Ki-al Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahteoaw, iö. in the matter of the estáte of Frederick Sorg, deceassd. Notlce is hereby ven. that in purauance of au order gronted to t)ie uuderigned exeoutor of tii' eatate ol aald deceased, by the Bon. Judgu t' Probate for the county of washtonaw, on the üöth day of October, A, Ü. I8twi, there wil) bc sold at public the highest bldder.Ai i aeeoal front door of the court house. in 1 1 ie city ol AiuiArlnr,tii the county of Washtenaw in taid stat', on Tuesday, the I4th day of Decomber, A. t, iHSb. al tan o'clock in the foreDOon of thal day (subject to all n uumb raneo by ínortcage or otherwJw existing at the time of hé deatb f saici deceavedj the foUouriog dBCribed reil estáte, lo wit. Lot four(l), lu biock live ÍS), south of Huron slifft, in range lÜX east, ín the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Also lot flve (5),in block flvi :., BOUtfa t( Hurón street aforesaid, rauje stz (6) eaat, exoeptlng ooe 1 1 1 cbain hihI oine J; tinks in width h roas tiiA aprili end of ttaid lot. AIko h pie i Uuid commeocing two(3) rods eastof tin1 aouthweKt corner of tot night {Hu n biocL flve í5), soitth OÍ Huron Street, range mx (6) Oast, in said olty ol Lnn Arhor on the south Jiceof BHid lot; tlienoe enst on said aouth line one and one-halfO I-U) rods; (henee south parallel with tlm wrM, tiue ot j;u1 lot to the north linethereof; ih nee wgèA "ii Iftld north lino one and one half 'l I -ip'fls; Uience south to the place of beginniiiK Uso tl'-' west two (2) rods of lot numi er elgütOi), in block ttve (5). uouth of Huron street aforesaid, in rauge six (tí) cat, in eaid city of Ann Arbor, Kaid parcela above descrüed constttuting tbe houitstèad of said deceaBed. Also lots trnir 1 1 and (6), in hlook four (4t, south of Huren streef, range neven (7) east, in th citv of Ann Arbor. Michigan. AJso the east twentytwo rJ2) feet in width off from the foltowiog parcel of land: Coinmenciuc tliirty-8Íx (36) f eet west of ihe nurtheaat corner of block two, soutb of Huron street, range live (5) east, in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan; running tbence west forty-four (44) feet; tneuce south eighty-two [H2) feet; thence eaat forty-four (44) fet; thence north to place of beginning. Haled OctoberÜö, iHW. JULLVNNA SORO, Executirx.
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