About The Mormons
Calob Vi. West, governor of Utah, in his annual report says the number of children of school age in the territory June 30, was 60,688. The expediture for school purposes ! $228,844. In addition there are mission schools maintained by various christian denominations which the goveruorpraisos very highly. ïhey number eighty-thres with 206 teachers, and 6,865 pupils, maintained at a cost of $3T)0,(X)0. Tho report then summarizes the ! grazing, agricultura! and mining products of the territory. On the subject of polygamy the governor saya : '"The all-absorbiug question in this territory, dqminatiug all others, hurtfully affecting its prosperity. impeding its advancement and disturbing the quiet and happiness of its people, is the attitude of deliance assumed and maintained by the Mormon people, who number probably iivt' sixths of the wholo population, to the law of congres for tho suppression of polygiunv known as tho Kdmunds law. In nll questions affecting the Mormon church and people polygamous and Monogamous Mormons make common cause, stand togother and are united. ïhey maintain publicly through their leaders and teachers at their houses of worship, through their ress and privately in social and business circles that the law is an infamous interferonce with and a denial to them of thatreligiqusfreedomguaranteed to all by the constitution; that they are prepared to, and will if required of tnem, sacritíce tlioir personal comfort, their property, putter indefinita imprisonment and BUrrender life itseif, rather than yield and promise obediouco to the law and forego the privileges they claim. The goverument can have aud hold but one positiou towarda thuse people, which is of easy statement. lts authority must be respeeted', its laws must be obeyed." During the year there were eighty-four convictions m the Federal courts for polygamy and unlawful cohabitation. In nearly all these cases the convicted have absolutely refused to accept their freedom by giving their promise to obey the laws in the future. In conclusión, the governor says he knows of no armed organization for the purpose of opposing lawful authorities or resisting enforcement of the laws, nor does he believe any such now exists, but says the need may arise at any time for the prompt use of a strong, well-disciplir.ed and eriicient military force to aid the civil power, and recommends that a force of United States troops be placed and kept in garrison in the territory. The governor urges the passing of the bill in reference to bigamy now before congress and says its effect will be to stay immigration and doprive of political privileges those who identify themselves with tuis people to aid and abet them in their violation of the law. _ Time to Cali a Halt The various officials of the treasury department, including the director of the mint. the comptroller of the currency and the United States treasurer. are in hearty sympatliy with President Cleveland and Secretary Manning in their efforts to secure a temporary suspension of the silver eoinage act, and in the annual reports of these officials to congress will be found ome stront argumetits in support of the presidenta position. The new issue of one and -?o dollar silver certifi'iates will pr-.e, if the present indieations materializo, of valuable assistance in this direction. Krom all sections of the country the demand for these small certiflcates has been enormous, and it is expected that the direct result will be an addition of at least $'5,000,000 to the amount already stored in the treusury department and in the various otkei1 deposit vaults in the country. This enormous addition to the stored up bullion ig likely to ba nearer 850,000,000 than $25,000, 000 and will certainly créate a demand for additional storage room which must be supplied. The argument will be made that, inasmuch as the silver dollars would be forced into circulation and with their storage creating an additional expense eaeh year that the eoinage as continued in fofce will be urged by the administration as a strong reason why a temporary suspension of the eoinage should oe authorized by congress. On the other hand, ho wever, the silver men hold that the one and two dollar certificates supply the demand for small treasury notes, and that iiKiMiiucb as they are secured by silver on deposit in the treasury they forin a sound currenc}7 than which no better is desired. There is not the slightest probability that congress will take a different view of the silver question trom that which prevailed last winter, while on the other hand the advocates of continued eoinage are sanguine over the prospects of a free eoinage act in the no distant futurs. Nearing the Millenium. The national convention of liquor mannfacturers and dealers assemblee! at a recent meeting in Chicago, and adopted the report of the special committee appointed to outline a plan for future action. The report provides that the association shall be known as the "National Proteetive " i;i i kmi. aiiu iii.ii. 11. mi;ii[ uc mi n au uy a national committee of one representativo from each state. Of this number an exeeutive committee of seven is to be appointed to aetively conduct the work of the association. The resolutions adopted declare that ''we most earnestly favor temperance and most strongly condemn intemperance, and appeal to every member ot the trade to make proof of this dec laration by his daily life and the daily conduct of his business." The resolutions further declare in favor of both public and private morality and good order and popular education. They unalterably oppose prohibition as an invasión of the rights of citizens. and, therefore, wrong in principie and impracticable in policy. FiveMen Killed. A construction train on the Nebraska & Colorado división of the Burlington & Missouri riyer railroad was thrown from the track nine miles southwest of Fairfleld on the afternoon of the 19th inst. ïhe whole train was precipitated down an embankmont twenty-flve feet and six cars were totally wrecked. Five men were killed outright and nine more or less seriously injured. The killed are: Robert H. Marvin, Dewcese, Neb.; Goorgo Burke, St. Louis, lio. ; Daniel O'Conner, Weston, Mo.; Robert Collins, England. An unknown man was also killed. He is supposed to be Dennis Hamilton, who comes trom Michigan. John Fitzgerald president of the Irish Land League, -hfi contractor in charge of the work, was slightly injured. But one of the injured is daugerously hurt. The wreek was caused by engiue running over a buil. More land. Some time ngo the interior department decided that no land grarit road should be oonsitlered to have earued its grants until it had flled a perfected plan of its entire road, ana or tue grantea lana ciaimea. Proceeding from this decisión as a basis it is suggested that a suit may lie against the Northern Pacific road, ín which the government wDl maintain that it is not entitled to any of the land which it claims, for instance, in tho graut from Duluth to Puget Sound, because these lands were not earned, and the perfected plat for that part of the route was not tiledi within the time prescribed. It is hoped by this course of procedure to secure the forfeiture of unearned land grants by departmental instead of congressional actiou. Dangers of Fishing. The owners of the schooner Georgo L. Smith of (ïloucetir. Mass., which sailed for the Grond Banks August 14 on a balibnt vovage, have given her up forlost. She carried a crew of 14 men. All bad foUowed fUhlng from that port for several ■ is and they were oonsidered a tine crew. This mates ?7 vessels lost, of the total value of $173,0C0, and 116 Uves so far this year, by which 2S wives were made widowsandöO children rendered fatherless. _ Tor Five Years. In tho criminal court in Chicago, Frank J. F. Hradley, the embezzling manager of tho Pullman palace car company, appeared to plead guilty to the charge against him and receive sentence. Judge Gollins went through the usual formula and to all quostions Bradley returned a reply in the affirmative. The court then sentenced him to five years in Toilet prison. Bradley was taken there the same day. For Life. At a special session of the Missaukee county circuit court Mrs. Edna Brass and James Craft pleaded guilty of murdering Milo Brass last June, and both will go to Jackson for life. The result is highly satisiactory to the people.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat