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Zn tortmntWhen you visit or leave New York City, tare baggage, expressage, and $3 carriage hire, and stop at the Gkanu Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. 615 rooms, ütted iip at the cost of one million dollars, $1 and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages i and elevated railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-dass hotel in the city. Boils And pimple, and other llke affectlons caused by j impuro blootl, are retilly cured by Hood'l Sarsaparilla. Wbllfl it purities, ihis medicine also vitatlzes iirul enriches the bli)od, and builds up evory ' tlon ot tbc bodv. Scrot'ula, humor uf all kinds swellingB In the ncck, hive, ringworius, tettcr abscesses, ulccr, sores, salt ritcuni. scaldhead, etc, aro also cured by this excellent bloud-purirter. "Last spring I was trouMed with boils, caused by my blood belng out of order. Two bottles of Hood's Sarsapaiilhicureii me, and I recommendod it to othera troubled with ufTections of the blood." J. ScBOGHi Paorla, 111"i had been trovbled wuii dItoj and pimplos for [ sorno time. Other remedies having failcd, I was ' adrised to try BCood'a Saraapartlla. I have taKen two bottles, iiüd uu ciitiri'ly curt'd. 1 think Hood's ' Banapar03a has no equal as a blood-purifler." kkkikm. i'KTitii:, Porlsmoath, Ohlo. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by nll druRRlats. 11; aix for $5. Prepared by C. HOUD & CO., Apothecarie, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar


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Ann Arbor Democrat