1BERBACH&S0N, Dealers In Jrugs, Medicines And a fine lot ot tench Halr Brushet AND Enelish Tooth Brashe. W c12 special ftttentton to our itoek of Ihemical Glass-ware, Apparatus. AND 'ure Chemicus of eur own Importatloa. A full Une of riEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At Hat prices. STTTZDIEIISrT S ín oordlallj in víted to examln our stock uC [uality and prices. EBERBACH & SON. JACKSUN FIRE CLAY CO, Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe AND JDTIJTVT TIULIE I All ourPrain THe arqmad of Firc Clay, ar t unusual ïtrength and light weight, which maerially reduces the breakag and expense oí iransportation. The ditching of this clu-s of Ut ng is less expensive, as they do not require to lald below trost bnt only deep enoug.. to es9ape tbe plow. While this is more económica! t also aids in obtalniug a bftter fall or grade to hè drain. A ful] assortment of all sizes, for leinsmall quantiiles, or car load lot, at th FEÍD0N LÜMBER YARD, James Tolbert, Agent. ' THe, the Greatest Labor-Savlng Machine of the Age." To th Editor of Th Chleaoo Trtoutu. DwiUTT, Hl., Harch IS.- On of the strongad md mout convincing facts that I hav yet seen iritb regard to tile drainage is brought out la ■he December report ut the Agricultural Depajr ment of Illinois. It Is this : ACREA01. Awhg in corn In Livingston Couatr, 1811?. tU,m Aareaee in corn in Logan Coumty, 1881.. 140.SH LiTingston over Logam 127,71 TIILD. Tleld of corn in Llringston County,1881. .6,983,511 Tleld of corn in Logan County, láüi 6,070,M Llringston OTr Logan l,90f ,SM In oth#r words. Logan County has raised nar ly as much corn on 140,859 acres as Livingat county has on 268,597 acres. Fut it in another fora, th farmers in Livingston County har bsen obüred to plow nearly doublé the acreag of land (2S8.r:97), and have raised but a verr imall percntag of increas of corn orer their brethm in Logan County, who only had to plow 140,859 acres. Let us gir It another twist 1 A A farmer who bas bis land well tillad ned onljr worlc elghty acres of land nd grow just about as much corn as tbe man who plows 160 a4 takes all th rlsks of drouth and much beeidas. It is not fair, then, to conclude that the graaUsl labor-saTing machine to-day of the age is the tila drain? From tbe same source of information 1 Sather the followlng as regards th progr at le-drainage in these two counties: TUL Totaloumber of feet laid In Livingstom County upto 1861 l,U0,78l Total niimbtr of feet lald In Logam Countyupto 1881 8e9,4 Thi table proves beyond all thory tbat owlng to th f re use of tile that on county hu be able to produc nearly as much corn on 110,040 acres of land another county has producd ■pon 288,000 acres. which is nearly doublé, ad the beauty of the whole is that it was don with kalf th work: Mr. Editor, euppos a kind PtotI4encshould lengthen out the spin of our dayi Bvtil we saw lfiinoin thoroughiy tile-draind, whr would be put the corn tbat this Sta would produce, and wbat would we do with ouï "slTr dollars?" Samukl T. K. Puin.- RINSEY & SEABOLL ' No. 6 & 8 Washington St. Have on hand a complet stock of tuerjthlng in th Orocery Line. Toai, Coffeei and Sugari, In larg amounts. and at Prices And can sell at Low Figuras. Th lajge invoice of tías thay Buy ld 611, U goud proof that in Quality and Price they G'ive Bargains. TUy Roast their own CoffeM every waak, am4 non but prime artioles are osed. Bielr Bnkery turni out excellent Bread, Oaka nd Crackers. Cali and se thnt. Prices Gone Down A Urge stock of Wall Paper ■elling at A GREAT REDUCTION] I olaim to have the largest and EEST SELECTED STOGI Of Wall Paper and Deoorations in thl oonntj, and can gi ve perfect satigfiiotios in Goods or Work . Paints and Painten Bapplies a special tj. -t4_lte:rrb Sorg, 6uooe nor toF. k A.. Sorg, 8 88t Wsütsingtoii it. lu Arto níiAND&CDb SODA BestinthcWorU.
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