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Some of our moft prominent citizrns have heen rured of rlieuinatism of years' standing by that wonderful pain bantoner, Salvation 011. Solct by all druggists. "Can't you teil me, sir, where I might ti ■ d a situation?" asked a young man of a Chicago oitizen. "1 am a stranger hcre." ' What at? ' was he roply. "Oh, anything at all; I not afraid of work." '-Uot any recomniendations?" "Well, no; but l am industrio is, 1 am honest, I go to ch roh regularly, 1 don't drink, I don't chcw, Idoi'tlie." "Ah, I see Just apply around the corner at the dinie museum. Lawyer (to a tiaiid yomg woman) - ! "Have you ever appcared as a witness j in a suit before?" Young woman (blushing) - "Y-ves, sir; of course."' j Lawyer - "Picase state to the jury whal it was" Young ornan (with more confidence) - "it wa-s ;i nun'.s veiling, shirrcd down the front and triinmed with lovely bluje, with a hat to match '.' Judge (rapping violently - "Ordor in the court. Keep it in the housn and it will save yon i mar.y an anxious moment during the changes of seascin and weathor; we refer to Dr. Bull'ii Coagh Byrup. Mrs. Folsom, tho presldent'a j law, will reside In tlie White house, it is said, as long as Mr. Cleveland is president. She bas no other home. Biddles. vhy is a widow like a gardneri She tries to get rid of her veeds. If she was tiying to got rid of that haiking cough and iiiins in her sho would uslor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. Why is a riddle wbich is very clearly diseovered like a letter written by acliild to its mother? It is too apparent (to a parent.) It is npparent to every mothcr who has cured ner child of croup with Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Kweet Gum and Mullein that it should be leept by all parents. üeorge W. Cable is to appear in lighter litqrature again with two stories, "Grande Pointe" aiut "Caranero" - Acadian studies in notion tor tno Cenatry. Enigmas. What vesterday was and to-morrow will be! Today. You should go to-day and buy a bottle of Tayloi's Clierokee Keraedy of Sweet (jnm ;nd Hullein, for your cliild may have eroup to-nlght. To-mörrow will be too late. Why is a lover like nis father? Beeause he is a sigher (Sire.) The sire of that child wlio suffers so from croup will often sigh . for something to cure it feil him of Taylors Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. Justin McCarthy has aceepted the invitation of the municipal councü of Philadelphia to be their guest on hls visit. to that city Dec. 18. Irofessional Etiquette prevenís some doctors from advertising their skill, but we are bound by no such eonventional rules and tliink that if we make a discovery that is oí benefit to onr felkiws, we ought to spread the fact to the whole land. Therefore we causo to be BuUished throughout the land the fact that r. R. V. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery".is the best knowii remedj forconsnmption (Bcrofula of the lung-0 and kindred diseases. Send 10 cents in stamps. for Dr. Pierce's treatise on consumption, with unsurpnssnl incluis ol' sel (- ui . Address, V orld's Dispensary Medical Association, ( Vi Main Street, Butïalo, N. Y. MissLillian, daughter of Colonel Harrison Gray Otis. editor of the Los Angelos times, v, as marrled Co Mr. A. Monroe McPherson, Sept. 22. Unlike other cathartics, Dr. Pi : "Pellets" do not rendar the bowels costivi i after operation, but, on the cohtrary, establish a permauently healthy action. Being tntirdy vegetable, no particular care is reqüired whilé using them. By druggists. Ben Kolsom. Mis. Cleveland'a loquacioucousin, is to beconiB. it is said, the Washington correspondent of some New York daily. Secret, involuntary drains upon tho system promptly curen. Large book giving particular, 10 cents in stampa. Address, World'g Dispens.ary Medical Association, 683 .Main Street, Buffalo, N. V. E. W. Buil of Concord, Mass., who origi nated the Coneord grape in 1849, still flourishes in his vineyard in tliat town. $1,000 Keward I for your labor, and more can be earned in a short timo if you at once write to Hal: lett & Co., Portland, Muine, for informa tion about work which you eau do and livo at home, whatever your locality, at a . ]irofit of from S5 to Si" and upwards daily. Home have made over (60 in :i day. All i iicw. Hallett and Co. will start you. Capital not reqüired. AU ages. Both i sexes. All partloolara free. Those who are wise will write at once nnd learn foi themselves. Snug little fortunes await every worker. Hannibal Hanilin's mental facultios continue vigorous and brigh Not one in twenty are free from some little ailinent caused by inaction of the liver. l'se Carter's Little Liver Pilis. The result will be a pleasant surprise. They give posiuve relief. Xucut ratea dboift this. - ünly to answertho constant cali for a good and low priced i cough and croup remedy do we now introduce our Allen's Luns; Balsam in three


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