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Jno. Byma, jr., toRussell Weet, Sylvan, 500. E. A. Calkins to S. G. Miller, city, $2,500. O. L. Matthews to Anna B. Da vis, ity, 8750. Anton Eisele to Albert Steffen, city, 1600. Wm. W. Freuholm, to Martha J. Freuholm, Webster, $1,400. J. Bickford to L. A. Barnes, Ypsilanti city, $350. Geo. L. Yost to Alfred S. Yost, Ypsi anti city. $500. Sarah (Jalarmean to Albert Gutherie, Sylvan, $1,200. S. P. Jewett to Wm. F. Stimson, city, $:S,000. Jno. B. Stark to Lovina Cooper, YpBilanti, $5,000. E R Kogera to A. C. Collins, Lyndon, $0,000. Mary K. Croas to Julia King, Ypsianti city, $125. Sarah A. Dernyis to Eratus White, Lima, $1,000. W. B. & J. A Denman to Thos.Wilkuson, Sylvaa, $400. Harrison A. Niohols et al, to Adolph T. Kern, Ann Arbor, $650. A. K. B. Churchill, by ex. . to G. L. Van Wormer, Ypsilauti, $1,100. Jno. Burton to A. C. Smitb, Augusta, $1,300. Hiram Tuttle to D. O. Griffen, Ypsilanti, $800. Geo. Clarkeu to Jno. Pfisterer, city, $1,000. Marvin Davenport to Chas. Henry, York, $6,000. Delos Showerman to Jas. M. Chidester, Augusta, $5,000. Wm. G. Dieterle to Juo. Kinsier, Manchester, $1,200. Rosana Fox to N. E. Crittenden. Ypsilanti, $1,675. August DeFries to W. L. Stierle, city, $1,300. Anna M Roller to Rosina Hauziilman, Fred. Gaske to Jno. Kuh), Sharon, 675. Ora J. Royce to W. K. and E. A. Ouerin, Sylvan, $1,650. Chas. L. Rook to Jehiel J. Strang, Ypsilanti city, $500. Jos. Bickford to J. M. B Sill, Ypsilan ti, 3,5000. Michael Weinkaf to Alphonso Lemble Ann Arbor city, $650. Rosina Haehnleto Jno. Qoetz, sr., city, 81,300. William Day to lOsther Day, Ypsilanti 82,500. Wm. F. Water to M. Weankauf, Au gustu, $400. Hon. Wm. P. Wells will addresu a democratie meeting ut the opera house next Monday evening. Col. Judson S. Farrar, the Cadidate on the Fi.sion ticket for Auditor-General, entered the service in 1861, as captain of Co. B. Fifth Michigan Infantry. Served with his commnnd through the first Peninsular Campaigo, commauding the regiment at Malvem Hill and at Hamsou 's Landing. He was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of the 26th Begiment in September, 1862, and was again promoted, tothe Colonelcy of the Begiment, which he commanded for nearly two years in the ñeld. Has been Commander of H. D. Terry Post O. A. R. since its organization. Was twice elected Mayor of Mt. Clem ens, three times Register of Deeds of Macomb Counly, and is capable and honest. Col. F.irrar shonld he elected. - [Macomb County Prees.