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Michigan Matters

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A sportsman' protective association lias been formed in Marquette with a large membership, includiDg a niunber of the most prominent men of the place. A similar association was fornied at Ishpeming enrly last spring to euforee the game and tish Uiws. whicn luis been systeinatically evafted by a large number of sportsmen, who took trout and other fish out of season ami shot deer bet'ore the bef inning of the season, August 15. The shpeniing association has procnred a nnmber of conviotions and has done a Looil work in the western part of the countr. The Marquette aspociation will look after the game in Alger and Schoolcratt counties. as wel] as the eastern part of this county. Many deer are being shipped out of tho state, contrary to the lav, and scme of the offenders will be uiadu tO sulfer for it. Similar game associations will soon be formed at Florence% Wis., Iron Mountain. Mich., and also perhaps, in the copper district. Fire and Bobbery. TV. M. Bale, the express agent of Ver{ montville, "was knocked down and gagged tbe other Dlght just before he lockednis safe for the night and about$S00 extraeted from the safe, most of which belonged to i the express company. Mr. Bale was alone in the store, ïuost of the people being ati tracted to a burning barn, which had been purposely fired to divert attention. Ho was making out his express report for the day and was almost through when a suspicious looking person entered and inquired the charge for sending an express package to Lover California, and as the agent was looking up the complicated route the Tillain struek him down with a "billy." when his assistant rushed iu and the safe was ransacked. The fire was set quite early in the evening, but the burglary was not discovered until near midnight, when the agent was found handcuffed to a leg of the safe. No clue to the thieves. California Excursión. The first California excursión of the season will leave Detroit via., the Michigan Central railroad, Mondar, October 25th. Fare for the round trip $bil 20. The route will be via., the Michigan Central to Chicago, via., any line between Chicago and Omaha or Kansas City via., the Union Pacitic. Omaha to Ogden via,. Denver and Cheyenne, and the Central Pacific to San irancisco or Los Angeles. Tickets good to return for six raonths. Passengers desiring to return via., any other Pacific line can do so on paymeut of $10 00 at Los Angeles or San Francisco. Tickets can be extended 60 days on the payment of Í25 extra. Tickets, sleeping car berths and all information can be procurad at the Union Ticket office, 66 Woodward avenue. Chas. A. Wakhex, Agt. Sestractive Fire at Grand LedEta. A fire originated in the curtain factory in Grand Ledge the other morning and destroyed the curtain factory, the Grand Ledge chair factory, Waldo, Hickson & Tinkhara's saw milfand AValdo's planing mili. The loss on the curtain factory and saw mili, which are in the same building, is fl,8O0; insurance, $l,B00. The chair factory's loss is $5,200; insurance, Í5,4ÓO. Planing mili loss, $3,500; insurance, $2,000. Prospects of immediate rebuilding are good. The fire is supposed to be ary. Tne curtam lactory was ownea üy Irish, Johnson & Harris. Grand Lodge has no protection from üre but a hand engine. _ MICHIGAN NEWS CONÜENSED. Two Bay City gentlemen went to a spiritualistic seance the other night and agreed to pfiy $'i if they could converse with a departed friend whom they could recognize. One called for the spirit of his sister Nellie. and it carne and spoke to lim. The other called for his Uncle John, and was astonished at hearing his relativo speak to liini in the darkened room. Uut ;he gtrangest part of the whole business ís, thnt No. 1 never had a sister, and No. 2's uncle John is not dead. They enjoyed the seance hucl . The Chippewa county supervisors have denided that their jail is neither secure nor hoalthv, and the six stone cells in the ïew jail will be taken down and rebuitt. L'he county poorhouse has been condenined as too fllthy for human habitation. Wm. H. Cobleigh, living in Spaulding townsliip, and a resident of Saginaw eouuty for thirty years past, was killed by i heavy gate falling on and crushing him. Ie was doad when found several hours after, but the ground was torn up all around him. showing that he had made a desperate effort to extricate himself. Roliert CoITrein, a farmer of Elk townhip, iSanilac oounty, is in trouble on a harge of trying to cheat the government. Ie heard that a soldier of his name was dlled. whereupon it is charged that he iresented a claim for back pay, claiming ;hat the soldier was his son, when it is aid he has no son and had always lived in Livingston county up to the close of the war. The Detroit bridge and iron works Is inilding four iron towers to take the place of the stone towers supporting the Suspension bridge at Niágara Falls. They will be constructed around the stone towers, the cables placed in temporary slings, the stone work removed, and tho ron towers finished from the top downward by putting in the neeessary lateral struts and sway-rods. Altogether it is a colossal undertaking. Trame over the bridge will not be interrupted There seems to be a great increase in lntemperance among the Pottowattomie Indiaus on the reservation near Athens, Calhoun county. The old men are sober as a rule, but the young ones manage to get and to use liquor. A numher of medical students at the university have been expelled for rushing. Kugene M. Converse, a prominent young awyer of Battle Creek, has fled to Canada witfi 84,000 of money belonging to eastern parties, which he had couected on mortgages. He has a wife and two young children. lt is now asserted that he was uilty of similar breaehes of trust on a smaller scale, which have been hushed up. An improved condition of the cepper market is noticed at Houghton. Seyeral mines now idlo will start up this winter should the risc in lake copper prove permanont. The Republic reduction works, for the separation of marketable ore f rom the Republic refuse pile, is now in operation, and giyes employment to 25 men and boys to begin with. lt is hoped to get out 40 to 50 per cent of marketable ore, but even 25 pera ut will ]ay. The reduction company is to pay the Republic compnny 30 cents a ton for the ore sood nfber treatment. The new railroad betweenMuskegon and Grand Hapids has a gap of less than 13 miles to fill, haviug crossed the D., G. & M. track a uiile north of Berlin, the other night, at a cost of $t;;OX) for the crossing. This Ieaves clear Balling to Ravenna, to whicb point the line has been built from the other end. lt is expected the ruad will be ready for operation by the latter part of next month or earlier. The Michigan grand lodge of good templars in session in Muskegon have elected the following omcers: Rev. John Russell, grand chief templar; Caleb S. Pitkin, grand chancellor; Mis. J. M. McEhvain, vice-templar; John Evans, Grand Secretary ; P. J. Connell, grand treasurer. Mrs. Brass and James Craft. have plead ed guilty to the murder of Milo Brass in June last, and sentenced to Jackson for Ufe. C. P. Avery has had about 100 acres of fancy varieties of peas around Traverse City tlii year. Ilis plan is to furnish farmers with seed peas and contract to take all the orop. He has a large warehouse in Traverse City and a number of people are engaged in hand picking. Mr. Avery expects to handle 7,000 bushels this year, all of which is already contracted for. Mrs. Louis Roulliard, who was shot by Joseph King at Negaunee some time ago, is I 'olieved to be out of danger, and King will therefore be tried for a less serious charge than murder. Louis Lanigan. a young man, attempted to board a fast freight train at Jackson last night, but missed his hold and feil under the cara. He was iustantly killed and horribly mangled. Port Huron's electric railway is in suceessful operation. Wm. Emeriek, one of the pioneer farmers of Ypsilanti, is dead. He was 75 years old and settled there in 1S30. He has beon feeble for some time and was finally carried away by an attack of typhoid fever. Ex.-Gov. Begole has accepted the demo' cratic nomine ae Senator froin the l'Jtb district. Viotor Jewell, aged 35, of Easton, went i to Ionia and gave himself into custody, ' saying that the nigbt before Ed Colé. Osear Crane and another young man, namo arinown came ti his house aiii tiied to breuk in, wlien he f'ired at ' them with a gun, instantly killing Colé, a young man about 24 years of age. An examination will bc held. Thleves who stole poultry in West Bunfielid, Eaton eounty, wrung the ïieekg of the fowls before tiiking them home. and were trailed by tlio dripping blood aud captured. Sanford Hadden, chargcd with the murüer of bis father near Byron on the l'itü int.. lias been bonnd over for trial at the next term of the circuit court. Michael Honran was killed at Pickard's cnmp on the Tobacco river, near Mt. j l'lc as-uit, by a load of logs falling on hiin. : He was drivinK a horse attached to a car ; on the tram road. The break would not work, mul belng on thedown grade he was anabíe to control the car, and when it reached the bumper at the banking ground he was thrown to the earth and the chain parting preoipitated the entire load of logs on hini. He lived about five hours. The board of su;ht isors of Kent eounty have aDDOinted a committee to thoroushlv Investígate the recent escapo of Conklin f rom the county jail. Sibley & Bearinger of East Saginaw, have bought 13,000 acres of pine land in Presque Jsle and Cheboygan counties from the Avery heirs of Detroit, paying $862,500 cash therefor. The tract will cut 100,000,000 feot. Sibley & Bearingor have also purchased 2ö.OiX),Ot5o on the north shore of Lake Superior and 10,000,000 feet on the Au Gres. Twenty persons have been rirowned ia the Saginaw river since April 1. The havo already enjoyed ice skating at Hancock. The contract has been made for a railroad from Orland to Lima, Ind., 13 miles. Frank Kennedy of Brighton has been appoiuted professor of mathematics in St. l'raneis seminar}', at Monroe. Eddy & Son, lumbeimen, of East Saginaw have purchased 3,520 acres of pine land in Crawford connty. It is said it will cut 20,000,(0) feet. Tho j sideration was $125,000. St. Louis, Gratiot county. has a new and first-class system of water works. lts I supply is from two artegian wells about 150 'eet deep, bored on the bank of the river. The Quatttity is ampie for a towo four times the size of St. Louis, and the quality eannot be beaten in the state. Tha water, flows from the wells inte a larg coverod reservoir, from thence is suppltad to tho mains by strong ]umps operated generally by water ])wer, but roinforced by steam power which can be used when neceteary. so a strong lire pressure is given on the mnins at the frequent hydrants constantly. DETEOIT MARKETS. TViieat- The market is firmer and pnces somewhat advanced. White wheat is quoted at 74?i@i'5c, and Red wheat a 75(3 7BÜC. Coks- Market fairly at 37@:iSc. Oats- Quotations range from 27@T0LV Ci-crEn Seed- The jnarket is quiet at $4 60@4 63. Rte- Sellers of No. 2 at 51c por bu. Quiet, No. 2 state offered at fl "i per cental. No. 2 western quoted at Í1Í2U. Fef.d- Bran $10 00@10 25; middlir H02T@13 75. Floub - Pricessteady as íollow: Patont Írocess, $4@4 25; patent, Michigan $175(i5; ow grades, $2 75@3; patent Minnesota, $4 75@5; Miunesota bakors', 4@4 20; rye, $3@3 50. Apples - Quiet but Steady at $1@$1 75 per bbl. as to quality. Few sales at outside figures reported. Stocks moderat' Beans- Quoted as before, viz. : ti x@ $1 40 per bu íor oíd and $1 3b@l 41 for uow city picked mediums, in car lots, with au improvinj; Inquiry. There is little or no demand for oíd unpicked and prices are about nominal at 50@S0e per bu. New ditto find free buyers at 85c@$l 25 per bu. ;is to quality. Beeswax- ín light demand at 2S@3Oc per Ib. Bltteh - The supply liberal and ihe demand well filled, Prices range at 16@18o for choice to fancy (resta dalry, and 'J'j@ ííiSc for same of creamery. Choice June packed is plentiful and nominal at buyers' figures; "niany years ago" this kind oí stock would have 50ld readily and at good figures, but at this day buyers demand fresh or nothing. Cranberries - In fair demand at $7@S per bbl for Cape Cod and $1.50(i5.25 per bu for Michigan. The market wellstocked. CHEE9E - The movement moderate at fornier figures or 12)@12JO per Ib for New York full cream, UW[@12o and Michigan. Ohio grades quoted at 10@llc Chestnlts- The market very slow. Good to choice offered at f 5@5 50 per bu. The stocks liberal. Eogs- For choice stock ISc continúes to be realized in a small way. Larger lots of ordinary receipts steady at 17@17,'.jC. Grapes - The market steady at 3@3}Lc for Concords and 5@5}-c for Catawbas per Ib. Game - Perdoz. woodcock, $3;snipe.$l 50; per pair partridges sound, 40@50c; wood duck, 30c: Mallard, 00c; blue wingteal, 40c; per Ib bear saddles, 8c; venison. saddles, 9@10c. The weather more favorable and trade better. HUy- New quoted at $S@t) for clover; $10 50@13forNo. ltimotby and $9@10 50 for No. 2 do. per ton.baled in car lots as to quality. Market quiet. Hops- Best eastern. 33@33c per Ib. Falr to good Michigan, 20fí25e. Inferior grades Hoxey- Demand light. Liberal offerings at 12@13c per lb for comb, and 10e for extracted. Lkmoxs - Messinas steady at $7@7.75 per box; fancy at outside. Malt - Quoted as to quality at 90e@$l per bu for Canadian and 75@S5c for Michigau. Oxions- $1.75@2 per bbl. Dead dull. Oysters- Cans, standards, 25c; selects, 85c: in bulk, standards, $1.30 and selects $1.60 per gal. Peaciies - Choice nominal at, . $3 per bu ; stocks limited, demand do. Pkars- Stocks light and the market firm at $3@1 for ordinary good stock aud $4.50 @5.50 for the finer varieties por bbl. Potatoes - Shipping trade is picking up, bot as yet is light. Track lots steady at 45@3Kc per bu. Loca! inquirios are few ami far between, and aro filled at 38@43c per bu. Offerings generally good. Poultrt - This is the only thing really active, the crisp weather bringing out a better inquiry. Stocks are light and S rices firm as folio ws: Per lb, live roosters, ;; fowls, 0c; ducks, 7c; turkeys, 9cj spring chicks, 7c. per pair, pigeons, 20@ 25c. Quinces- A drug at $3@3.50 per bbl. Swekt Potatoes- Demand at $2.2ö@2.75 per bbl for Jerseys and $1 75@2 for Baltimores. Stocks liberal. Tai.low- Quiet at 3Lc per lb. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle - Good steady; common loover; shipping steers, 950 to 1500 lbs, $4 50@ 5Ji).stocker and f e ede rs, $2(33 60; cows, bulls, and mixed $150@350; bulk $2 20@265; tliiough Texas cattle, a shade lowor at $2 40@3 40; Western rangers, slow; natives and half-breeds $:!@ { 2C ; cows, $2 30 @: 15; winter Texiins, $33 20. Hoos- Market strong and 5c higher; rotfgh and mixed, $3 65@4 30; packicg and shipping, $4@4 00; light, $3 05@4 45; skips, Sheep- Market steady; natives $2@4, Western, $3 40@3 05; Texfins, $2 30@3 25 lambs, $3 75@4 75. MadeaConfcssion. Albert Korniskey, or "Bismarck," who was tracked to California and bronght back to Sioux City, Iowa, on a charge of being concerned iñ the murder of the Rev. Mr. Haddock, has made a full confession. What his disclosures were is not known, but they were made in presenco of Gov. Larrabee and several city officials. He was an eye-witness of the assassination. Takine Time by the Forelock. The clerk of the house committeo on appropriations is abont to send out notices to members of the committee requestine their attendance at a meeting to be held in Washington on Nobember 23 next. The next session of congress being a short one, it is the intention of Chairman Randall to have the appropriations bilis entrusted to the committeo ready for action by the house eoon af ter it assembles.


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