Fires In Dakota
Ten days ago, during tho prevalence of a high wind from the southwest, the prairie Ure, ncar Dunseith, Dakota, broke from all restraint and forced its way back into the mountains, vrhoro it has raged ineessantly evor sinee, ruining many a fair home and destroying hundreds of thousands of acres of hay stored in thebottonis. Eyo wit, "" .Uo were in the bilis from time to time aeneribo the scène as the llamos swept through tho heavy forest, as something alniost beyond imagination. Roaring like a hurricane and preceded by a dense shower of smoke, einders and sparks the fire swept on, the fiemes leap. ing higher than the tree-tops and reaching forward with marvelous rapidity, checked only by the numerous lakes, wliich lay in the way, and again by a lull in the wind, or a change in its directions. A gentleman, who has been through the bomt districts in the woods, estimates that the loss will reach $1,000,000 by the destriiction of tho timber alono. He says the fire burded over au area of heavily timbered land, 10 miles wide by HO long, containing 1K,000 acres, and from these figures arrivés at nis conclusión. Never before in the history of the Turtlo mountains has such a destructivo fire been fcnown. Over 100 square miles of territory are burned over. Many of the mountain towns narrowly escapcd destruction, and were only saved by the citizens turning out en masse and fighting the ñames. For nearly two weeks they were eoinpletely surrounded by a wall of fire, that seemed to reach to the sky. The sceno was appalling in its grandeur. Provisions ran low and it beeame necessary to kill the farm animáis for food. Should another gale set in, a more dreadful disaster may befall the towns on the other f ide of the mountains. The rango at Búllale Ledere Lake is comületelv destroved. tle are being driven in otoward the Mouse river. The Last of the Apaches. The following telegram from Gen. Milos dated Fort Apache, A. T., October 9, has been transraitted by Gen. Howard to the war department: A detachment under Capt. Cooper, Tenth Cavalry, bas just arrived at the post, having eaptured Mangus and his whole party, eonsisting of Mangus, two men, three squaws and five childreu; also twenty-nlne uiules and five ponies, all of j which were brought in. (S igned) Vif.i.e. Captain Commanding. A later dispatch from Assistant Adjutant General McKeover, says : The following telegram just receivcd from Gen. Miles : Mangus, who was eaptured by Capt. cooper, states that part of his band was eaptured by Mexicans and never heard from nfterwards. This would seem to conflrm other reports and gave rise to the report that Mangus himso'.f had been killed. Capt. Viele, commnnding Fort Apache, states that be believes we have all that are left of the Mangus party. It is learned at the war department that the Indlans above referred to fornied a part of Geronimo's band, but separated from that wrirrior's command last April when Ik1 offered to snrrender to Gen. Crook. Nothing definite was known of Mangus' movements after the separation, but it was reported that he had estaped into Mexico and had been killed by ths Mexicans. (Jerónimo and his band, are under a heavy guard. and en routo for Florida forts, where tliey are to be confined. A Gigantic Scheme. An imporeant project has come to light in connectlon with the constraction ol the San Antonio & Arkansas Pass railroad. which will bo completcd to Corpus Chistl in u few weeks. The steel rails hive lost arrived. The new project has been icept very quiet by the capitalista interesteii It consists in a doterminiition to establish a deep-water port 011 the Texas coast, wbere the largest sfe imers can lay besidfc whnr'cs. 'Jj accotnplish this tlie railroad corjpaiiy will foand a new city on Padre bfland, SKI miles from Corpus ('hristi which will be the gulf terminus of the great systems of roads centering ;it San Antonio, tumult tiie catue ana wool aistricts. Padre island can be reaehed as easily as Galveston and at half the expense for bridges. After erossing Padre island tlie company will build an iron pier 200 yards into tbe gulf and thus rear-h 85 feet of permanent water. New York capitaüsts are baeking the enterprise and engineers have declared the project feasible. The company has obtained a title to Padre island aiid bought a large quuntity of land opposite it. The company has a capital bt $18,000,000, and trom what is known of the project it seems dotermined to establish a part on the Texas coast that is destined to rival Galveston and take a large share of her ocean trade. Women's Temperance Union. At the session of the women's Christian temperance unión in national convontian 11 Hlnneapolls, Miss Francés E. Willard read the animal address, it being a plea for purity and temperance. It closes with recommendations for a township system, asking the knights of labor to include total abgtinenoe in their qualifications for nclmission.urging circulars to be sent commending the white cross movement, urging the passage of the Blair bilí, abohtion of the ponsion claim gang, placing women in penal institutions in woinen's care, a prohibitory amondment to the constitution and grantingtho ballot to women, adding a plodge against opium to the W. C. T. U. pledgo and tho appointment L nntlonul lecturers. Representativos froni Kngland und Canada assured the conveution of thoir hoarty cooperation. EvidcnceEnough to Convict It is learned that the district attorney of Arizona recently represented to attorney general that sufh'cient evidence was obtainuble to convict Gerónimo and his braves of murder before a civil tribunal, and that, in view of that fact, Gov. Zulick of Arizona, had requested the presidí nt t cause the military om'eers to surrender the hostiles to the civil authorities of the territory for trial. Notwithstamling tuis requost, the action of the president in nnlering the connnriiiont of fcB6 Indians at Fort Pickons, Fla., is aceepted at the war (lopartment, as conclusivo evidence of the intention of the government to treat them as prisoners of war and not aa iinlinary marauders, amendable to civil jurisdiction. _ Kniühts of Pythias. The uniformed Knights of Pythias met in Grand Hupids on the 21st inst., and elected H. F. Hastings of that citv, brigadier-genoral, to succeed John R. "JBennett, resigned. Also tho following regimental oliiccrs: First regiment, colonel, T. S. Barclay, Detroit: surgeon, W. H. Smith, Niles; chaplain, C. C.Kate, Nlles. Sccond, colonel, ï. G. Korthrup, Ionia ; lieutenant colonel, E. T. Hoyle, Hastings; major, O. Webster, Cadillac; chaplain, W. B. Wells, Greenville. Third, colonel, W. G. Gage, Saginaw: lieutenant,' E. B. Sutton, Sault Ste. Marie: major, A. F. Baines, Lansing; surgeon, A. E. Burdick, Lapoer. The Michigan brigade has 20 divisions, with IKK) members, a large increase over last year, and has $334 in the treasury aml no liabilities. The next meeting will be at Kalamazoo next June. New Rulo of Civil Service Civil Service Commissioners Oberley and Lyman have decided that hereafter the examinations of applicants, whether for appointment or promotion, shall be carried on under the supervisión of the civil service commissioner at Washington, and not be let to tho disoretiön of the local board of examiners. It is generally a fact that the members of the local board und the appointing offleers, without special inquiry, Ttnow the politics of an applicant, and for that reason it has been deeraed exEedient that the examining papers should e referred to Washington, where the ■{ranting will be done. Beclaiming RaüroadLandi The general land offlc is making preparations to reclaim froni the Nurthern l'aeifle railroad about 3,()0,0ÜU acres of land whioh that compar.y hasunlawfully taken possession of. This will obvíate the ueceseity Oí coneressionul actiou. ,
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Ann Arbor Democrat