dlsease of FITS, EPILEP37 or FALLTNO SICKNESSa llfe-long itudy. I warrant wy remedy to enre tli worst caaes Because other hav fallecí ís no reason for not now recclvhig a curo. 8end at onco for & treatiio and a Free Bottte of my infailibl remedy. ütve Exprens and Tost Office. 16 costa yon [LCrtblne for a trlal, sud I will core you. iJdress Dr. H. O. BOOT, mPearlSt., NewTork. [ Bat. Etol-t to Qi-, and Ch-pot. B Als rood för Cofd ta the Head f BMdMht, Hay Perer, Ac 0cita' ■ ■JOME TREATMENTVr, H realera sufferinfr from Organic "caknes. NcttII ons or Chroníc Ailimnts. fcboul-1 writ ta DR. WILLIAMS, 189 Wla. St., Milwaukee, Wis.f 'or a m pajfo bouk. giving the propor treatui' ut in full, uní finís avoid iu-'kery. Jffg&y FACE, II A MïS, FEET, jSl VJCT ní a" tlie'r imtn.ction( iBCludüií Fdl. fin ''ni lcelcMmetj. Superrtooa Hir, BlrU Mwki. Ü U , V Mola, W'uli. Matb, Fnckln, lUd Noi, Aro., CSkrS líJok Headt. Scmn, Ftttinc ad Iheir trefclm.aL &T3 Dr. JOHN H. WOODBURY, 37 h. I'parlSt. jlllwnT, N. V. EatVd l10. bni.l 10c te IpSabj HDCnid nAnlLU m ai iii.xkm mi i;ua r-rr. . - PATTBRN8, for makin,r Huí, jtKBa Tidios. líouds, Miltons, etc. Sent ■■SET KKKK. E. KOSS .fc CO., : - J TOLEDO, ÜIIIO. - ■ H#nDH!NE-OPIUM H.iblt I'alnlely a ■UnEInr ' i::tJ nt llmne, 'l'reminoiit ■nijll .'Tit om trial ni)(i NO I'AY asked ■ ■■ tmtil yon ftre henetited. Tf-rms Jx)w, ■ WB Míiranno JXemcdy Co., LnFayette, lad. ' WÏNTEÏTWOMAN ■y for business in lier locallty. Kalary S50. HefereiK-es. K. 1. Johnmni, Maur. 15 Barclay 8t,N Y. UfiMC STünr. Book-keeplng, liuslno formi nUi"lI'ciiniiinshl), Arltbnietio, Shorthand, etc, llioroughly tauglit by malí, circulara fres BKï'ANTSCOI.I.KOfc:, liulTalo. K. fl IJ -M F VU i N T F f! ' " tlíe Newost andBest solíHUCIi i í fn ■ t"ingbool[ov(r)ibli)licil. Kor I terms nnd circulara nddres NATIONAL l'L'B. CO. Chicago. KIOOEI iPA8TILLES..rfI,?i: j ■■■■■■■■■■I 'tailcato wu, ümjj. (t r to ma a dy. Sample worlh íl 50. FREB. 4 T Llnf.iiot vnuiíT thehorae'a foet. Writé BrbwSw StCbsafxtt hki Uoi.dïrCo., Uolfy.Mloh. Pl CrDtPMY I.r.nrn lloro and ra CLLUHAr n I goodpay. BituaUoutornlhlied. Wnto Valentlne Broa., Jauosrillt.Wlj. W7Ñ.U. D 42 OPIUM írfwLsr' ;


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