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EBER6AGH&S0HDealeraio Drugs, Medicines And One lot oí French Halr Brushet . AND Enfflish Tooth Brushes. Wt calí special attention to ouratoek of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, A.ND Pure Chemicsls of our own Importatlon, ▲ f uil Une of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At Vat p rices. Are oordially Invitad to examine our stock a3 ubt7 and prieel. EBERBACH & SON. JACKSüN FIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe iDH-A-IlSr TIXiE I All our Draín Tile aromad of Fire Clay, ar or unusual strength nd light weight, which materially reduces the breakage and expende ol hraDSportation. The ditching of this class of tilIng 1 less expenslve. as they do not require to be lald below frogt but only deep e nongi. to es cape the plow. Whilethisis more económica) Ü alio aids tu obtaining a better fall or grade to Ikè drain. A full assortment of all sizes, for lale In small quantities, or car load lot, at tha FOOR LÜMBER YARD, James Tolbert, Agent. 1 THe, the Greatest Labor-Savlng Machine of the Ag." Il the Editor ot Th Chicago TrOnme. Dtnarr, 111., March 16.- On of the stronge, and atiít convincing facti that I have yet Been with regard to tile drainage is brought ont in the December report of the Agricultural Depar ment of Illinois. It Is this: ACREAOI. Awg,e in corn in Livingston Consty, Aareage in oorn In Logan County, 1881.. U0,SSI IiTingaton orer Logam 1S7.7M TIKLD. TIelá of corn In LWlngston County.1881. .6,988 ,ISM Yield of corn in Logan County, 1882 6,070,9M Liringston OTer Logan l,90t,5W In other words. Logan County has raised near Iy as much corn on 140,859 acres as LlTingst county has on 268,597 acres. Put it in anotber form, the farmera in Livingston County haT been obliged to plow nearly doublo the acreage of land (28,597), and hav raised but a very f mail percentage of increase of corn over thelf brothern in Logan County, who only had to plow 140 8ó9 acres. Let us glv it another twist! A Afannerwhohashlsland well tilled need only work eizhty acres of land and grov just about as much corn as the man vrho plowt 160 an4 takes all the risks of drouth and much beaidei. It Is not fair, then, to conclude that the graatMl labor-saTIBg machine to-day of the age is the tila drain? From the game source of Information 1 rather the following as regard the progrea ot ule-drainage in these two couctiea: SM. Total number of feet taid in Livingston Countfuplo 18Í1 , 1,140,791 Total number of feet laid in Logan County upto 1Í81 38O,4 This tabl prores beyond all theory that oiring to the f ree use of tile that one county hai be able to produc' nearly as much corn on 140,000 acres of land another county has produced pon 263,000 acres, whioh is nearly doublé, ad be beauty of the whole is that it was done with kalf the work ! Mr. Editor, suppose a kind ProviAence should lengthen out the spin of our dayfl o til we saw lninois thoroughly tile-drained, where would be put the corn that this State would produce, and what would we do with our "sllTer dollars?" Samum. T. K. Prim.-" R1NSEY & SEABOLL No. 6 & 8 Washington St. Hare on hand a complete stock of everything in the Crocery Line. Teai, Coffceg and Sagari, In large amounta, and at CasItL DPz?ces And can sell at Low Figure. The larga invoice of tías they Buy and SU. k Rood proof that in Quality and Prica they Give Bargains. They Roast their own CofTeea every week, aai none but prime articles are used. Tkeir Eakery turn out excellent Bread, Oak nd Crackers. Cali and se them. PricesGone Down A. large stock of Wall Paper telling at A CREAT REDUCTION1 I olaim to have the largeet and BEST SELECTED STOGK Of Wall Paper and Deonrations in th oounty, and can givc perfect natisfnotios in Ooods or Work . Painta and Painten Snpplies a ipecialty. -A.lTDe3?tj Sorg, Buoo? sor toF. k Á. Sorg, SS 88, Walislnston it. - Am Arkoï nflAHDB'e I Lv Hap .. xiïli ifjp Kt. I k I aatf CN$LviVnHillflfi9HS&' I saleratüs SODA BestintheNiorW.


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