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MA80NIC DIRECTORY. ANN Arbor Commandkrï, No. 13-Meet fire Tuesday of eaci: month. W. w. Nichols, t. o. W. A. Tolcharil, Recorder. Washtknaw Chaptkk, No. 6, R. A. Ji.-Meet rat Monday of eaeh montn. C. K. Hiacock. H P.j Z. Koath. Secietary. C'hatuau Lodos, No. 130, Order Son of Sain Gror(.-Meot the l'irst and Third Wednes dav evenings ach month. at St. George s Hall over Stiinson & Son's grocery, Ann strwt President, Chas. T. Hougntby; Secretary, Jno H. Niekles. ________ MICHIGAN CENTRAL. TRAISS EAHT: ,, .. 4 33p m n.v -inrüii 530p. m sS Yorkd i .hniïed Express .0 09 p. m Atlantic Kxpress i'i 40 a m Graad ííapidsand'Üetroit Express .. 10 28 a. m TRAINS WfcfeT: ..„,, 8 !la. m Mail m a m Day Expresa ... !.p.n! SïïïdSlSraSdkiiiaiiiiwoo'ÉxpreM 5 80 p, a Evening Étpress J 1 tV" Nml York ' and Ünjtid. Atlantic, and Nieht Kxprens trains east, and the Chicago, KmiiiiK. and Padflc Express trams west, run every day in the weet, Sundays mcluded, AMUSEME'TS. TUK GRAND OPERA HOUSE POSITIVELY ONE APPEAUANCK ONI.Ï. Wednesday Evíñ Kov. 5, 1 886. The popular vmuic etor, . MR. JAS. 0 NEILL! [TosentlDg Dama 1 ork "MONTE CRISTO" A8 produced at all Hrst cías Tlieatres thro'ou't the country, witli a brilliaut cast, elabórate uew scenerv.and reaüstic stage pictures.palnted expressly fór this play bj Mr. Gaspard Maeder, Niblo's, N. V. Graud Effects, Correct Appoiutmenti and Appropriat . Cotumes, and tlia entire production perfect in every detail. Admission, $1, 75, and 50c. No extra charge for reaerved seats now on sale at ïale's Postofflce News Depot


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Ann Arbor Democrat